Tuesday, April 13, 2010


If you love the color red, you'll love REDnesday, hosted by Sue at It's A Very Cherry World!

First we have an old bucket that I painted a couple years ago, and it's just waiting to be filled. This year I'm thinking pink fuchsias!

I painted this bucket from a project straight out of Mary Engelbreit's Outdoor Companion book. Those cherries are for you, Sue! I think this bucket will be planted with lots of red impatiens.

And finally, a little old clock that I got for ten cents many years ago. It inspired a little collection, and now I have three, in different colors. At Christmastime I saw a pale blue one at an antique store for $10. I passed on it because I was doing my Christmas shopping. I wasn't supposed to be shopping for myself. Of course now I regret it! But that's ok. I'm sure another one will come my way some day! So, do YOU have any reds to share?


  1. Love your red clock. Yes, patience does sometimes reap a reward. I hope you find the other clock again.


  2. You did a great job on the little bucket...I think pink will be pretty in it...I sure hope that you come across another adorable clock:)

  3. Cute buckets. Great job on the one you painted!

  4. I love the painted buckets....too cute. I especially like the red one!

  5. I do love red. Love that cherry bucket. I have that ME book and love that too. Mimi

  6. I'm going to sneak off to Illinois and get that cherry bucket right off your porch because it is so stinking cute and I want one too! I have that book and I have not attempted to make this. You make me feel brave. I can do it! I can do it!

    Love all your reds (again) and the clock is extra cute.

    (Um - I'm NOT really going to come steal your bucket. I always worry that after I say something like that that the bucket will get stolen and I'll come under suspicion. So if something happens to the bucket - it wasn't me!)

  7. it's hard to choose what I like best...but I think it would be the bucket with cherries and the clock...nice redness here that is for sure!!!! Mica

  8. No reds over here...yet! As I love that bucket! And I think of buying a red polka dot vinyl cloth on the crafting table! Happy Rednesday!

  9. What fun!

    Have a happy Wednesday!

    : )

    Julie M.

  10. I had the same clock when I was a child. Loved the vignette you made with that red bucket too..and adored the other bucket too..Just beautiful

  11. 10 cents! Oh I love that!

    Maybe I'll join red wednesday after I move!

  12. Carol, those are cute pails - good job! The clock is so adorable - wish you had shown the others with it. Isn't it funny how the painting sort of resembles my coffee pot!

  13. I love coming to your house to visit. You are my cup of tea. The Mary E. bucket...yikes, how cute. I have something I want to give you...Now I know the perfect person that would love it. Packing it up and sending a wee box to you on Monday...just because!

  14. I always love your reds. And just think, Lawn sale season is finally starting, what new treasures (red ones) await? Have a good day.

  15. I love old tin buckets. They're so much nicer than plastic ones aren't they. I think you've done a great job painting them.

  16. Oh my!! Your little clock is just like mine, except that mine is black. If you go to my blog, I posted a pic of my clock for Table Top Tuesday and Tea Part Tuesday just yesterday. We must be on the same wave length. I don't have any cute buckets like yours though. Your little clock is perfectly charming in red!!

    Susan and Bentley

  17. Nice job Carol! Love those cherries.

  18. Dear Squiggle Carol! I hope you will stop by my blog today! Please e-mail me your address at elizabeth.andrus@yahoo.com You have made Rednesday perfectly perfect! I love your ME bucket! Great ideas to be found here! Elizabeth

  19. Hi Carol,
    I've followed your blog- and it's so nice to meet you. I love that red clock-soo cute. I'm also an M.E. fan. Lots in common. Cute red things!

    Leslie from Brookhollow Lane

  20. Ohhh, darling clock, Carol. I'm so sorry you missed out on the one at the antique store. You did a great job on the bucket!
    I didn't have any reds to share this week but had to come by and see all the great stuff everybody had to share. Happy REDnesday~

  21. All of these red items look so very cheery! I don't use too much red myself, but I love to see it in other people's decorating. xo joan@anythinggoeshere

  22. Firstly, I just want to say that your house is simply lovely. Secondly, I just love that you shared those painted buckets...especially the Mary Engelbreit's design. This has inspired me to paint one myself!

  23. Carol,
    Congrats on winning Elizabeth's giveaway!!!! Youa re going to love her stuff! I have a few pieces and I treasure everyone of them! I just wanted to stop and tell you congrats! Back to painting!!!! :)

  24. Oh that red clock is so cute! I can't believe you have 3 of them, and I've never seen one of them. Great painted buckets too. laurie

  25. Nice work on that bucket! I know it's not red, but I would like a better peek at the structure behind it, with the green brackets and doors - is that possible?

  26. What precious red lovelies! Those watering cans are just yummy! Thanks so very much for your sweet comment on my bottlecap pinc ushions. I really appreciate it!

  27. I love all your reds today! The buckets are really great , They will look pretty with the flowers planted in them .

  28. Oooh...I'd love to see those cute buckets with flowers in them. They are great. As for that adorable clock...what a find!!! Thanks for sharing and posting some great pictures. : )

  29. I just love your painted buckets! You are so talented!

  30. ok the cherry bucket and clock so cute...


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