Sunday, December 27, 2009

So, What Did You Get For Christmas?!

Did you have a nice Christmas? I sure did! It goes by so quickly, after so much preparation, doesn't it? Now all that's left is the putting away of Christmas! I thought I'd share a few of the goodies that I received.
First we have a little cake saver. I love the tulips on the lid. Definitely makes me want to bake a little cake!

Several blogs shared this print this summer, and ever since I first saw one, I knew that Old Glory Cottage needed one! It is a print of a painting done by Fred Tripp, in 1940, at the age of 71, while in a hospital. Mr. Tripp never had a painting lesson, but created a masterpiece. I absolutely love it!

My wonderful and talented sister Mary created this quilt/table runner for me! After a few not-so-subtle hints, she made me one just like hers! You probably can't tell by the picture, but it's about 5' long.

Mary also made me this counted cross stitch sampler. She does alot of cross stitching, and I don't know how she has the patience for it. I know I sure don't!

Another picnic basket, for more storage. Yay!

I can't wait to dive into this book. Have you ever checked out the books at If you haven't, you really should. This is a used book, in perfect condition, and it was only 27 cents. That's right, 27 cents!! I Love Amazon!

And last but not least, a fireplace! When we were house hunting 15 years ago, one of the things at the top of my must-have list was a fireplace. Alas, I fell in love with this house even though it doesn't have one. It's a faux flame, but it looks pretty real to me! And it's the perfect size for our cozy little home. Now we have a place for our stockings to hang. It's such a shame that I had to hang stockings from Dollar Tree on there, because I couldn't find the ones that I made. Perhaps I'll find them when I put all of the Christmas stuff away! So....what did YOU get for Christmas?!


  1. Hi Carol
    I'm pleased to hear that you had a good time at Christmas. What lovely gifts you've received for. I love the sampler. I wish I had a sister that could sew!
    Susie X

  2. I love the fireplace! I've been wanting one for our bedroom, particularly the one that fits into a corner. We have a real fireplace but my husbands spends so much time tending it that it's not that relazing for him. The picnic basket is fabulous. Great stuff!

  3. You received some wonderful gifts...that's my kind of Christmas gifts....the book looks like a lot of fun....your fireplace is very cosy ....Have a very blessed New Years day.....

  4. Such wonderful Christmas gifts! I love the cake saver!! The book from Amazon looks great, I love how you can find such great things cheap there! Whoo Hoo!


  5. Wow - all handmade and vintage! It might have been white outside but it was very "green" inside.

    Couldn't find your home made stockings? Doesn't that just drive you crazy! I did that with some gift cards this year. Again!

  6. Hi Carol,
    Looks like your family really knows you!! I love the vintage and handmade goodies that you received....looks like a fabulous Christmas!

  7. I love the metal picnic baskets ~ I have quite a few myself and also some metal bread boxes I adore! Look's like you were a good girl this year!! Judi

  8. I predict that you will LOVE the new fireplace. Our gas log is like HEAVEN - - - cozy fire which lights with the flick of a switch, (so to speak) with no soot, ash, smoke, or dust and NO CLEAN UP after a fire.

    Yes, I think you will LOVE it.

  9. Carol,
    I see your daughter was home? Cute cute banner and backround! You got some very cool goodies! You must have been a good girl this year. I have to take photos....byt please stop by and meet Maya! Have a good New Year!

  10. Carol, I love your new picnic basket! All things vintage was a nice way to get presents for you this year! I am going to select a new camera for myself, courtesy of Mr. Sullivan. He wasn't sure which one I have been eyeing, so I'll go out once there is another good sale at the camera store. Then I need classes to learn how to use it. LOL pretty fancy, these new fangled digitals...

  11. Such lovely stuff! I particularly like your table runner!

  12. I love your stuff! Merry Christmas! (we celebrate 'til Epiphany)

  13. Hi Carol!

    Wow! You are one lucky girl! Glad to see you adding to your picnic tin collection. I have been looking for that Old Glory picture too! I can't believe you got one! It looks fantastic. You are lucky to get the fireplace. Our little 1951 cottage is also missing a fireplace, although we do have a woodstove in our sunroom, it's just not the same.

    Happy New Year to you!

  14. Ooo! Cool cake saver, Carol! I'll be showing what I got for Christmas soon! ♥

  15. Oh Carol, what lovely Christmas gifts you received. I love the sampler, and the metal picnic basket. I've been looking for those. I only have one, but I love them. And the fireplace looks great! Wishing you a blessed New Year.


  16. Of my! I absolutely love that cake plate! The colors are beautiful! Great gifts!

    Blessings and Happy New Year!


  17. Squiggle Carol, I just love visiting your blog and admiring the vintage treasures that you have. Your cake tin is perfectly perfect! Merry Christmas to you, and Happy New Year! Elizabeth

  18. Wow you had a great Christmas Carol! I love your new profile cute! Thanks for the sweet comments on my Kat Von D post. Those tattoos on my toe and foot did really hurt, but none as much as the inner wrist (which I'm having laser removal on now and hurts even worse!). Kori xoxo

  19. LOVE the new blog header! LOVE the tulip cake saver! SO going to Amazon to get a copy of that book! 27 cents? Wow!


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