Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Valentine Shadowbox

I think I've run out of red things in my house. Luckily, Valentine's Day is just around the corner, so that should last me a month of REDnesdays! I've always loved Valentine's Day. I loved picking out the perfect valentine for everyone in my class, especially the cute boys! We would all have a little "mailbox" on our desk, and we'd each get up and pass out our cards. Did you do that too?

I love making valentine crafts, and I'm pretty happy with how this shadowbox turned out.

It started with a little heart-shaped box from Michaels, and a twirly glittery heart decoration, also from Michaels. I took the lid off the box, painted the box red, and added scrapbook paper to the inside. I took the glittery hearts apart...

and glued the bigger glitter heart to the rim of the box. I printed out a copy of an old valentine that I had, added a little picket fence and some flowers and lots of glitter glue!

And I still have the lid from the box and two glitter hearts to make something else.

Some old valentines on a wire picture holder that I found at Goodwill. It had a really ugly design on the base, so I just painted it red.

And finally, two valentine cups from Michaels. Love the heart-shaped handles! I'm working on another project that I'll share next week for REDnesday. Now, if you'd like to see more red things, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our awesome hostess every week!


  1. Beautiful Valentine Reds !I love the shadow box!You did a great job making it .
    Happy Rednesday !

  2. Lovely Valentine Reds. Very cute shadow box too.


  3. Your vintage Valentine card tree is so cute. I have very fond memories of giving out my little punch-out Valentine cards.

  4. Cute goodies! I'm still celebrating January. I have so many birthdays in Jan. I have not even jumped into Valentines day yet. I always admire folks that "think ahead and craft ahead". Fun to see Valentines goodies pop up!

  5. He,he,he, we said almost the same thing today, running out of red! I forgot about Valentine's Day though, thanks for the reminder!
    !!!the word verification says "redme" how funny!!!

  6. Love your shadow box! Very crafty and creative! All the other reds are great too. I always enjoy your Rednesday posts - well ALL your posts!

  7. ZOMG! V-Day is coming up soon! Thank you for reminding me! I'm still in that post-Christmas lull!

    Lovely things you have there! :)

  8. That shadow box is adorable!! Love the valentines and the cute mugs too!

  9. I can see Valentine's day is going to give a lot of us the opportunity to show our RED's off!
    Great box you have there.
    Sandi @ Bearly Sane

  10. Cute box, carol! I haven't made anything yet but soon, soon, soon! I can feel my mind going there but it has to go there first!

    That card holder is cool. I wish I could come up with a good way to display my cards once I find them! HA! Then maybe I won't loose them again! ♥

  11. What a clever craft! Right up my alley!

  12. Your shadow box is just adorable. How cute that is. I just love red.

  13. Oh hooo...yeah valentines is just around the corner..love to see reds again. Thanks for sharing.

    Rednesday:Macopa fruit

  14. Now that is a creative and beautiful shadowbox!!!

    What a fun way to display vintage Valentines!!!

  15. Very nice shadow heart box! I saw those gilttered hearts at Michaels and thought they would be fun...now I'll have to go back and get them.
    It's fun to see all the vintage valentines.
    Deb :)

  16. Wow! Lots of good reds this week! I can't believe you are running out of things when you posted so much this week. The valentine's make my heart go pitter-patter. Never can have enough of them!

  17. Thanks for visiting my blog - I had to come and meet you. I love your valentine collection. They remind me of when we use to get them in grade school. Too bad we don't give them out as adults. I think it's a great idea. Your stove from when you were a little girl is pretty cool too. It's fun to peek in someone elses world.

  18. I love all the Valentine items you are showing. that shadow box is so cute! And love the vintage Valentines!

  19. Girl, Valentines love!! You are a crafting diva. I hate to say this on record but if you'd have admired my afghan last year I would have sent you the 2nd 1 I had. It is gone or I would send you a wonderful valentines hug with it. My grandparents lived in Massachusetts their whole lives and loved all kinds of stitch and needle work. I have many treasures from them. I'm about to do a give-away with a few pieces. I'll try to give a heads up.

  20. That is a great box you made! It's hard to believe but before we know it Valentines Day will be here! And if your making cards or anything I guess now is the time to start! Have a great Rednesday! Sherri : )

  21. That shadow box is adorable!! Love the valentines and the cute mugs too!


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