Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Time To Decorate Outside!

I'm pretty sure that the risk of snow is over. I think. So it's time to decorate outside! I've got quite a collection of watering cans. These are just a few. I thought they looked rather plain, sitting on this bench, so I painted them! Oh, and by the way, Mr. Old Glory made that bench for me. He's made me alot of things, which I'll show you some other time. The birdhouse is from Hobby Lobby. Well, that's all the "fluffing" I had time for today, between weeding and planting. I hope you had some time today to decorate outside too!


  1. That is a CUTE birdhouse! I love Hobby Lobby and their 40% off coupons! Twyla

  2. Love those watering cans!!!!!!!!!!!

    love, kelee

  3. Aww your little watering can collection I love that so much =]

  4. I love your watering cans. I was just about to throw away one I have had for years and it is just sitting under the carport. Now I will keep it and see if I can find anymore. So colorful and unusual. Thanks for visiting my blog. Come back soon.


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