Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Couple of Little Projects

When I bought this big story of old glory board this summer, I thought I was going to find the perfect spot for it right away. Well, it's been sitting there on the floor ever since, and I finally got tired of picking it up to clean the floor.

So I dug this old bench out of the garage, dust and all. I have to admit that I've been looking for this bench all summer, and couldn't remember where I put it! Does that happen to you? Happens to me way too often.

So one little bottle of 99 cent paint later....

the board is off the floor, and can be appreciated better! I wanted a turquoisey blue, but this might be just the littlest bit too loud. Any easy ideas on how to tone it down? I couldn't get a good shot of the whole wall without standing on the dining room table, so this will have to do.

A little bit more Halloween. I printed these on card stock, from here.

Then I bought these great frames, already scruffed up, from Dollar Tree.

And here we have the final Halloween projects! No more. I'm done!

I was so sick of this sink skirt! I made it from an old tablecloth.

I like this cherry fabric much better! I can't believe I'm letting you see my filthy, chippy kitchen! Oh well, it is what it is. The cabinets are in dire need of a paint job!

Ok, one last quick Halloween picture. Vintage blow molds. These are already put away, back in the attic. I have nowhere to put them in my tiny house, and since I found out that they are worth something, they no longer go outside!

Finally, I'm ready to move on to Christmas! Are you? I can't wait to read this magazine, and start doing some Christmas crafts. I want to continue working on my glitter cottages that I started last year. Oh, I can't wait to start seeing all of the Christmas crafts on other blogs. It's the most wonderful time of the year! That was me singing a Christmas carol. Be glad you can't hear me!


  1. Hi Carol. Love your Old Glory board! You might try a very light wash of white or cream paint over your blue. Use it almost like a stain. I'd thin out the paint with a little then wipe it right off. If you can, try a test board first!

    Love the cherry skirt too!

  2. Carol, you can check over at Sherri's blog and maybe use a wash of stain like she does. She said she gets it at Wallyworld. This is the link to the post about stain.


  3. Hi Carol,
    You have been a busy gal...looks great and the Boo banner and LOVE your vintage Halloween guys, which you should have displayed!!!
    Happy hunting for treasurs this weekend...find some for me as no time for treasure hunting for me..
    Deb :)

  4. Oh my, but I COULD HEAR YOU singing that Christmas tune! Glad you finally to the old glory board up off the floor and displayed...looks great.

  5. Carol,
    You have been busy! My goodness, and your house is so darn cute! To tone down that blue ( I think it is great! ) try a little brown glaze, and wipe it on maybe that would tone it down.....also, on your comment about reproduction tablecloths on my blog, the second and thrid photo are reproductions! Theya re pretty good, the fabric is just s lot thicker.....They average about $25.00 each. And there are a LOT of them! Google "MODA tablecloths" or " reproduction vintage tablecloths" and you should be able to see them.....have a good weekend! :) Sandy

  6. Great halloween stuff. Too bad you don't have room for it all.

  7. You have the cutest sink! I love your new cherry skirt too! All your projects are great. I'm so ready to start thinking Christmas too! Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  8. Hey, Carol! You found the perfect match! (Yes, I lose things all the time around here and can't believe what I find when I happen to come across a forgotten item!) Oh well, who has more fun than we do?!!! Have a wonderful weekend! Hugs, Coralie

  9. Isn't Dollar Tree the greatest? I love those kind of stores.

    Your kitchen looks pretty cute to me...just sayin'. Have a wonderful Sunday. -amy

  10. That sure doesn't look like the same bench. It makes a great perch for your board. Your new sink skirt looks so pretty, and I think those vintage H'ween blow molds are great! laurie

  11. Love the new sink skirt. I think your Old Glory board is marvelous! Just found you and I'm looking forward to coming back again.

  12. That bench looks really good now with its coat of paint. You have a really cute kitchen. Chippy is another word for vintage! I love the curtain under the sink.

  13. Hi Carol,love your finds.....I have chippy cabinets as well....your kitchen looks charming and I love the sink skirt....have a blessed week.....

  14. I not only forget where I put things, I forget that I bought them. Which is fun to go junkin' in my own house and be surprised!!

  15. Cute projects, I love everything, especially the Halloween ones!


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