Friday, August 21, 2009

Look What I Got!!

I was the lucky recipient of three things this week!
1. POISON IVY!! Tuesday night I had a couple of itchy spots on each arm. That's nothing unusual for me, so I thought nothing of it. Until Wednesday morning. Both of my arms look like this, I've got it on my chin, and my upper lip. Yay! My niece is turning 1, and I think I just might terrify her at her party this weekend :-( I've had this several times before, so I know I'm looking at 2 weeks of trying not to scratch.

2. A DIGITAL PICTURE FRAME!! I won Shara's giveaway! I'm having so much fun playing with this thing! As soon as I opened it, I started loading pictures on it. And look at the other cute things she included in the package. I love the old popcorn and peanut bags, in my favorite colors. How did she know?! And what's inside that red, white, and blue striped package?

It's a cute vintage apron, modeled by my daughter Liz. It was really hard to get a good picture of the frame doing it's thing, so...

Here you can see the apron, and Liz, so much better. Isn't it so stinkin' cute? The model, too! I wanted to take a picture of myself wearing the apron, but, as you read in #1, I am all bumpy and itchy and not very photogenic right now. Thank you Shara! I love it all!

3. A VINTAGE RED PLAID TOWEL!! I won this towel from Joan at Anything Goes Here! Didn't she wrap it so cutely?! I don't want to take the Bingo card off yet, because I like it as is! Thank you Joan!
Well, that's it for me! I hope I can sleep through the night without waking up scratching! Tomorrow morning we move Liz back to college....sniff, sniff. I'll miss her so much! She's such a sweetheart, and such fun to have around! She.......oh, I better not cry, because it will only make me itch!!


  1. You are certainly welcome! Your daughter looks adorable in the apron! I meant to sew up that pocket before I sent it to you - am sorry that I forgot. Oh well, it adds character, right??? Glad you are enjoying the frame - they are fun contraptions!

  2. Awwww - hope the itchies go away soon.

    Cute stuff- and that apron - and the wearer are cute indeed.

  3. Well...things aren't all bad...bless your heart! I hope you get over the itchies!

  4. Oh Carol that is NO fun at ALL! You poor dear! (hugs)

    And let me say that "model" is the right word for your lovely daughter, she is gorgeous! :)

    And your wins were fantastic! Thanks for sharing!

  5. Hope the itching clears up soon. Digital photo albums are great aren't they. I bought my mum one for Christmas. I love the apron. Liz looks good in it with her fantastic figure!

  6. Itching and crying huh....must be a happy time at your house - at least you won a couple of give aways to lift your spirits!
    Cute daughter, cute apron...

  7. Hi Carol

    Me again! I have left you a little award over at my blog. Congratulations. Hope this makes your itch go away!
    Susie X

  8. Don't scratch!!! Isn't it hard? And poison ivy is just extra-itchy of a rash!!!

    I know it's fun for them, but it's hard on moms when offspring go off to college...just remember that you made it through and they will, too...

    Your giveaways' loot is wonderful!

  9. Yikes! Poison Ivy you could do without! But, what fun to have won Two Giveaways. I'm glad you liked the towel and bingo cards! Thanks so much for entering my giveaway and reading my blog. I really appreciate it! xo Joan

    P.S. I had poison ivy so badly when I was a kid that I had to have shots for about 5 years so I wouldn't get it again ~ so I feel your pain!

  10. WOW! Except the poison Ivey!! I ad it this year for the first time and even with medicine it lasted 2 weeks!! Other wise you had a great week!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Your daugther is such a stunner...
    I bet that she gets her good looks from her mummy! lol
    L.O.V.E the apron too!
    Thanks for your lovely comment... You made my day!


  12. What a wonderful prize to have won, Carol! Sorry to hear about your itchy rash... Your daughter is a cutie in that apron, BTW. I went to that sale last week, and all of the metal picnic baskets were gone. I will keep looking for something real reasonable for ya. Hope that ol' poison ivy goes away real fast.
    :-) Sue

  13. What lovely items you won and, wow,your daughter is so very pretty!!

    I've never been in contact with poison ivy. I hope it clears-up fast!!

  14. Well, your lovely daughter certainly gives justice to that wonderful apron! Congratulations to you on winning such lovely give-aways.

    I sure hope you are feeling better soon. Poison anything can't be much fun at all.

  15. You lucky lady (well except for the poison ivy)!!


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