Tuesday, October 27, 2009


If you like the color red, you're going to want to join me over at Sue's pretty blog, It's A Very Cherry World, where she hosts Rednesday every week!

Last Friday I went to a garage sale run by a former antique dealer. She had one huge room full of stuff that was priced, but people could wander throughout the house, and if they saw something they liked, just ask and maybe she would sell it. I saw this vintage spice rack, above, and

also this spice rack hanging in her kitchen, full of dust and grease. I asked her if she would sell them, and she said ok, $10 for both, but I had to come back another time, because it would involve getting her husband to take them off the wall. Well I knew that if I didn't leave that house with them right then and there, someone else would snatch them up, so I asked the husband real nice if he would take them down for me, and he gruffly said yes, but I had to wrap them myself. Done! After knocking over the dog's water bowl twice, I got it all wrapped, and got out of there before anything else tempted me. One more thing I can cross off my list of must-haves!

I don't remember if I've ever shown these before, but I made another one of these glass totems, after I found this great rooster at a garage sale. These things look so great tucked in a garden, but the garden is done for the year, so I stuck it in a pot to take the picture.

I knew that if I packed the rooster away, I'd never find it, so I just went ahead and made it. I usually leave these things out all winter, but this one I think I will bring inside. Especially since I noticed after I got the rooster home that his lips, I mean his beak, had been repaired.

My bushes are burning! I love these bushes. They look like nothing special all year, but come fall, they are spectacular! Wanna see more reds? Head on over to Sue's!


  1. I almost bought a spice rack like the first one and just kick myself that I didn't. Love all the red.

  2. I love red and I love that rooster"thingie"that you made.

  3. Love all your reds, Carol! The rooster thingy is very unique and as I love roosters, well, I think it's especially nice! Your bushes are beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Happy REDnesday to you.


  4. That antique dealer is going to talk about you forever. "Remember that woman who kept knocking over the dog's waterbowl?"

    I love that totem! How unique, never seen anything like it before!

  5. I can't believe she sold both racks for only $10 - they're worth $100! Bargain of the century! I've never seen a "totem" like that - I absolutely love it - so unique!

  6. What lovely reds you shared today. I really like that yard rooster feature. Nice job..

  7. Oh! Nice! Love the spice racks and such a deal. Your totem is cute too.

  8. Hi Carol, Those burning bushes are really beautiful! You got a great buy on that adorable spice rack, and the rooster is so cute on the glass totem...very creative!

    Have a happy Wednesday!

  9. love those little jars, and the rooster!
    well he's something to crow about. =0))

    sorry could not help it.

    barbara jean

  10. Hi Carol!

    I LOVE your spice rack! I would have thought the same thing, "Don't leave his house without those spice racks!" LOL Great find and a great price!

    Okay, are you going to do a "totem how to" post? Because I am interested in the making of this unusual piece!

    Have a great day!

  11. Be bold!!! Go ahead...ask the husband. He was probably more willing to take it down for you than for his wife. Great post!
    Living it up at Lakewood,

  12. I have seen those spice racks priced super high...you got a great deal on them....I love your rooster glass totem...my first time seeing these....its made so unique...thanks for sharing some red with us.....blessings on your day.....

  13. What a deal on the spice racks, You did really good.

    Your rooster totem is also very nice, I bet you get a lot of compliments on it.

  14. Oh lucky you with those spice racks! Love 'em!

  15. Hi Carol...

    Ooooh...what fabulous reds you have today for us to see! My friend, I love, love, LOVE your spice rack and jars! Love that they're red and white with that pretty black scrolly design! Soooo pretty! You know...just a few weeks ago my honey came bringing home a box of old things from his dad's (who passed away this last year)...there were two of these little spice jars in the box. They were that white glass bottle with red lids and they had little blue dutch boys on the front of them...they're absolutely precious! Sure wished there were more! Loved your beautiful glass rooster totem...you did a great job making that! This is one of the prettiest that I've seen! Yes...I would bring him in for the winter...if you get snow it might just break the glass!

    Thank you for sharing your pretties with us today...what a treat!!!

    Warmest wishes,
    Chari @Happy To Design

  16. Love those burning bushes! Anything and everything RED works for me! Have a great day! Hugs, Coralie

  17. Yep. Better bring that guy in!
    One hail episode and he'd be sand again!
    Love the spice racks AND the story about getting them!

  18. Love your enthusiasim Carol! I take it you like to bake? ;)

    Those are great spice racks. I'm so wishing we had left our kitchen with more of the original detail now that I'm falling in love with all these vintage red things you and Sue keep showing!

  19. Oh~my~gosh...I SO can not believe you got those spice racks for that price!! I have been looking at those for years and they are ALWAYS out of my price range. I would have asked her hubby to take them down then too!

  20. Fabulous red!!! I love the spice jars. You scored on that one. I am so jealous!!!


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