Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tres Chic

Ok, maybe I meant TRAY chic! Here is a peek at one of my many collections. Several of these came from the wonderful Laurie at Magpie Ethel (please see blog list. I haven't figured out yet how to add a link properly!) A disclaimer: No dust bunnies were harmed in the making of this post!

The pink tray is in the bathroom. Guess where I had to sit to get that shot?


  1. About the pink tray-- very funny. I'm going to guess the toilet? Its not like I know the house or anything though... Also very clever with the TRAY chic hehe =] None of my pictures made it on here though, how sad. Just kidding ;)

  2. You know I am loving the trays...they look great. You have one I don't have!

  3. I'm feeling a little jealous because I'm tray-deprived. I think I have two. (including that little black one with roses like yours.) I was quite excited to see you had posted - yay! Barbara

  4. I love this pink tray!!.so vintage.


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