Tuesday, May 21, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!~~~~~~~Well, you will all be relieved to know that I did not find any radios last week! That's the first step in the process of breaking that obsession, wouldn't you say?!
After being outbid on Ebay several times on this particular kind of watering can, I was finally victorious!
A vintage Halloween witch rattle or noisemaker, and bless the person that cut out that wood jack o'lantern and painted it just like the vintage die cuts, which I would never consider putting outside but now I sorta can!
A vintage light-up Merry Christmas decoration.
I'm completely bananas over these birdie clothespins! I'll find something cute for these four to do inside the house.......
While this one perches in a birdcage in the garden.
I put a little light in there too! Love the way the cage's shadow is cast on the shed.
Patriotic Swanky Swigs!
And a sweet little pillow for the bench on the back porch.~~~It was our town's citywide garage sale event, and I don't know exactly how many sales we went to, but it was somewhere between 50 and 100. And all I got were the Halloween things, the Merry Christmas light, the glasses and this pillow. Six things. I still haven't decided whether I'm disappointed or if it was a blessing in disguise! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Front Door Bling!

A few months ago my sister sent me an email urging me to check out Country Sampler magazine next time I was out shopping. She said that there was something in there that she was sure that I would love and want to  make. Boy was she right! Isn't that Door Umbrella decoration sweet?! Love the color of that door too. I knew I had to make one, so the search was on for an umbrella, with a curved handle. Well wouldn't you just know that finding one of those when you need it was like trying to find a needle in a haystack? Probably because I didn't want to pay full price, so I spent alot of time looking at thrift stores. Couldn't find a single umbrella, so my sister found one for me!
This is my version of the Door Umbrella. 
I've got tons of silk flowers, so I gathered all of the Spring-y ones.
And I've got lots of birch branches, so that saved me alot of money too.
All I had to buy was the nest at Hobby Lobby, and I painted the eggs so that it would look like a robin's nest.
My sister also gave me this umbrella, which is just waiting to be stuffed with a bunch of flowers and hung on the back door! 

Monday, May 6, 2013

Oops, I Did It Again!~~MY WEEKEND FINDS

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I did something really stupid at the flea market last week, and frankly, I'm a bit shocked at myself. I wasn't able to do a post about my finds last week, so it feels good to finally be able to talk about this....... 
Seems I have zero willpower when it comes to resisting vintage pink radios!!! So another one came home with me. Have you ever noticed that sometimes when you decide to collect something, it just starts coming out of the woodwork, and you see it everywhere? I don't remember ever seeing pink radios until now, and there are SO many different styles. I'm scared!   
Pottery for the Porch!
It's so nice to have a sister who knows exactly what I like. She found that kneehugger elf and those ornaments for me! 
She also gave me that gorgeous tablecloth and patriotic breadbox.
Another watering can to add to the collection!
A vintage Hallmark Easter honeycomb decoration.
And since I'm being totally honest about my addiction, I found another clock radio today at the flea market. I had to get it, since I've got one in practically ever color but white. And I've always wanted a Brownie camera like this one, so I was thrilled to find it. 
I think this is good for me, to be so open about this obsession of mine in a public forum. Maybe you can hold me accountable, when I say that I don't want to buy any more radios. Honestly, Mr. Old Glory, I promise! 

Thursday, May 2, 2013

IN THE GARDEN~~Jonquils and Junk!

Let's see what's blooming at the cottage! But first, I really feel the need to vent: BLOGGER &GOOGLE, if you want us all to switch to Chrome, why not just tell us, so that we don't waste hours and days trying to figure out why we can't upload pictures to our blogs??? Ok, I feel better now!
Oh, the joys of filling up the old station wagon with flowers and fertilizer! I'll admit that I've started planting way earlier than normal, but I can't seem to help myself!
Crocuses. Always the first flowers to bloom around here, and I miss them already.
Hellebores, or more commonly called Lenten Roses. So shy, they always hang their pretty heads!
Daffodils, or Jonquils, way back in The Secret Garden. 
I don't know why, but these particular daffodils make me grin like an idiot when I see them!
The forsythia bushes are doing better and better every year. They seem to enjoy the severe pruning that I've been giving them once they've bloomed. 
Siberian Squill. Every time I would try to take a picture of them, their little heads would be all closed up. If you think that you might like an electric blue flower in your garden, Siberian Squill is for you!
Oh my goodness, I love the heck out of this vintage lawn spreader. I found it in my Mom's garage, and I plan to put a clear coat on it to preserve it. Can't you just picture white pumpkins, mums and tons of gourds in it for Fall? I can!
After several attempts, I just couldn't get this fountain/birdbath to stop leaking. I bought it at a garage sale several years ago, and it wasn't even supposed to work, but it did, and it's given us, and the birds, so much pleasure. So I pulled out the pump, which I will be using to make another fountain.......
And turned it into a planter. Along with the Asparagus Ferns, I plan to pop some Nasturtiums in there too.  Can't wait to see them tumbling over the sides. I've heard that they're edible, and I think that this is the year that I'm going to put some in a salad!
Look what I found under a cement statue. The very first ladybug of the season! With all of the rain we've had, I'm sure the mosquitoes won't be far behind. So, what's blooming in your garden?