Sunday, October 11, 2009

Halloween At The Cottage

I just wanted to share a few Halloween decorations at Ye Olde Gory Cottage! That's a Martha Stewart trick- or- treat banner, above.

Another little Martha Stewart banner, and lots of sparkly creatures! I didn't go all out this year like I normally do. I think it's because I have too much stuff on every surface already, and I don't want to pack it all away in order to fit in the holiday decor. Never fear, that's not going to be the case for Christmas!

My daughter Liz made this cute little banner for me! She came home from college this weekend because she is sick, and she finished this for me. I'm a very bad crafter! I have no patience for anything that takes more than a few minutes to complete!

This is our little Halloween tree! Aren't the chenille cats and jack o' lanterns cute?

I put this birdcage on the front porch last year, and some of the younger trick-or-treaters thought the birds were real, and would look at them out of the corner of their eyes while they got their candy! It was pretty funny!

Just a couple of light-up jack o' lanterns. There are many more in the yard, but it was only in the 20s this morning, so I only ventured out to the porch to take this, and then scurried back inside!

It's too early in the year for this! I'm going to have to leave out little ice picks for the birds! Hope it's warmer in your part of the world!


  1. Love the Halloween decorations...and that Halloween tree is so darn cute! I've always had a special love for Halloween decor, so many cool costumes and fun goblins to find and display! Have a great day!

  2. Cute stuff, Carol! I've never seen a Halloween tree before!

    What weird weather our country is having! We had a record high here the other day- 88 and windy! It's more normal now though- 50 something.

    You know, when I craft, I work on it for a few minutes and then move on to something else. I usually have several projects going on at once or I get bored. Once, I almost made a wreath in one day but that was just a challenge to myself to see if I could do it. So, maybe it's not that you're not patient, you just like variety? How's that sound? ☺

  3. I'd love to put up a Halloween tree, but for some reason, the cats think they are to be nibbled and snacked on, only to be ralphed on the carpet later.

    If I didn't pack up regular stuff before I decorated, it would look like the Salvation Army in here. Well, it already does to an extent!

  4. Everything looks great....thanks for sharing...have a blessed week...

  5. "Old GORY Cottage" -- hee hee, still chuckling over that!!!

    How cutely it is decorated!

    Hope your daughter is feeling better now, kind of scary to have them ill and take off back to college...

  6. I saw on another blog where the gal spray painted the bird cages black and then put those mean ol' crows inside where they belong in my opinion...LOL!

    I love the children's reaction when they come calling on Hallowe'en...I'm dressed up and running a boom box of seasonal muzak, sitting on the porch. I may have to look for an old bird cage now...teehee!

  7. I like your glittery stuff! The birdcage is great - we don't get ANY trick or treaters. Wish we did!

  8. Oh i love it all! Happy Halloween!! It's like looking at a magazine!
    Hugs, Lisa

  9. Carol,
    You and I are so much alike! I think the same thing when I decorate for a holiday....I have to eventually put it all back away! But I have enjoyed it this year.....can I ask, where did you get the crows in the birdcage? I have had a heck of a time finding any that aren't just too expensive! And your little tree is so cute, I just bough one for Christmas, Not sure where it is going but it will be fun to decorate soemthing little for a change!

  10. Carol,
    Where did you get the sweet little picture at the top of your right side of your blog with the falling leaves? That is so cute!

  11. Fun Halloween decor and it was snowing here... :( so not ready for that...should melt soon...
    I didn't take out all of my Halloween decor either...
    Deb :)

  12. Love this Old Glory Cottage!!! Glad to meet you and your blog! Great decorations...your all set and ready to go! Enjoy the season...( we are scheduled for snow tonight!) good grief! Have a great week, xoxo~Kathy @ Sweet Up-North Mornings... Stop in anytime, love to have you!

  13. Your Halloween tree is fab! Love the bird cage too. I used to go crazy with Halloween decorations but now that the kids are older, not so much. Although I did ask my middle (22) and youngest (18) daughters if they wanted to do the annual pumpkin carving and they said "yup". So at least that tradition continues.

  14. I absolutely love all your Halloween decor! My favorite is the Halloween tree, those are so fun!

  15. Love your Halloween decor. And I'm like you, I have too much stuff that I don't want to pack away right now. But I will at Christmas. Thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

  16. Darn global warming...cold as heck here in Nebraska too! Love the Halloween decor too! I bought a birdcage for $1 on our recent junk jaunt. Spray painted black, suspended a rubber bat in it (moves with the wind). Sits on our front stoop. Funny!


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