Sunday, September 13, 2009

Garage Sale & Flea Market Finds

Garage saling was horrid this weekend. Atrocious. The pits! I went to about 15 sales, and only came away with four things. I'm saying it like it's a bad thing, but maybe it's for the best. I have so much stuff already! I got the yellow and white pottery pieces for $1 each.

Isn't this little green pot cute?! The sweetest little old lady was the cashier at this sale, and she said, Oh, you're buying my little green pot! And I said, Yes, I guess it's my turn to love it! I think she liked that I said that, because she seemed very proud of her things. I will love that little green pot! That thing in the background was hers too, but I'm saving it for the Rednesday party, so you'll have to stop back in to see what it is. It's very cute, and I love it!

I went to a flea market Sunday morning. I hadn't been there in probably 15 years, because the prices were starting to get outrageous back then. Today, I was sad to see that there weren't nearly as many antiques as in past years, but it was still fun to be back. I got this Statue of Liberty souvenir. It's very heavy, and it's my third one, so it's official: I am a collector of Statue of Liberty souvenirs!

I also got this great old alarm clock. Guess what?!? I am also now a collector of little alarm clocks! Yay! I didn't see that coming, but when I went to put it with the "others", I realized I had been collecting them! Does that ever happen to you? Where you've got a collection of something, and you didn't even know it?

This little "cuckoo clock" was only 15 cents. That's right. 15 cents, Made In Japan. I've been wanting one of these for a while now, but wasn't crazy about the $10 and up price tags I was seeing. That's another thing. It seems that if I wait long enough, something will come along, in my price range. I love when that happens!

Finally, a teeny tiny cloche! I have trapped one of my little roosters inside! Well, all in all I guess I didn't do too bad. I got two other things at the flea market that I will also share on Rednesday. Now if only I could get over the two things that I was outbid on this weekend, on Ebay....


  1. FIFTEEN CENTS?! WHAAAA?!!! I cannot believe it!! What a STEAL!

    You got some AWESOME finds!

  2. I think you got great stuff! Love the clocks!
    Hugs, Lisa

  3. I love the green pot too, it is so pretty. Great finds...

  4. You did great! May I send you my shopping list? Chuckle!

    Have a great week ... TTFN ~ Marydon

  5. That nasty collecting bug has bitten again - Ms. Liberty and alarm clocks huh? I can't tell you how many times that collecting bug has gotten me...can't complain tho!

  6. What darling stuff!

    I am going to borrow your "my turn to love it" line from now on, when someone seems a bit sad to let something go!

  7. The little cloche is gorgeous and I love the Statue of Liberty sourvenir. I am always amazed at the amount of stuff you find. Have you any room left in your house?!

  8. At least you're still going to garage sales, I've kind of given up for the year, just waiting on our giant flea market that happens in a couple weeks. Love that little pot and the clock, great finds!

  9. Carol -
    You found some really great treasures. I love the yellow pottery and the cute little green pot. I can't believe the cuckoo clock was 15 cents! Score! I'm finding that I am becoming a collector of a few things also and that's okay they make me happy :)

  10. You did good,Carol!!!
    The tiny cloche is sweet, little wall clock, only 15 cents and the green it all.
    So...if I have more than 3 of's a collection??!!!
    Send Help...I have way too many collections :)
    Deb :)

  11. What great treasures!! My favorite is the cute green pot. What did you try to win on ebay?

  12. Carol, I love your little baby cloche! Trapped your rooster? tee hee... What a steal @15 cents for the cuckoo clock. Cute things, sweetie!
    :-) Sue


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