Tuesday, September 1, 2009

It's Rednesday!

It's Rednesday, so join me at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess, and we celebrate all things red!

Today my red things come from the dining room. The vase above is chalkware, and verrrry ooold. It was in my grandparents' house for as long as I can remember. It's pretty beat up, but I love it! Alot of my most treasured things came from their house.

This little flowerpot is marked Made In Japan on the bottom. It was only $2 at an antique store, so I grabbed it! It's pretty rare to find something so cute, so cheap at an antique store.

This egg was hand-painted in Czechoslovakia. We go to the Czech Fest almost every summer in Phillips, Wisconsin, and I try to add a new egg to my collection. Sometimes they are cheap, sometimes not. It all depends on the vendor. I think I need to bring a little suitcase next time, just for the eggs. And maybe some hand-painted Czech ornaments too. It's a big ordeal trying to get the eggs home without breaking them! Well, if you liked looking at my red stuff, head on over to Sue's. And maybe share some of your own red things!


  1. Hi Carol! What a funky vase - glad you kept it! And the eggs are so pretty, too!

  2. I like that red-lipped little deer that's next to your Japanese flowerpot, too!

  3. You have a lovely blog. I just signed up!


  4. Happy Rednesday! ☺

  5. So glad you shared some red for Rednesday. Great collection!

  6. I must join in with Rednesday sometime. It is always over before I get around to sorting out my red stuff! I love that little vase.
    Susie X

  7. Those eggs are lovely - I used to make the designs on eggs using the wax removal method - time consuming, but beautiful craft!

  8. Very cute! I really like your eggs! Have a wonderful REDnesday.


  9. Beautiful blog! I love those eggs...wish I'd made some like it. :)

  10. Fun RED things! You are lucky to have gotten some things from your grandparents house. I have some of my grandmother's things too!

  11. That vase is amazing. Love the chippy parts. Nothing as fragile as those eggs would ever survive my family!

    Are you sure that little red flower pot doesn't belong over on my post ~ it would fit right in! Darn, I guess I'll have to enjoy it from afar.


  12. Oh lovely reds! You found some new ones that I haven't seen before!
    Hugs, Lisa


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