Tuesday, April 21, 2009

When There Are No Garage Sales...

And there's nothing good at the thrift stores, I go nuts on Ebay! A girl needs her treasures! I'm sure you understand. One day, the mailman had 3 packages for me. It felt like Christmas! The lovebirds and birdhouse are wall pockets, the kitty is a planter, and isn't that breadbox cute?! Pardon the plastic on the kitchen table, but there's a vintage tablecloth under there. There's no way we could keep that thing clean! Well, there are 2 church sales this coming weekend. Wish me luck, so I don't have to troll Ebay anymore!


  1. Loving the birds - I have a flock that inhabit my bathroom. Can't beat a good bird! (and I resort to Ebay as well, when I need a fix!)
    Crossing my fingers for the church sales.

  2. You've been collecting all sorts of wonderful things. I like old things too, and I love your birdhouse with the bluebirds.

    Thank you for your kind comments Carol.

    All my best.


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