Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Rednesday, A Barn Sale & Plate Love!!

I forgot that today is Wednesday, and that makes it Rednesday! Please join me at It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess! Thank goodness my first item here is red! When there is a holiday, my days get all confused! Friday I went to a sale that I look forward to every year. It's held in a barn, and that barn is packed to the rafters with stuff! And the grounds outside of it are full of furniture and more stuff. And the prices are always amazing!
I got this old quilt for $2.50. I don't know anything about quilts, but I think it was hand-quilted, because the stitches aren't all the same length. Does anyone know anything about it? I'd appreciate any info on it. I just think it's a perfect adddition to my patriotic decor!

I've always wanted one of those milk glass pitchers! Well now I have one, and I'm using it as a vase. I put an old canning jar inside to hold the water, so the pitcher doesn't get all scummy. That tumbler is ginormous, and is great for a big ol' glass of iced tea! Love the old pink pottery donkey too. Luckily my friend Nancy grabbed it for me! This sale is so crazy that you have to go through it a couple of times in order to see everything. And you better grab things and decide later if you really want it!

I certainly didn't need another sewing basket, but I couldn't leave it behind, at $1.

I'm glad I grabbed it, because there were some cute things inside. Anyone need a pocket with the name Lil on it?

Cute little patches, and lots of sequins!

Nancy grabbed this old part of a crate for me too. She knows me so well! I'll hang this in my laundry room down in the dungeon. I mean basement!

Two great books, especially the bird book, from 1923.

With lovely illustrations by Robert Bruce Horsfall.

But the sweetest part is that someone pressed a bunch of clovers throughout the book! All 3-leaved though. Darn the luck!

A few posts ago I said that you could ask me anything, and I would answer your questions. Peaceful Afternoon wanted to know how many dishes I have. I've just pulled one dish from each set, instead of dragging all the sets out of the cupboards. I had no idea I have so many, but I have a feeling that those of you that participate in the Tablescape party have ALOT more than me! And I just realized I forgot three sets that I keep on the attic steps. Christmas, Easter, and the set my Grandparents gave us when we got married. Darn!

Willow Ware Royal China.

My favorite! They're melamine, so I constantly have to remind my family: DO NOT put these in the microwave!!

Our every day dishes, from Corelle. I love that pattern on the right. It's so 70's! I just realized I've forgotten another set of Corelle too! You really know you have too many dishes when you don't even know what you have in your cupboard!

We use these melamine plates for the 4th.

I had to have a set of these because my Grandma had them!

My sister gave us this set when we moved in to our house. It was the perfect gift, because I've been a longtime rooster collector! I especially love using these for Thanksgiving.

Fiesta and Harlequin plates. I would love to find a couple more, because I can only use these for us, and not company.

And finally, we have our most priceless collection! McDonalds and Disney plates! The two yellow ones on the left are from when I was a teenager! Well there you have it. You have seen most of my dishes! So tell me....how many sets of dishes do you have??
Update: I just discovered that I forgot to include my Jadite Fire King plates!! What is wrong with me??!


  1. Hi Carol,
    Happy REDnesday! You got yourself some great treasures! Love the plates!


  2. Well that was fun - I love all your sets.

    And that quilt - what a steal - almost as good as my quilt for a quarter and it looks to be in much better condition. I'd love to go to that barn sale - sounds like great fun - and you go such great things.

  3. Wow! Where do I begin . . . Bird Biographies - what a great name for a book! The quilt is so perfect for you, I'm glad you found it! Oh, and your "tumbler" is really a cocktail shaker without the cover. I have a few of them - they're so cool!

    We'll be waiting for a post with the title "Dishes I Found In The Nooks and Crannies Of My House That I Forgot To Blog About Before"!

  4. Wow, that's a lot of stuff! I would've picked up that basket for $1 too. And I'm jealous of the bird book! Especially the robins picture :)
    Have a great day!

  5. The quilt is fabulous!!! And what a deal...I'm no expert, but sure looks hand quilted to me.

  6. It seems I remember my Mamaw had some of those ginormous tumblers...what a trip down memory lane!

    Hope you have an awesome Rednesday!

  7. Hi Carol
    A very happy Rednesday to you! That quilt was a real bargain, all that work for $2.50 and I love the pink donkey. Let me know when they are having another sale in that barn and get the next plane over!
    Susie X

  8. Awwww, what fun would a barn sale be. A gal can never have too many dishes or shoes!! That quilt is soooo amazing and patriotic. The work looks impecable. you got some great sewing goodies too.

  9. Like you said! There I was lounging in my swing and missed that awesome barn sale. But then looks like you got all the good stuff ;-) Enjoyed looking through it all.

  10. some companies, like fruit of the loom, did sell "cheater" quilts, which that one is. (Where the design is printed on, not pieced or appliqued). It's possible it was handquilted in a factory, like the quilts you can buy today, but I have no idea about that particular quilt.

  11. Hi Carol...

    Just read the sweet note that you left on my new Autumn dishes post...so happy to have you stop by and thank you for leaving me such a sweet comment!!!

    My friend, you really made off like a bandit at that sale!!! Ohhh my, I always dream of finding a sale like that...there is nothing like that around here! Ohhh...you found some great treasures!!! Girl, that beautiful red and white quilt is simply fabulous and I really can't believe that you got it for just $2.50!!! I think that may just very well be the deal of the year, my friend!!! I've see that pattern...the eagle with the laurel around it but I have no idea what it's called! Bet you could Google it and find out though! Sure enjoyed seeing your new treasure finds...thanks for sharing them with us!!!

    I really enjoyed seeing your dish collection...you have some beautiful sets!!! Girl, wished you could have heard my ol' heart start a pumpin'!!! Hehe!!! I love dishes!!! You sound like me though...I have so many, I'm nearly out of room to put them! The key word being "nearly"! Hehe! I can always find a place for more!!!

    Well my friend, I just loved visiting your blog...it's delightful!!! I have added you to my list of blog follows and look forward to your upcoming posts and getting to know you!

    So very nice to meet you, Carol!!!
    Warmest wishes,

  12. Hi Carol,One day I am going to surprise you and join in on the Rednesday...I have plenty of red to last for a few post. You really picked up some great finds at the sale...isn't it so much fun shopping for forgotten treasures?


  13. I can't believe you got such a bargain on that quilt! It is so unique, almost looks like something sewing in WWI or II! I don't go to the right kind of sales...!!!

    What a lovely collection of plates.

  14. You have some found some wonderful things at amazing prices. Lucky you! I especially like that wonderful crate.

    It's been fun to see your plates. I recgonize a few that I've seen over the years.

  15. WOW! you have all the great treasures! Love the sewing basket! Your plates are great. I was just thinking about all my plates today!
    Your quilt is awesome!
    Hugs, Lisa

  16. Great finds! You can never have too many sewing baskets. Or vintage plates!

  17. What a great lot of cool vintage treasures. I love all your beautiful dishes but the vintage books, especially the Biographies of Birds book, are my favorites! Now you also found vintage greeting cards? I'm dying to see those too! Awesome fun!

  18. I did sell quilts in my past life. It looks to be in great shape. I doesn't look like any of the new quilts have seen. Is it signed or initialed anywhere. Looks old to me from what I can see over the internet. Often red is faded, but this has great color. And lastly $2.50 is a steal!!!!!!

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