Sunday, June 14, 2009

Weekend Finds & A Couple Vacation Pics

As usual, if it's Monday, it's time to check out other bloggers' finds at Southern Hospitality. I'm back from my Northwoods vacation, and I thought I'd share some of my treasures that I found. Of course I had to have that scale, because our house is a Sears Roebuck house. It's missing the hands on the scale, but it was only $1. The chicken is yellow, don't know why you can't see that. The tomato canisters will go on my porch, and that little lunchbox will be for some kind of storage. This old house only has 2 closets, so storage is a desperate issue!

Lots of little knick-knacks. I love that little purse flower pot--I wish I could find a money plant to put in there! The old mirror was $1.50, but you probably can't see it very well. No matter where I hung it on the wall, it reflected all the the stuff I still have to unpack!

The floral picnic basket arrived from Ebay just before our trip. I still can't believe it wasn't a battle to win that!

This little guy greeted us as we pulled in to the resort. Go Pack Go!

This was the view from our cabin door. Storms are rolling in. It was a very chilly and damp week, but we still managed to have fun....

as you can see by the smile on Mr. Old Glory's face, after he caught a Northern. The fish weren't biting, but the mosquitoes were! I didn't catch anything big, so no picture of me!

Geese, and lots of babies!

We saw quite a few deer...

And this is one of the beautiful sunsets we saw. It was like the sky was on fire! There is nothing like the Northwoods, even when the weather isn't that great. God's Country, for sure! And what's even better is that I get to go back up there in 5 more days...


  1. Oh this does SOOOOOOO look like our lake view when we are in the northwoods - -I can't WAIT to get up there.

    Seems now I'll be going twice in July - - - once for a few days, then home for a few days, then back up for two weeks!!!!!!!!!

    Hey - - - my parents HAD the same metal picnic basket that looks like it's woven. I can just see a bit of yours under your new flowered one.

  2. Wonderful finds and looks like you had a wonderful vacation, the weather just never seems tp cooperate does it?

    I live in an older house too, and understand well about the storage issue! Tins, baskets, anything that you can put something in are great. I just have trouble remembering where I have everything stashed!

  3. Great finds and looks like a good vacation. Love all those little knick knacks...they always end up coming home with me too.

  4. You have many fun and colorful finds. They all look wonderful together. We were in Wisconsin this morning, but not in the the Southland of Union Grove at the flea market. Happy Thrifty Treasures.

  5. Nice fines! Great photos - thanks for sharing your vacation.

  6. Hi Carol. I really enjoyed all your photos. Oh my what great treasures you accumulated! So much fun...
    Your view on vacation was perfect...

  7. I LOVE that flower vase that looks like a tree trunk with a blue deer in front of it, so cute!

    OMG, and that pic of your cat in a sweater on the sidebar, sooooo funny!!!

  8. Great finds! Love the pics of your vacation. I used to live in an older house that lacked storage also. I used alot of baskets to store everything and I still do in the new house, they're handy and I like the way they look.

  9. Great finds! That looks like a happy assortment of containers.
    Your vacation pictures look nice. I love the last one.
    Mary Lou

  10. Great finds. I love to use anything I can for storage too. Always a blessing. Your vacation pics look like you had a great time. Hugs, Marty

  11. Loved browsing through your vacation photos and fabulous finds. I especially like that canister with the tomatoes. Have a great evening.

  12. Looks like a fun vacation & you found some nice things at the yardsales too. Thanks for joining up this week!

  13. Great finds! Love the old tins! Looks like you had a great vacation! :) ~Rhonda

  14. the tomato canisters...the floral picnic basket....ahhh...they're just fabulous! :) great finds!

  15. I have the same exact scale!! It works too! Great
    I vacationed in and around Ely, Minnesota and the Boundry Waters last year. I considered that the Northwoods...where was your vacation? Loved the loons there!
    Cute, cute picnic basket too.

  16. Thanks for stopping by my blog! It looks like you really found some treasures! I love the scales. I've been wanting some to put in my kitchen.

    I understand your closet issue completely. I live in a house that was built in 1898. Most folks back then didn't have many clothes and had no need for closets. There is a closet under the steps that holds our coats and vacumn cleaner and a teeny tiny linen closet in the bathroom. Thankfully, our laundry room is rather large, so my husband has hung shelving units for our clothes!

  17. Love all your finds int hat first pic.

    barbara jean

  18. What great treasures! You live in a beautiful area!

  19. All those goodies! Great finds! That picnic basket is darling and the birdies are too cute!

    Your trip looked wonderful!

    Thanks for sharing!


  20. I absolutely love your little ornaments. I am really into kitch stuff like that. Beautiful scenery at the resort. It looks like you had a good time

  21. Cool finds. I would have snatched up those goodies too. have fun on you next vacation. Looks very peaceful.

  22. Welcome back - those vacation pictures are beautiful! And great finds too! Love it all!

  23. Hi carol, I love your blog, your collectibles are cute and I love your garden and cat, Mimi Lucy, she's so cute! Coincidental story.... we were watching Gun Smoke the other day, and Festus kept staring at the TV every time they said his name with a really odd look on his face. I guess you had to be there, but it was pretty funny! :O)Mary @Boogieboard Cottage

  24. Ummm, I love the old tins you found.
    The lake looks GREAT..

  25. Gorgeous pictures and great finds!!

  26. Looks like you found some great treasures & had a wonderful time. Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  27. Hey there! Thank you for visiting me over at Eventually Cottage! It's so nice to meet you!!!

    I'm a huge Packer fan, love that little guy!!! Go Pack Go!!!

  28. hehe, i'm also counting down the days until we go back to our weekend/summer place (trailer, actually, in Vermont on Lake Champlain) :)

    You found some great things!!

  29. I love the reds and yellows of the canisters and their patterns. So vintage-ly appropriate for yours Sears house! I've never seen a little scale like yours before. You had some good luck w/all your goodies, Carol. Thanks for stopping by- I do love my little table.But if I don't hurry up and seal it, it'll all flake off! tee hee

  30. What a pretty vacation spot! You have some wonderful finds there! That deer planter is so cute!


  31. Thanks for stopping by my blog - I think the scale you picked up is so cute.

  32. Hi Carol !
    I really love that scale too !
    Great buys all around and so vintage !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  33. Great finds and I love that picnic basket. The pic of the geese is beautiful, nothing like nature. Thanks for stopping by my blog, you're welcomed anytime. Debbie

  34. What a gorgeous sunset, Carol! Great blog--I can't wait to look around some more. That floral tin basket you scored from ebay is fantastic! If I had known it was there, I would have fought you for it! ;)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  35. Hi Carol
    Thanks for visiting my blog, I love that scale. I saw a couple when I was out y-saling. I don't know why I didn't buy one!

  36. Gorgeous, gorgeous~what a place! I am in LOVE with that green kitchen scale~wow.

  37. Hi Carol. I'm sorry for the delay in returning the blog love. I meant to get over here sooner. Love your TTT post.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog the other day. Now, I'm off to look around your blog. Have a great day!

  38. You got some good stuff!!! Everything looks amazing. :) Looks like you all had a good trip too. :) Thanks so much for stopping by my blog!

  39. Looks like a fun vacation! I love to go to the woods & REALLY get away from it all!

  40. Looks like a pretty fabulous vacation (especially with all that great stuff you brought back!)

  41. I absolutely love that sunset picture its gorgeous. And the picture of Dad is pretty funny, but nothing beats that picture of him holding the turtle!


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