Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vintage 4th of July Party!

Centsation Girl is having a Stars & Stripes Party! And......

Joan at Anything Goes Here is having a Vintage 4th of July Party!

And with a wave of the wand, let my portion of the party begin! WARNING!!! There is a metric ton of pictures ahead!

This bookcase is where I do most of my decorating in the house.

A July angel that I have trapped in an apothecary jar.

And another one!

Old salt & pepper shakers. I know the gal is Betsy Ross, but I've seen the guy called Paul Revere, James Madison, and Ben Franklin. We'll just call him the Bill of Rights dude!

Vintage sheet music.

I was so excited to find the postcard with the little girl on it! I've seen that image all over the internet, so I'm happy to have the real thing. It's postmarked 1909.

An old lunchbox.

An eagle quilt.

I collect Statue of Liberty souvenirs. Sure would like to see the real thing some day!

An old red, white and blue apron hanging by the back door, just in case I get an urge to bake something the minute I walk in the door!

An old teacher's tool to explain the evolution of our flag. It's a grand old flag, isn't it?!

An old watering can, filled with pinwheels and a flag. I remember getting a new pinwheel every year when I was a little girl!

Just one vintage towel in my overflowing collection.

If it's red, white and blue, or says it's AMERICAN MADE, I'll use it in my decorations.

Flags in an old crock. One of them is a 48-star flag. Another thing I collect.

An vintage red, white and blue tablecloth on the dining room table. With a flower frog holding an old 48-star flag along with newer ones.

The rest of these pictures aren't of vintage things, just more decorations inside and outside of our home. This is a quilt that I made a few years ago.

My favorite part is the blocks with the pledge of allegiance on them.

A throw that my sister Mary made for me for Christmas.

Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty that I made about 12 years ago. Actually I'm cheating, because these won't get out of the garage and onto the porch until Friday, so this is a picture from a couple years ago.

If you're still here, thank you for looking at all my stuff! For a blog that's called Old Glory Cottage, you would think I would have more vintage 4th things. Trust me, I'm workin' on it! Now please head over to Joan's to see lots more red, white and blue!

I am also linking up with REDnesday, over at IT'S A VERY CHERRY WORLD!
Centsational Girl's STARS AND STRIPES PARTY!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

My Weekend Finds-The Blues

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! Garage saling was awful, but the flea market did not disappoint, and I was able to get back home before the skies opened up. You will not hear me complain about all of the rain we've been having, because I haven't had to water anything except my hanging baskets!

The color blue was calling to me. I listened to that call and came home with this old elephant planter and the little bluebird.

No markings on the bottom of that pottery vase. But that Bambi planter is supposedly from the 40s, and it's marked Walt Disney on the bottom. And do you see little Thumper? He is blue too.

Last but not least, two clip-on birds, made in Japan. And a blingy Chicago pin. For my bling jar. Whenever I find a real blingy piece of jewelry, I put it in the jar. How utterly useless is that? Hopefully you all found some goodies this weekend, that you didn't lock away in a jar!
Can you say HOARDER?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Pink In The Garden For PINK SATURDAY

I'm linking up to Beverly's Pink Saturday party over at How Sweet The Sound for the very first time! Lately I've been drawn to the color pink, especially in pottery, but today let's take a walk around the garden.

I got these pink shrooms at an estate sale last summer. I still can't believe that I set these down a couple of times before I finally brought them up to the cashier! And I don't know if you can tell by this picture, but they're about 2 feet tall.

A pink birdcage hanging in the garden, with red begonias in it. I love the little heart on the door!

An old chair that I painted pink, with an old enamel bowl full of sedum sitting on it. Along with a little pink stool holding my dirty dishes fountain.

A pink Lacecap Hydrangea.

I had painted the roof of this birdhouse fuchsia, but it's all worn off except for the small amount left on the front. That's a hosta flower that's almost ready to bloom resting against it. A very aggressive Mama Wren has built a nest in there. I have risked being pecked to get this shot for you!

A little windowbox hanging on the side of the shed, with pink begonias and pink saucers blooming inside! This is a little tribute to my grandparents, with a GRANDMA and GRANDPA cup hanging from cup hooks.

A Carefree Delight rosebush. Can you spot the little grasshopper?
I would like to thank Beverly at How Sweet The Sound for letting me link up this week! Please pop over there to see lots more pinks!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

My Favorite RED Find!

I went to a flea market at the cutest little country church on Saturday. They had a little bit of everything there, including alot of antiques.
It was kind of muddy where it was held, but when I saw this breadbox from afar, the mud almost sucked my shoes off as I hurried towards it!

I think it's my favorite red find. EVER! I don't even know where I'll put it. In the kitchen? In the dining room with all of the picnic baskets? On top of the armoire in the bedroom? So many possibilities, but for now it's just sitting on the dining room table, where I can just stare at it in wonder!

I also got this little angel and devil figurine there. I've seen these on Ebay before. Very expensive. He's missing his little pitchfork, but maybe I can fashion one for him. Sometimes I feel like the devil has got me by the hand as I'm garage saling, or antiquing. I saw alot of things that I would have liked to have bought at that flea market, but after finding this, the angel prevailed and I came home with most of my money! Now please head over to Sue's to see more REDS!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

My Weekend Finds

Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds! I figured that since I do this post every Monday, I might as well have a graphic for it. Thanks to my daughter Lizzy!

I think we went to about forty garage sales on Friday, but I don't have alot to show for it! I'm always happy to add to my pottery collection, especially when it's blue. Or pink. Who am I kidding? I'll take it in any color I can get it!

These lady head vases weren't garage sale finds, but things that my sister was getting rid of. Thanks Mary!

This valentine planter was found at a church flea market. I heart her!

I wanted a big birdhouse to put by the front porch steps, and this beauty is just perfect. It's almost as tall as I am! Actually, that's not as impressive as it sounds, because I'm quite short! I found one other thing at the flea market that just might be one of my most favorite finds ever. But you'll have to wait 'til REDnesday to see it! So, what did you find this weekend?