Sunday, November 15, 2009

Weekend Finds And Another Glitter Cottage

First, please let me apologize to anyone who is offended by my total lack of regard for Thanksgiving, and jumping right into the Christmas spirit! Don't ever let it be said that I'm not thankful. Indeed I am! It's just that my daughter Liz was home from college for the weekend, and she made my banner and helped me pick out a background. She's so talented! And once the banner was on here, and looked so stinkin' cute, I couldn't take it off! You know you're itching to do the same, so I give you permission to go ahead and do it!
Ok, so there were only two estate sales this past weekend, and I didn't get alot. I did get this cute kitty planter though, Made In Japan.

Also these two old plastic urns, with the delightfully tacky plastic flowers I love!

And some little picks, an old cardboard house, and a couple of knitted ornaments.

Plastic poinsettias. Yay!!

I got this little white tree from Target's dollar section. I'm pretty excited about it, because I really want it for my Valentine's Day decorations.

And finally, another glitter cottage, hot off the assembly line. I love the rick rack, and I'll be adding it to a couple of the other houses. I don't think I'll add anymore embellishments to this one. I like it plain and simple. I love it so much, I wish I could move in!


  1. look at all your finds! i went to my first estate sale in ages this weekend, but there was nothing to get excited about. boo.


  2. I was telling another blogger just last night that you all are making me crazy with the early Christmas decor! ;) You're right I want to put mine up, but my mom will have a fit.LOL!

    Love your cute Christmas finds. And the glitter houses you're making are so cute. This is my first holiday season in blogland so I haven't seen them before!

    We have the same S&P shakers, well worn from hubby's grandparents. The silver tops are all dented and smashed. They look like they've been dropped a lot! We don't use them either but they look pretty tough.


  3. Your blog looks wondeful, so Christmas-y! And I love your glitter houses, are you going to have a whole glitter village?

  4. Oh my dear, it's the flail for you...calling that PUTZ HOUSE just "an old cardboard house." The nerve! Those are very valuable and exceedingly desirable precious items!!!

    I love plastic flowers, too. They look so FESTIVE.

    Love the Xmas look to the bloggie. Thankful? Someone wants thankful? I'm thankful Christmas is coming, tee hee...

  5. Hi Carol,your Christmas banner is so it. I had some of those little plastic Christmas more though....looks like I need to go visit the dollar section at little house is just wonderful...have a blessed week.

  6. What fantastic stuff. I love the little knitted ornaments. We don't have Thanksgiving here in the UK so we tend to jump straight into Christmas preparations after Halloween. I love your Christmassy layout.

  7. I didn't mind you jumping into Xmas at all; I'm doing the same (but then, I'm Canadian). I loved all your finds, especially the little Santas and candy canes.

    I don't remember really seeing (or perhaps not noticing) glitter houses. I'll be on the lookout for them. I do have a great set of little colored houses from perhaps the late 60's or 70's which fit over Xmas bulbs.

  8. PS -- I forgot to tell you how much I love your new Xmas look. I wish I knew how to create banners!

  9. Your banner is so pretty! Love your new finds and I don't blame you a bit for getting up the Christmas! I am so ready to start decorating myself. I don't decorate for Thanksgiving anyway. I hope you have a wonderful week! Twyla

  10. Yay for another cardboard house and glitter cottage! It's too bad you don't live closer; I think I'm in the plastic poinsettia capital of the world.

  11. As far as I'm concerned, you have one of the best eye candy blogs...straight out of Candyland. You are a blast to visit and I love your's so fun! Great finds...makes my heart soar too. Christmas is on it's way, were alive and kickin' here in Gnomeland.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. I LOVE your banner. I wish I knew how to do something like that on my blog :-)


  14. Carol,

    You are so lucky to have your daughter!!!!! I want to put up a Christmas banner and backround too! Can you send her over? You know what I like! LOL Seriously if she would like to earn some money, please have her email me, OK???? Does she do work like that? I promise it would be quick and easy! I just love yours! And for some reason I am sooo ready for Christmas too this year, and I love Thanksgiving....but the Santa bug has got me bad!

  15. Great finds!!
    I live those little glittered houses.
    Thank you for your kind words about my new crown.

  16. I love the old milk glass picture I love milk glass material, my granny gave me a milk glass vase, and I used it for an orangment at my wedding, it looks so darling with the poinseta picks.


  17. I love how the cottage turned out with the rick rack! You should've waited to post it so I could have photoshopped your face in the window! ;)
    And I of course love the new layout, lil C!

  18. I love your new Christmas look...I changed my look for the holidays too. Great Christmas finds and I'm so loving your glitter cottages.

  19. And a merry Christmas to you, too!

    It looks lovely here, really puts me in a Christmassy mood! I adore the background.

  20. Wow - I just jumped into the Christmas Spirit when I clicked on your blog! SO pretty & Christmas-y - I love it! Love your Glitter Cottages too - especially that red one!!

  21. Oh, I want to move in too! That is sooo cute! laurie

  22. Well, I just love that darling banner your daughter made for you. How could you take it down? Absolutely not! I really am ready to decorate for Christmas. It's cold again this week and the leaves are gone, so hey, go for it!

  23. I tend to do the same thing Carol, so offend away lol! I love Christmas and usually put my tree up on November 1! Thank you so much for stopping by today and the sweet comments you left on my thankful post. I really appreciate you taking the time. Have a great night honey! Kori xoxo

  24. Your blog is just too cute. I'm still staying strong and sticking with Thanksgiving, but oh am I ever tempted to get out the crates of Christmas. I love all your little cottages. I SO want to make some.

    The little vintage cottage caught my eye. It is so sweet. I can't wait to see what you do with the white tree for Valentine's Day.

  25. Dancing with the stars? You have my sympathy LOL! I like your blog header X

  26. Thanks for stopping by my neglected little blog. It was nice to here from you, Carol. I have visited your blogg too, it is very lovely. I love the glitter houses you make, they are fantastic!! Have a blessed day.

  27. Christmas is over far too soon so just go ahead and enjoy every second of the coming season! I love the little red sparkling house! (You know I adore those little houses of yours!) Have fun! Hugs, Coralie

  28. Love your Banner :) very sweet like you!
    Sweet finds and your glitter cottage is looking good. You busy little gal!
    Deb :)

  29. Tacky and plastic. Two of my favorite words in the English language. Great stuff sista! Your holiday blog header is so sweet.

  30. Oh you got some great goodies here! Love your glitter cottages. I wish I could find them to do myself. I stuck paying $25 to $35 for them instead. I love the ones I have but yours you are making a really sweet!!
    Hugs, Lisa

  31. They are all cute, love the red.


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