Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Yay! It's Rednesday!

Guess what?! It's Rednesday! What's that, you ask? Why, it's when everyone who loves red gathers at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess. Today I'm sharing some red things from the kitchen. Let's take a gander....

I found these bowls at a thrift store, and they were only 45 cents each. I enjoy my Cheerios so much more in these bowls!

These bowls were also purchased at a thrift store. They are Corning Ware, so they're nice and heavy. I'll eat pretty much anything out of these beauties!

These plates are my most, most favorite. They are melamine, and they are from here. And I think I need these, and possibly these. Yes, definitely those! Now head on over to Sue's, and see some more red!


  1. I have a plate just like your rooster bowl. I got it at Walmart a while back and so wish I would have bought several instead of just one. Love all your cute, cottagey stuff! Yes, that is an old paint by number dog picture I got for $1. I was so excited! I am planning to start a collection of dog prints/pictures/paintings to hang somewhere in my house.

  2. Love roosters but that last one made my heart beat faster! So cool!

  3. Love the REDnesday posts. I can't say it, but I love it! I used to have a red, white & blue kitchen until I realized it really clashed with my stained glass, over the kitchen table lamp, that used to be my over the dining room table lamp when we lived in grander digs than a single wide mobile. Gosh...if that's not a run*on sentence, I don't know what is!!! I moved out the R, W & B to a different room, posted about it on the 4th of July. Anyway, cool plates! *elaine*

  4. I've been on a hunt for YEARS now to get those types of red gingham plates..oh my...they are beautiful

  5. You just had to make me drool, didn't you! Those flag plates are so "you", and so summery! They're all beautiful!

  6. Oh, I like them all! And I love how you kept saying "and I got these from the thrift store..." even better! I might just have to join this carnival, I do love some red...

  7. Maybe I should shop at my local thrift store more often! It looks like you found some real prizes.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  8. Hi Carol,
    Just joined Sue for Rednesday and saw your link and decided to come visit. What lovely plates. I saw the plates you liked at CS Post & Co...CUTE!!! Now I want some too. My favorite were the mint green and white polka dot with the floral print combo...love, love, love it. Thank you for sharing. Have an awesome Wednesday!!

    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  9. You did great with your thrift store shopping. We do not have that many here, and when I go, I cannot find things worth buying. Enjoyed your post and your visit by my place.

  10. Don't you just love that huge country sink. But I'm afraid the dishes would really pile up! But it wouldn't be too bad if they were your cute red ones.
    Love your lady in the pink dress swinging on the garden gate. She needs to come over and model a few of my pickets today. Do you mind of she visits me today? I'll be sure to let folks know where she came from ;-)

  11. I love all of your plates and bowls and the lovely linens displayed with them!! I think I definitely "need" some of those pretty plates from CS Post & Co.!! Thanks for sharing it all!! Have a great day~

  12. Your plates and bowls are great!! Love all the red!

  13. I grew up on melamine, but I don't remember any of them being that pretty!☺

  14. I am loving your blog.Red happens to be one of my most favorite colors...I am going over to check out the other Rednesday blogs..thanks so much for sharing.


  15. Hi,I'm back to let you know,the flag was a freebie from some where,I can't remember where but,you are more than welcome to save it from my blog to use...help yourself. It is very nice to meet you and thanks for choosing to follow my blog.I may just show up next week with something red for

  16. Totally on the same polka dot wavelenght as you today with your desired plates. Check out my post today! Love the fun red stuff.

  17. Love all these bowls and plates, I can never turn down anything in red!

  18. I love those red plates with gingham edging. They would look gorgeous at a picnic.

  19. Love your plates, sooo cute! I've been adding some more red to my kitchen lately, these would be great.

  20. How beautiful! I love the second ones the most and will have to participate next week too :)

  21. Just now visiting the REDnesday posts! I love your dinnerware/breakfastware or whatever you call it. I visited the links you shared and decided I had to bookmark the website you shared. I love it! I would not have known about it if I had not visited you. So I am glad you did! Hope you are having a great week!

  22. What cute plates! I am a rooster lover, so I loved that one, but then I got down to the last one and loved it even more! Perfect for Old Glory Cottage! laurie

  23. What cute plates! I am a rooster lover, so I loved that one, but then I got down to the last one and loved it even more! Perfect for Old Glory Cottage! laurie

  24. CUTE CUTE CUTE! Love them! You must do a tablescape and show us all!

  25. I have those plates on the bottom with the flags! I love them! I found a plate and bowl of the top one with the rooster at a thrift store and Angie (Happy Homebody) has some that she bought at Wal Mart years ago. We're both looking for more of that pattern! Lucky you!



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