Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year! 2009 In Review

I would like to wish you all a Bonne Annee, or Good Year! And do a quick little review of 2009. I started this blog back in April, and I wanted to quit after just one week! I was putting too much pressure on myself to post often. It was supposed to be fun. Well, it is now, because I just go at my own pace, and just be myself! I'll start off the review with a couple of my favorite finds.

I found these pink shrooms at an estate sale, put them down, then quickly ran back and got them. They're perfect for my "secret garden"!

I just love the colors and graphics on this vintage Chinese Checkers game that I found at an estate sale.

I have always loved Smokey the Bear, ever since I was little, but I never had anything of his until I found this scarf. I almost cried when I saw it, believe it or not! Still looking for the perfect frame.

I found this quilt at a barn sale, for $3.50! A perfect addition to my patriotic decorations.

This old pink radio is one of my favorite things, won on Ebay.

This old lunchbox was another one of my Ebay winnings.

I've always wanted one of these pretty wastebaskets. Now that I finally have one, I feel it's too pretty to put garbage in!

I enjoyed showing my little children's stove that I had when I was a little girl.

I also enjoyed sharing my little pink dollhouse.

One of my favorite projects was turning this $1.00 garage sale clock...

into this! So fun and easy.

Another project that I enjoyed doing was making a cushion and pillows for the bench by the back door. They were so pretty, until the squirrels ripped them all to shreds. They used the stuffing in their nests up in the trees. I guess it was their mating season, so hopefully I will remember when that was, so I can bring in the new ones I plan to make!

I'm so proud of myself, because this summer I walked through that arch and conquered my fear of the neighbors in back of us, who threatened me. I had let my secret garden get all weedy for a couple of years because I was too afraid to go back there. I guess I got tired of being afraid. I got alot accomplished, including that picket fence along the back of the garden, until I got a raging case of poison ivy!

I had a wonderful time on my Girls Gone Wild Weekend!

My daughter, mother, sister and niece went to the Czech Fest in Wisconsin. We only got in a little bit of trouble!

My baby turned 21! That officially makes me old. But I don't feel old!

All in all, it's been a great year. I wish all of you and your families a 2010 that is filled with lots of love, happiness and prosperity!

And I want to thank all of the wonderful people that I have met here in blogland. You have all taught me so much, and shared little peeks into your lives, and I've enjoyed every minute of it!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


It sure was easy these last few weeks, coming up with things to share for REDnesday! Now that the Christmas stuff is almost all packed away, I've been searching for red things. I didn't have to look too far....

I got this cake carrier for Christmas! Maybe you saw the other one I got in my previous post. It's not in the greatest shape, but I had to have it because of those cute red flowers in the flowerpots!

I don't think I've shown this before on REDnesday, but if I have, I guess you're seeing it twice! I got this at an estate sale, and it serves as a catch-all in the kitchen. I really should take a look inside. There just might be something in there that I've been looking for!

And finally, a peak at what's to come. Valentine's Day is about to bust out all over at Old Glory Cottage!
Now please head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where the wonderful Sue hosts this party every week!

Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, What Did You Get For Christmas?!

Did you have a nice Christmas? I sure did! It goes by so quickly, after so much preparation, doesn't it? Now all that's left is the putting away of Christmas! I thought I'd share a few of the goodies that I received.
First we have a little cake saver. I love the tulips on the lid. Definitely makes me want to bake a little cake!

Several blogs shared this print this summer, and ever since I first saw one, I knew that Old Glory Cottage needed one! It is a print of a painting done by Fred Tripp, in 1940, at the age of 71, while in a hospital. Mr. Tripp never had a painting lesson, but created a masterpiece. I absolutely love it!

My wonderful and talented sister Mary created this quilt/table runner for me! After a few not-so-subtle hints, she made me one just like hers! You probably can't tell by the picture, but it's about 5' long.

Mary also made me this counted cross stitch sampler. She does alot of cross stitching, and I don't know how she has the patience for it. I know I sure don't!

Another picnic basket, for more storage. Yay!

I can't wait to dive into this book. Have you ever checked out the books at If you haven't, you really should. This is a used book, in perfect condition, and it was only 27 cents. That's right, 27 cents!! I Love Amazon!

And last but not least, a fireplace! When we were house hunting 15 years ago, one of the things at the top of my must-have list was a fireplace. Alas, I fell in love with this house even though it doesn't have one. It's a faux flame, but it looks pretty real to me! And it's the perfect size for our cozy little home. Now we have a place for our stockings to hang. It's such a shame that I had to hang stockings from Dollar Tree on there, because I couldn't find the ones that I made. Perhaps I'll find them when I put all of the Christmas stuff away! So....what did YOU get for Christmas?!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Greetings From Old Glory Cottage

From our house to yours....
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas! I'll be hitting alot of the sales, so I'll "see" you this weekend. I can't wait to find out what everyone got for Christmas!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Vintage Christmas Monday #5

It's the last Vintage Christmas Monday, hosted by Joan @ Anything Goes Here, and I'm sad to see this party end!

This is a Made In Japan Santa that I found in an antique store, 5o% off! Is it just me, or does Santa look a little sunburned on his nose and cheeks?!

I saw this Santa salt shaker at Goodwill, but he was missing something. "Santa's" what? Santa's reindeer? Santa's cookies? After about half an hour of looking for something that would go with him, I gave up and left him behind.

A week later, I saw this at Goodwill, and I knew right away that I had found "Santa's" something! But now Santa was nowhere to be found! After about 20 minutes of seemingly pulling Goodwill apart....

I now have Santa and his packages. Phewww! The things we go through to get stuff that we don't really need!

Same thing happened with this cookie jar. I found it at Goodwill, walked around for a while looking for his hat. Never did find it. Didn't really need another one, as you can see.

But I had to have it, so I just slapped a stocking cap on him!
And I had to buy another old tree skirt because....

dirty little kitty has made Santa's beard black on this one, and I do believe that after Christmas I will just have to throw it out!
Now, if you arent' totally sick of seeing vintage Christmas things, hop over to Joan's to see her treasures and a list of other blogs participating, and....
Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Crafting Inspiration

I am the type of person who needs inspiration when I'm crafting. Rarely do I have the imagination to come up with something on my own! And I generally go in spurts when it comes to crafting. Either I make nothing for long stretches of time, or I make a bunch of things all at once. That was the case this week. I am inspired by Twyla & Lindsey @ Two Crazy Crafters, because they are having a Sugar Kissed Christmas, and they seem to craft every day! They inspired me to make this:

I love the banner that my daughter made for me so much, that I decided to use the little girl from it! This is my first time ever making something like this, so please be gentle with your criticism! I know I have alot to learn, but it sure was fun making this, and I think Lindsey and Twyla have created a monster. Actually two, because my daughter wants to make some Valentine ones with me!

A close-up of the glitter. I love the Stickles glitter that they recommended, and now I want it in every color!

I bought this shadowbox at Dollar Tree probably a year ago, and it has sat in the basement ever since.

Elizabeth at Creative Breathing is another great inspiration to me, because it seems she is crafting every single day. She inspired me to use the blue on the box, instead of using the typical red or green for Christmas. Hey, if I can use red, white and blue, I'm always happy!

I couldn't use the glitter on the inside of the door, because then it wouldn't shut properly.

When Pam @ One Gal's Trash showed her jewelled tree, I whined about how I always wanted to make one but didn't have any old jewelry. She took pity on me, and dug through her stash and sent me a box of bling! I couldn't have made it without her, and now I need to find a nicer frame to do it justice!

And for this last project, I can't remember which blog I saw it on, so I apologize for not giving credit where it's due. These are packages of felt coasters from the dollar section at Michaels and a spool of ribbon from Hobby Lobby.

I made a little banner or garland for the shelves in the living room. Very simple and easy to do. A swipe of the glue stick and you're done.

A close-up of the coasters. So I would like to thank all of you ladies who inspire me every day. Goodness knows I need it!