Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Vintage Avon for VTT

Welcome to Vintage Thingies Thursday, where our hostess is Suzanne at Coloradolady. Please pop over there when you're done looking at my things!

I think alot of us grew up with Avon products. It was always so exciting to get the new book to pour over, and I remember being over the moon when our Avon lady included lots of samples with our orders! I've been collecting Avon things for many years, but just things that I remember from my childhood. Mr. Old Glory won that ladybug perfume on Ebay for me. To this day I wonder where mine went, because I was not the type of girl to throw my treasures away!

A perfume kitty pin, and an old roll-on.

A honeysuckle scented demi stick, and a chocolate pomade that still smells chocolatey!

Some of those lipstick samples I was talking about. Didn't you love getting these with your order?

Two "Her Prettiness" rollettes, both honeysuckle scented. Honeysuckle was always a favorite for me, and it still is to this day!

My Grandma gave me this American Belle, full of Sonnet perfume, ages ago. It's one of my most prized possessions.

I remember my Mom having these bottles. She packed hers up a long time ago, so I got these at garage sales. Isn't that little purse cute?

And I'm pretty sure we've ALL had these bottles at one time, haven't we? I'm still on the lookout for some "Her Prettiness" talc, and then my Avon collection might be complete!


  1. My mom and I have collected Avon decanters since my teenage years and we have many of these between the two of us. Weren't they wonderful? Wish Avon still put their perfume in cute decanters. Have a nice day! Twyla

  2. you have some neat Avon pieces. I had grown up with Avon too...yet don't have any of my treasures....These are so neat to see. They sure had some fun looking bottles and I really do love the lady bug your dear hubby won you. P.S Thanks for your prayers and thoughts for Ben...He is still in the hospital of course with heavy morphine and had surgery. Several more will have to be done. We are praying he will walk again...won't know for a while yet.Thanks. Mica/The Child's Paper

  3. Oh my gosh, that ladybug perfume looks so familiar. I think I had it too!

  4. Thanks for the memories...

    Seriously though, I had the blue kitty pomade pin. I even had a new blue outfuit to go with it. Very matchy matchy.

    Come on over and visit my vintage Avon goodies. There's even a vintage Avon group at It is full of things that you don't realize you had forgotten.

  5. Girl you would love to visit my Great Aunts house..she is 83..and has been selling Avon since the first year it was open. She has every kind of collection you can imagine!!

    Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  6. This brought back memories for me...I used to have the cat perfume was in grade 5 or 6.

  7. I loved Avon as a Grama was an "Avon Lady". She had boxes of stuff and I loved to go thru it all looking and smelling. Thanks for sharing your collection!

  8. Oh my goodness...the wave a memories that your post has brought back. Yes, yes, I remember those lipstick samples! My grandma always had Avon and lots of it.
    Thanks so much for the memories~
    The Tattered Tassel

  9. Love this post. My Mom was an Avon lady and so was I for a short time. Thanks for the nice memory.

  10. All your Avon pieces are lovely! When I was little I had a blue fairy perfume bottle and her wand glowed in the dark then in junior high I had a plastic red lip case that had lip gloss in it. Thank you for sharing these!

  11. Oh my goodness! That kitty is a blast from the past for me. I thought it was so cool that it had perfume in it!

  12. My sister used to sale Avon many years ago. So, I have seen some of the things you featured today. Some of their bottles are collector items.

  13. I never did get into collecting Avon but I admire your collection especially the pointy red lids on that perfume which makes the bottles look like fairytale cottages or gnome hats.

  14. Avon is the Best! I too remember all those great samples because I got them!! How fun to have a collection!
    Hugs, Lisa

  15. You have a nice collection. I especially like the American Belle and the ladybug.

  16. Such great pieces in your collection. My fav is the Ladybug!

  17. Love, love, love! A woman after my own heart. I, too, collect vintage AVON bottles, jars, and tins for the sweet memories they conjur up for me. I so remember that Honeysuckle stick roll-up and it's container. And Hawaiian White Ginger really does it for me, too.Some of yours I've never seen before. How delightful!

  18. Oh, I recognize these well!! My mom sold avon for years, and I think I had almost everything you have shown today, my favorite is the pins! Have a great VTT!

  19. How did you get my kitty pin? I swear that's mine! LOL

    Some of your charming vintage thingies are straight out of my childhood. My grandma was always giving me Avon treats.

    Oh dear I'm going to have to go to ebay now and try to score one of those kitty cat pins!

  20. How sweet those are, particularly because of the memories they bring. I have a small collection of them myself. I think I have the lady but none of the others. There are a lot of Avon pieces out there. I don't know if you have ever seen these but I particularly like the bee skep bottles.

  21. You've got a great collection. Mimi

  22. Very nice collection. Avon pieces seem to be very collectable.


  23. I had that Honeysuckle stick in high school! And I just noticed that my current lotion is "Wild Honeysuckle" - 40 years later !!!!

  24. IF ONLY I had saved stuff when I was an Avon lady so long ago...*SIGH*

  25. Oh Dear, a couple of those things look familiar!! Nice collection!

  26. I love,love Avon collectibles.. and your ladybug and little kitty are just the sweetest. Happy VTT,,

  27. This is quite a collection. I had no idea that Avon was so collectable.
    Very nice!

  28. Hi Carol, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm just now catching up with all the red posts!

    I've never worn much makeup and my poor nose is super sensitve to perfume to this is one collectable I can safely admire with coveting! They really have lot of style from cute to sophisticated, something for everyone.

    Off to see your red post...

  29. the perfumed kitty! I had that same perfumed kitty. I loved that one so very much. It's great that you have kept all of your memories! oh, and Thanks for stopping by my page!

  30. Thanks for the memories! Oh how I couldn't wait for the Avon Lady to leave the Lipstick Samples! I have a few in the old Gold cases!
    Blessings, Vicky

  31. I remember having one of the bell shaped purfume bottles! We always used to get something Avon for Xmas when we were little.

  32. I remember me and my sister wearing the Honeysuckle perfume in high school! My mother wore nothing except Topaze! The cream type! I have found two of the Topaze containers like she used at antique stores.

  33. Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh. Such wonderful childhood memories came flooding back to me when I saw the Avon bottles. It was Christmas or a birthday without Avon. I had the kitty pin and the purse bottle and so many many more. I have not seen those in years. Sweet Honesty was my favorite. I always love your stuff. I apologize for not getting back sooner in responding to your comment about pricing for Goodwill. It is left up to the stores but when they think they have something really good, it goes to the one central office in the state, that researches it and posts it online. So on the store level it can be pretty much hit or miss. I have helped my favorite store reprice things when I see that they are really undercharging on an item, and at the same time tell them when they are overcharging. Lastly I really apologize for not saying a sweet note for your kitty. I know what it is like to put down a pet. My own kitty is in the back yard as well. When I am out there working, I can almost sense her. A pet is a greater treasure than anything bought could be. I am glad that you shared.

  34. What great vintage Avon, from a much sweeter time!

    Susan and Bentley

  35. Ah yes all the yummy sambles! Loved those little lipsticks, so fun! Boy those do bring back memories of good times and the excitment of seeing the Avon Lady. Boy times have changed :(
    Glad we have our memories!

  36. I remember in High School, my purse always had a few of those samples. I will keep my eye open for you. Happy Vintage Thingie Thursday.

  37. I remember the Avon lady but my Mom never could buy anything...we both have allergies and always were Clinique and Almay girls.

    I never saw such a beautiful roll-on and those perfume bottles are gorgeous! Who knew what I was missing out on!

  38. Hi Carol!
    What a collection you've got, so much fun! I love honeysuckle too. :)

  39. We lived out in the boondocks, so the arrival of the Avon lady was a pretty big day in our household. (Well, maybe for my mom and me; my brother and dad not so much.) I LOVED those little lipstick samples. And I can still smell the ladybug perfume. I loved that.

  40. Now I know more of your secrets you Avon Queen...I loved Jeanette the Avon Lady. She did mom's nails and mine and she smelled so good! Hoping you are at you Carol.
    Off to work I go. Next week I'm going to Spokane for a few days to a Joyce Meyer conference. I'm excited to go with my daughter and just leave the world behind for a bit.
    GNOMES AHOY winner...GROOVY GIRL coming in May to a blog near you...tee hee!

  41. I remember when the Avon Lady used to come to visit my mom when I was a little girl! I do love Avon products and I remember some you shared with us today!!

  42. Avon products are always a lot of fun. Even now, I like their jewelry and small little items. My favorite Christmas was the year my sister sold Avon- We got the best gifts!

  43. Wow, that's quite a collection. The only Avon bottle I have is the terrier dog. I'll have to keep looking. Those are really cute. Have a great week end!

  44. Oh my goodness you brought back a lot of happy memories with this post. I do remember those sample lipsticks and the excitement of opening them up to see what color they were. Fun times.

  45. Thanks for visiting my blog this week. I had a peak at all your vintage items. What an unusual collection of beautiful things. You must be a real collector of vintage stuff. Love it. Thanks for sharing.


  46. Oh my gosh, I remember many of those. I had that calico cat pin too. I loved that thing. Great memories.

  47. That is a great collection of bottles. I like the last ones they look like they are from the 30s. Have a good day...Julian

  48. I used Avon products years ago....very nice pieces you have here! :-)

  49. Such a wonderful post! Honeysuckle and ladybugs, what a sweet memory you have brought back for me! I must write a story about my mother's sister who was the #1 Avon seller in the state of North Carolina, and she never left her home! Such a fun post. Such a great collection. Elizabeth

  50. Awesome collection! I like the two little tower ones - they're cute!

  51. My sister sold it for awhile, when she was about 20 and I was about 8...I remember getting many a surprise from her or from my mom...I loved the ballerina necklace and the especially the Easter and Christmas items for kids:)
    Thanks for bringing back some sweet memories.
    OH,I almost forgot! Remember those tiny perfume bottles with different colored lids?My aunt bought gardenia and my grandma...nothing but rose!

  52. Wow! That's quite a collection. You have some unusual pieces.

    I come across Avon often in my travels. I'll have to keep an eye out for you. ;)

    Thanks for joining in on the giveaway fun.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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