Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Aqua Pyrex mini fridgies have been on my wish list for awhile, so when I spotted these across the aisle at the flea market, I raced over there and grabbed them. I like how they look supporting this old Mr. & Mrs. Claus s&p set. What I don't like is that every time I look at those fridgies, I think about the big aqua fridgie that I left behind. The only way I can justify such stupidity is that the seller wanted alot for it, and my kitchen is very tiny and I had no room for it. I think I know what you Pyrex collectors are thinking, and I totally agree. I'm an idiot!!!   
The very last thing I need is another bird cage, but when I saw this PINK and black one at a thrift store, I didn't hesitate. I wasn't about to let it turn into something like the "Aqua Pyrex Fridgie That I Left Behind Incident"! And at least now that I've admitted that I collect bird cages, I'm learning more about them. This cage is from the 50s and was made by the Bernard Edward Co., or BECO.  
I need to do a bit more rearranging, but for now it's up on the armoire in the bedroom, along with my childhood globe and a Hendryx bird cage. 
This barn is another flea market find. 
It was made by Marx Toys in the 50s.
And it came with a bunch of plastic animals....
And a toy soldier!
Someday, when I'm feeling ambitious, I'll bring the ladder in the house and put the barn up there where our daughter's old Fisher Price barn is. And then it will be a real farm, and I will have to give it a name. Any ideas?  
Christmas Blow Mold Extravaganza!
It felt so good when I had packed up all of the Halloween decorations so neat and tidy in the shed. So when I saw all of this at an estate sale, I actually groaned. But I bought it anyway, and it looks like I'll need to buy another bin! 
Vintage Christmas kitchen towels, and an old Hallmark tray, which will go on the porch. I started decorating inside a week ago, because it seems that lately by the time I'm done with the outside, I don't feel like doing the inside. And it's taking every ounce of self-control to not do the outside NOW! But I will behave, and I'll wait until the day after Thanksgiving. So, are you itchin' to decorate for Christmas, or have you been naughty and already started?!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Garage sale season is just about over, so now it's time to concentrate on estate sales. I have a love/hate thing going  for estate sales. I love the wide variety of things you can find at one, but I hate to wait to get inside the door! I was shocked to find that lady head vase on the right still sitting on a table the second day of a sale. She's now the new girl in the collection!   
Another reason to love estate sales: Vintage towels and linens. Some women of a certain age had a habit of never using the pretty towels and sheets that they were given as gifts. My Grandma was like that. So I always make sure to find the linen closet at sales, right after I've checked out the garage and basement!   
A cement chicken, to join the small herd that I have already.
I think these flash cards are my new favorite thing. You see, I like bugs. ALOT. As long as they're outside and not in my house! The nice lady I bought them from had the intention of getting a big frame and putting a bunch of the cards in it, and I think that's what I will do too. Each card is like a little work of art....
Oops, pardon me, but the girl on the left is now the new girl in the collection! I've had some pretty good luck finding these gals lately. I think that makes 3 in about a month span. New Girl's hand was shattered, glued back together and repainted at some point, but she looks blissfully unaware. But the girl on the right, she looks like she's got a headache, doesn't she?! 
You might remember the red Tonka truck I found this summer. Or not!
At a garage sale, I found that old cart, and we are now in the Christmas tree business. I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas!
I promised myself that I will learn how to quilt this winter, so I couldn't pass up this old quilt top. Love the pattern and the colors. 
A vintage Easter die cut and some carrot lights!
The jadeite green color of this old minnow bucket caught my eye at the flea market. 
And then I saw the graphics.  A shamrock, and "Lucky Waters Minnow Bucket" written on it. It was also holding a bunch of old tools, so I wasn't sure if the seller would part with it. I normally don't go anywhere near a booth that has tools, because you just don't want to get in the way of these guys looking at tools. I can't tell you how many times I've been practically knocked to the ground!  Anyway, I digress, and obviously he let me buy it, and it's proof that it never hurts to ask!  
I always like to share what I do with my junk, or how I display it, and this is what I plan to do with my minnow bucket. It will hold greenery in my Christmas/Winter decorations. It's kinda Farm Chick-ish, don't you think? Again, I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas!!!
I also bought a bunch of guitars for Mr. Old Glory. Guitar lights, that is! He's a musician, and could probably care less about these lights, but they're going down in his man cave, and by golly he will like them! Try as I might, he just will not be drawn into the junking world. He will go with me to the flea market and carry my junk, but I just can't turn him into a junker. For obvious hoarding reasons, it's probably a good thing, right? So, how was your junking weekend?