Tuesday, August 31, 2010


I'm so happy to have some reds to share for REDnesday this week!
I found this cute little S&P set at the flea market this past weekend, where everything on the table was 50 cents!

Another Home Sweet Home sign came from my favorite dollar store on vacation, along with some Cardinal Flowers, which the hummingbirds go nuts for.

Speaking of vacations, this cute little place was on the other side of the lake that we stayed at. I love that silo, and I think it would be fun to live there and pretend I'm a little farmer. Minus all of the chores and harvesting the crops and milking the cows though!

I finally found some streamers for my red bicycle! Thank you Mr. Old Glory for putting them on. That basket was on my bike when I was a little girl, and I would put my little doggie in there and ride him all over the neighborhood!

Unfortunately the bicycle lost most of it's seat over the winter, so it's wearing a bandanna for now!
If you would like to see more reds, please head over to Sue's at It's A Very Cherry World. Sue made that ferris wheel graphic below. She always makes really cute graphics for her REDnesday parties!

Sunday, August 29, 2010


Thanks for tuning in to the continuing saga of my unquenchable thirst for vintage stuff! Garage sales were PAthetic, so I hit the flea market. And I found something to get pretty excited about.

This wee little picnic basket!

I think it looks pretty darn cute down there with some of my collection. I came home from the flea market with only two things, but I'll save the other one for REDnesday. I did find a couple other treasures, but in unexpected places.

FOUND: My old globe, at my Mom's house. I loved that thing when I was a little girl. It now sits on the bookshelf in our living room, and it makes me happy to see it up there.

FOUND: Two pairs of really cute vintage curtains in that cupboard that I just painted! I decided to do a little rearranging in there, and refold all the vintage tablecloths. I vaguely remember buying these at an estate sale, probably 20 years ago. At the time, they just didn't go with the decor at the condo we were living in, but they were too sweet to pass up. They would have looked downright silly hanging next to lots of guitars and amps, but I digress. Do you ever buy things that you really can't use, but you just have to have it? I tend to do that alot! I once bought a vintage fabric cover for a birdcage, and I didn't even have a bird. I still have it, and I still don't have a bird!

I think I might be in love with these curtains. Although they are a little busy for me. I do like those birds and the birdhouse though. Please oh please ignore the filthy windows. We moved into this house 15 years ago, and we still can't get that window open. Painted shut forever. Dang, those curtains really do look cute!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to look around and see if I can find something else that I purchased two decades ago, and then forgot about!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Do you remember this cabinet that I showed you a couple weeks ago, that I wanted to paint, but had no clue what color, or if I should even paint it at all? Ever since I discovered Daisy Cottage, I've been so inspired by Kim's love of color. Well, I finally painted it!

But what color? There are soooo many options.

At this point I was pretty sure I wanted to paint it green. Maybe this groovy green?

In the end I let the lid of this picnic basket be my inspiration! I've always loved that shade of green, so why not?

So I hopped on the ladder, after making sure that my makeup and hair were just right...

And I painted away!

And this is the final result. I LOVE IT!!! Why didn't I do it sooner? Oh yeah, because I was afraid to take the plunge.

I even did some distressing here and there.

And when I was done, I felt like this gal. I PAINTED IT MYSELF!

Oh, and Ms. Secretary Hutch? Brace yourself, because you're next!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Weekend Finds

Time for another episode of My Weekend Finds. And a couple vacation pictures thrown in at the end!

First up is an old Crown birdcage that I got at an antique store while on vacation. After I bought it, I thought it would be really fun to count how many cages I own now. After I got to 7, it stopped being fun, and I'm now convinced that I need some kind of support group! I originally started buying them to plant my hens and chicks in, so that the squirrels wouldn't dig them up in the ground. It's spiraled way beyond that now. I just like them!

A vintage magazine, a Smokey ruler, and an old flower frog still in it's package.

An old Avon bottle in the shape of a dovecote, which has been on my wish list. I just love old Avon bottles, don't you? And a couple pixies to add to the collection.

A cute deck of cards and an old card game that I've never heard of.

These are some of the cards from the game. Aren't they cute? But why is the boy the pilot? The girl just looks way more competent to me!

I have lots more finds to share, but I'll wait 'til REDnesday and White Wednesday. Now onto the vacation pictures. We went to Phillips, Wisconsin and stayed in a cabin on Solberg Lake. This was our view from the cabin. We would get up at 5:30 every morning and fish off that dock.

There were always lots of loons to watch on the lake.

The biggest catch. . . . . . ..

And the smallest!

And every single sunset was a real beauty. It was a great vacation, and I really miss that lake! So, did you find anything this weekend? Or perhaps go on vacation?!

Friday, August 20, 2010

Pink Vacation Finds-Pink Saturday

I'm back from vacation, and our daughter is all moved into her first apartment, so now it's blog time! For this week's Pink Saturday, I'm sharing a few finds from our vacation in Wisconsin.
Here we have a vintage Rubens planter. Is it a pink bluebird? Or is it just a pink bird?!

An old Haeger urn vase.

And last, we have an unusual McCoy planter. I picked it up a few times before finally getting in my car and driving away. As I was heading to another antique store, it was all I could think of, so I knew I had to go back and get it. I'm so glad I did, because if I procrastinated long enough, we'd be back in Illinois, and 350 miles would've been way too far to drive when I finally decided that I just had to have it!
Please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts Pink Saturday every week, and you can see tons of pretty pinks!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Au Revoir,Auf Wiedersehen,Arrivederci!

My bags are packed.......

I'm taking a little road trip......

To the Northwoods of Wisconsin........

I'll be doing a lot of fishing........

A little tanning, in moderation of course......

The trip wouldn't be complete without a stop at Barb's Cafe, for the oh-so-delicious potato pancakes on Fish Fry Friday........

I'm sure we'll have a campfire.........

But we'll be careful, because I wouldn't want to make Smokey the Bear angry....

And speaking of bears, I always hope we'll see some, although it's pretty rare..........

I'll do some reading down on the dock.........

I plan to do lots of this...........

And this. I'm very nervous though. I'll have a few house guests staying in our home while I'm gone.......

So I hope I don't come home to this..........
I won't have any internet access, so I'll miss you all, and I'll catch up with everyone later!