Sunday, August 30, 2009

Garage Sale Goodies and Ask Me Anything!

I saw this beauty before I was even half way up the driveway of the garage sale! It called my name. I asked if it was for sale, because it was sitting behind all of the tables. The owner said yes. Now I was afraid to ask the price, because it's huge. 3' x 4'. I had $50 tucked away in my wallet, just in case I was ever to find one. I never see the big square ones at antique stores. I had given up hope. The one I really wanted, my Mom won't let go of. So when the lady having the garage sale said " $4, is that ok?", if I had opened my mouth and let out the scream of joy, you would have heard it wherever you might be in the country!! $4!! I'm so blessed that this seems to happen alot to me. I'll say that I would like to find something, and shortly thereafter, I find it! Blessed indeed!

I also got this old glass shelf for $2. I have no idea how old these things are, but it makes me feel pretty snazzy, almost like a Hollywood starlet!

I got two of these hooked rugs, for $5 each. Again, no idea how old they are. They're in great shape, and I have to keep shooing the kitty off of them, because it would be nice if they stayed fur-free for at least a couple of days, but I don't think that's going to happen!

A cute strawberry tablecloth for my fruity kitchen, for $1.

More vintage fruitiness, in tablecloth form, for $1.

These old blow molds were 25 cents each. The Santa and snowman both say 1968 on them. I especially like that jack-o'-lantern, because I loooove vintage Halloween things! And speaking of Halloween....

I got this magazine by the Queen of Halloween! Nobody does Halloween like Martha! Her Halloween issues are always a must-have, as is the Country Living issue. I can't wait to dive in there, because I always get great ideas from her!
Now I would like to try something here. I feel that maybe alot of you don't really know me, and would like to ask me a question, to get to know me a little better. You can ask me anything, and I will answer all of your questions in my next post. Holly at Girls at Heart did this on her blog, and it was really fun! I feel like I need to open up a bit more here so, I am an open book! Ask away! But please, no questions about politics or religion!


  1. You scored some great things this week. I love the mirror and that glass shelf is fun. I have never seen one like it before.

  2. Love that bathroom shelf!!

  3. You definitely scored some great deals this past weekend!!! What a fabulous price on the vintage tablecloths and I thought my 2 at $3.00 a piece was good!!

  4. You did the vintage halloween light. I just picked up that Martha the other day and haven't read it yet. Have been working on Halloween in the studio so am definitely getting in that mode.
    I have to think of a question...needs to be a doozy!

  5. Love LUV!!! That glass shelf. You did good, ladybug! Have a beautiful week. TTFN ~ Marydon

  6. I can not believe that you found your mirror! $4! Oh, the glass shelf, so unique. I've paid $4 for that plastic Santa alone!

  7. What lovely yard sale finds - and great prices!!!

    My question - how many sets of dishes do you have? I'm crazy for dishes so I like to hear about what other people have.

  8. Hi Carol
    Thanks for your comment on my blog re the rooster party. I did wonder where you were. What a shame you missed it with all your lovely roosters.
    You have picked up some great stuff at the garage sale. I love that rug. I would just go nicely in my bedroom! The table cloths are really cute. I love them.

  9. You've gotten those tableclothes at a steal! I've had my eye on some and they are way too expensive in the antique shops! Way to go!

  10. Love the linens best! But that glass shelf is so Doris Day Hollywood!

    Q: What do you mean that your house is a Sears &Roebuck house? If you already addressed this in a post, you can just refer me to it.

  11. Wonderful mirror, shelf, rugs, tablecloth, all of it! I have that second tablecloth, but mine has no trim, I like that!

  12. What political party are you and what religious denomination are you.


    Seriously, thanks for the sweet note over at Armchair Housewife. Actually, Carol, the house we are looking to buy is a condo! haha... BUT they are pretty open about what you can have in your back yard we've noticed from visiting, and to be snobby, i mean honest, I sort of like the idea of, in a more urban close-setting, to have some control over what people can and can't have in their yards. We saw some free-hold townhouses and semis that were nicce and all, but right next store you had a guy with his car up on blocks in the front drive and beer cans on the grass, you know? Haha...

    And this place is exactly the layout and the amenities we need in our pricerange, but the inside would be totally hours which is definitely a step in the right direction. And it's a townhouse style, so we have three floors and a back yard, so it won't feel like an apartment anymore.

    Thanks for your wellwishes. the verdict is still out but I think we're leaning towards getting it.

    :) Blessings!

  13. I say you found some wonderful things at some super prices! Love them all! Cindy

  14. AWESOME...finds. Love the mirror and glass shelf :) and the Halloween pumpkin guy and the Linens!!! Lots of garage sale goodies for you.
    Deb :)

  15. Is that the newest Martha Stewart Halloween???? I love her holiday issues.

    And I love those glass shelves, so cool!

  16. 4$ you got that for $$???? omg that is amazing! wow. wow wow!


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