Monday, September 28, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Award

Dawn at Cottage State of Mind has given me an Attitude of Gratitude award! In her own words, it's an award celebrating the ability to "see the blessings where they're not obvious, and making lemonade instead of complaining about sour lemons"! I am supposed to share what I am grateful for, and then pass the award on. Here are just a few things I am grateful for:

My sweet, wonderful daughter Liz. She's as beautiful on the inside as she is on the outside! This is a picture of her packing to go back to college. These are just some of her many purses!

My sweet husband, who not only lets me take a picture of him with a butterfly on his head, but also doesn't mind if I put it on my blog!

Our cozy little home, that sheltered us from the tornado that passed within 10 miles of our home last night!
And the little patch of land that I am able to grow beautiful flowers like this on. When I was too afraid to tend this little back garden, because of my mean neighbors, I felt like I had been robbed of something. Since I've taken control of it again, I feel like a piece of a puzzle has been slid back into place, and this has been one of the best summers ever! Minus the poison ivy that I keep finding back there!
I am grateful for so many other things too, like every single friend and family member, and all of the wonderful people that I have met in the blogging world! I am truly blessed! Now I would like to pass this award on to some people who know the meaning of the word "gratitude"!

1. Holly-Girls at Heart

2. Ann-Protector of Vintage

3. Cindy-My Good Life in Nebraska

4. Coralie-A Vintage Cottage Home

5. Lillysue-A Peace of Bliss You've GOT to check out her pink kitchen!!

6. Hattie-Little Red Roost

7. Shelley-Shelley Vintage Variety

8. Nicole-Armchair Housewife

9. Susie-Susie's Country Cottage and Garden

10. Suzanne-Coloradolady


  1. Thank you for thinking of me, Carol. I accept this award with pleasure and am honored to do so! Have a sweet and wonderful day!

  2. Carol~
    You are so sweet to think of me!
    I am very grateful for your award and I LOVE your blog!!

  3. Love your post! Congrats on your award! Your daughter is sweet! And I'm glad that was just some of her many purses. If she didn't have more she might loose her girl card! hehehe
    Thanks for sharing!
    Hugs, Lisa

  4. Congratulations on your award! And now you have given me some new blogs to check out ;-)


  5. Family and a home are definately something to be grateful for, especially the way this crazy world is right now.

    I hope you have a cellar or basement if you're in tornado country. So scary! I'll take the California earthquakes any day! Ha, ok, I rarely make it to the big citites. I've felt the big ones but from a great distance with no damage. Something else to be thankful for.


  6. Hi Carol,
    Congrats on the award! I love your house, it is so charming and your daughter is very pretty too! Cindy

  7. Thanks for thinking of me Carol!

    Oh, I not yike tornados! ♥

  8. What a lovely and lively daughter!

    And long-suffering husband! lol

    I am glad you were able to reclaim your backyard. But sorry that the scary backdoor neighbor has no concept of what a real neighbor is -- he's really an impoverished personality...

  9. Hi Carol
    Congratulations you on your award. I am thrilled to see you've included me on your list. That is so thoughtful of you. I feel as if I don't deserve it as I've been a bit neglectful of my blogging lately. Hope you have a lovely day.
    Susie X

  10. Thank you so much for the award Carol. I have loved getting to know you and visiting your sweet blog. Thanks again...

    Much blessings

  11. You do have many things to be grateful for. Congratulations on your award. Have a wonderful day! Twyla

  12. Hi! You won my fall giveaway! Send me an email with your address and I'll get it out to you! Congrats!
    Hugs, Lisa


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