Thursday, February 11, 2010

Laurie's Valentine Party!!

Thank you Laurie for hosting your first ever Valentine Party! I'm sure it's going to be a huge success, and will become a yearly tradition!
I thought that I would share a few of my favorite valentine things. I hope this post doesn't seem too thrown together, but I have had the worst cold that I can ever remember having, this week! First we have a couple of my favorite things that I made recently.

A little glittery shadowbox.

Another shadowbox, using pink bead garland. I guess you can tell that I like picket fences, since I used them in both shadowboxes!

Some little party cups that I made using peat pots.

Next are some favorite decorations. I found this ceramic doily box at a thrift store recently. It's now one of my favorite things! I always loved paper doilies when I was a little girl, so I was drawn to this right away.

A little February angel, made in Japan.

Another old February angel. But these aren't just valentine decorations. I have them because my Mom is a February baby. She turned 85 on Wednesday!

This is one of my favorite vintage valentines from my collection. More picket fences!

And finally, an old Humpty Dumpty valentine. I don't have a very big collection. Maybe 50 or so. But I'm always on the lookout for more!
Now please head over to Laurie's, and join the party!


  1. Love your little angels. I have one like yours, except different month. Your vintage Valentines are really nice.

  2. I love the decorations you made! They are so cute and yes I like the picket fences! Love the little February Valentine girls, my daughter has a birthday this month and I'm on the lookout for one. Yours are really sweet and so nice they were your Mom's! I don't have ANY vintage valentines yet!

  3. Carol, your shadow boxes are so precious, and I love your vintage cards. Did you find some heart-shaped boxes to buy for the shadow boxes? I want to make one of those. Oh how I remember playing with that Humpty Dumpty put-together toy when I was a kid! Your Feb. girls are so pretty. Those little buckets you made are so cute. Tell your mother, I wish her many more happy birthdays. Thank you so much for joining the party. I hope you get to feeling much better. (I hate to have a cold, and yours sounds really bad). Take care of yourself. laurie

  4. I love you collections, Carol.My favorite is the shadow box with little cute flower pots. You are very creative. Your created hearts are really pretty...Christine

  5. Oh Carol so sweet - love Humpty Dumpty!

  6. Love your sweet Valentine things...hope you are over the cold soon and feeling better....I battle much of the same last week....blessings

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mama all these fun things..May you have a GREAT Valentine day...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  8. Happy Valentines DAY :)
    Delighted to be here and meet you...

    The party is great isn't it? have you seen some old friends? Have you made new ones?

    I really like your crafts...very romantic~and that little Humpty Dumpty is a keeper!!!

  9. Oh, what pretties you have! Love all the decorations you've made!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;0

  10. You have some very special decorations. Those angels are precious.

    Kathy b

  11. Carol, looks like we have alot in common..Vintage Valentines are my weekness. Stop by and check them out. I love the festive cards. I should post more of mine. They look great!

  12. I love all of your Valentine's things. I don't seem to have many, or I would have joined the party too :-)


  13. All great Valentine goodies! Thanks for sharing them. I love your handmade treasures.
    Deb :)

  14. I love your crafts, especially the shadow boxes. Too cute! And the angels are so sweet. Rosie

  15. Your decorations are darling! I love the vintage cards...wonderful!

    Don't you adore parties with Miss Laurie?

    Happy Valentine's Day!

  16. Carol, I love all of your vintage Valentines! You have the most amazing collections and I always like seeing them. Hope you are feeling better. I'm so glad to be able to start visiting friends once again. hugs, Sue

  17. Sorry to hear that you are unwell. I hope you feel better soon.

    I think your vintage Valentine's post is gorgeous and your blog is so much fun!

    Best Valentine's wishes,

  18. Your decorations are do cute! And happy Birthday to your mom...mine is next week!

  19. Love the wonderful vintage valentines, they are so darned cute..thanks for sharing them...Phyllis

  20. Your sweet little angels brought back memories of my mom's collection. She had one for each month of the year and they sat in an open cubby shelf between two glass china cabinets. Now my nieces have them in their homes. Thanks for sharing. Happy Valentine's Day!

  21. Oh how sweet these are -- Love your February birthday girls -- Happy Birthday to your Mom -- my Dad will be 95 in April -- must have been a bumper baby year 85 years ago!

  22. (a studio...oh yes he would like that i am sure! what does he play~style an instrument?)

  23. What a wonderful collection.

    - The Tablescaper

  24. Everything looks so cute and I love vintage valentines too.
    Those little china dolls are adorable. Have a Happy Valentines Day!

  25. I loved seeing everything! Your shadow boxes are great. Happy Valentine's day! Twyla

  26. Lovin' all your vintage Valentine's! You just find the cutest stuff. Plus I love what you made too.

    Take care of yourself - I didn't and my cold just turned into an ear infection. At my age? Crazy.

    Take it easy and Happy Valentine's Day!

  27. Hi Carol, I love all your sweet decorations. The vintage cards are my favorite. Wonderful!!

    Happy Valentines Day,
    Barb ♥

  28. Catrol your Valentine decor' is just adorable and precious!

    Your have a beautiful blog!

    ~Blessings, ~Melissa :)

  29. Hi Carol,
    You really are a talented crafter! I so enjoyed seeing your beautiful creations and vintage valentines! I hope your feeling better soon, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR MOM!! Hugs, Cindy

  30. Oops! I meant Carol of course. *Smiles*

  31. What sweet treats! Love truly lives in the details.

    Happy hearts day!

  32. You certainly have some beautiful Valentine decorations. I always loved those paper heart doilies too. What a beautiful box! I can see why you like it so much. I hope you feel better soon. Thanks for sharing with all of us.

  33. treasures! You auto'll be humpty dumpty...Val love

  34. I hope you are not using your Valentine hankies for that cold, missy. I didn't see them here. Hmmmm.

  35. You are very creative and talented. Hope you feel better soon.

  36. I love all your wonderful treasures! Especially the vintage Valentine cards. I think I gave (and received) some just like it. :)
    PS Before they were vintage. LOL

  37. I have never seen a February angel before! I think I need one since I'm a February baby too. Your decorations are very cute, and so it your blog! Glad I discovered it! That's the neat thing about these "parties," we get to meet other bloggers we would otherwise not know about. Hope you feel better soon.

  38. What great decorations. I love your vintage figurines, too. So cute!!

  39. Fabulous!!! I loved everything. But the vintage valentines are just too adorable. Thanks for sharing & thanks for visiting my blog & leaving me a comment.

  40. The decorations are so cute and even better that you made many of them yourself. Happy birthday to your mother.

  41. Carol, Thanks for the nice words on my Valentine blog. There are so many books on Valentine's. Your local libray should have at least three of my favorites. Valentine History by Ruth Webb Lee, The Valentine and it's Origin by Frank Staff and Valentine Treasury by Robert Brenna (or Brenner). Hope you come again.

  42. Hi Carol...

    Thank you so much for sharing your Valentine pretties with us today...even though you aren't feeling well! So sorry to hear that! I have the worst cold right now too...YUK! Anyway, you sure are a creative and talented lady! My favorite is the beautiful glitter the little red bow and jeweled heart pin! Sooo pretty! What a darling heart doily box...I love that! The sweet! Sooo many pretties, my friend!

    I also would like to thank you for coming by and taking a peek at my Beloved Valentine table...and leaving such a sweet note! Thank you!!!

    Have a wonderful Valentine's Day, my friend!
    Chari @Happy To Design

  43. Oh, I just love everything!! Your valentine decor is lovely!! The shadow boxes are my favorite!

    Happy Valentine's Day! :-)


  44. I just love all of your vintage and crafty Valentines! I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day!


  45. YIKES...I can hardly stand it. I LOVE that Humpty Dumpty Valentine. You should be getting a envelope in the mailbox from me soon, soon. I saw you playing in the Enchanted School Room with those white kittens. I do believe you were trading Valentines with them!

  46. Beautiful collection. I love Humpty Dumpty:)

  47. Love the Humpty Dumpty!! Beautiful decorations too!
    Happy Valentine's Day!

  48. Your decorations are just lovely! Happy Valentine's Day!

    Back Porch Blessings,

  49. I'm glad you made it to the party. Hope you are feeling better, and I love the new look at OGC. You have some very cute Valentines day things. Have a great Valentines day.

  50. Thanks so much for coming by and I hope you have a sweet sweet Valentine's Day. ~ Lynn @ thevintagenest

  51. Wonderful Valentine pieces, the angel and the vintage photos...doesn't look thrown together..hope you are feeling better!

  52. I just love all your vintage cute! Happy Valentine's Day to you:)


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