Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Vintage 4th of July Party!

Centsation Girl is having a Stars & Stripes Party! And......

Joan at Anything Goes Here is having a Vintage 4th of July Party!

And with a wave of the wand, let my portion of the party begin! WARNING!!! There is a metric ton of pictures ahead!

This bookcase is where I do most of my decorating in the house.

A July angel that I have trapped in an apothecary jar.

And another one!

Old salt & pepper shakers. I know the gal is Betsy Ross, but I've seen the guy called Paul Revere, James Madison, and Ben Franklin. We'll just call him the Bill of Rights dude!

Vintage sheet music.

I was so excited to find the postcard with the little girl on it! I've seen that image all over the internet, so I'm happy to have the real thing. It's postmarked 1909.

An old lunchbox.

An eagle quilt.

I collect Statue of Liberty souvenirs. Sure would like to see the real thing some day!

An old red, white and blue apron hanging by the back door, just in case I get an urge to bake something the minute I walk in the door!

An old teacher's tool to explain the evolution of our flag. It's a grand old flag, isn't it?!

An old watering can, filled with pinwheels and a flag. I remember getting a new pinwheel every year when I was a little girl!

Just one vintage towel in my overflowing collection.

If it's red, white and blue, or says it's AMERICAN MADE, I'll use it in my decorations.

Flags in an old crock. One of them is a 48-star flag. Another thing I collect.

An vintage red, white and blue tablecloth on the dining room table. With a flower frog holding an old 48-star flag along with newer ones.

The rest of these pictures aren't of vintage things, just more decorations inside and outside of our home. This is a quilt that I made a few years ago.

My favorite part is the blocks with the pledge of allegiance on them.

A throw that my sister Mary made for me for Christmas.

Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty that I made about 12 years ago. Actually I'm cheating, because these won't get out of the garage and onto the porch until Friday, so this is a picture from a couple years ago.

If you're still here, thank you for looking at all my stuff! For a blog that's called Old Glory Cottage, you would think I would have more vintage 4th things. Trust me, I'm workin' on it! Now please head over to Joan's to see lots more red, white and blue!

I am also linking up with REDnesday, over at IT'S A VERY CHERRY WORLD!
Centsational Girl's STARS AND STRIPES PARTY!


  1. Awesome Carol!!! You have a great collection of memorabilia. Love the sheet music, vintage pinwheels, and wow, that eagle quilt is magnificent! Love all your decorating, and even outside!!

  2. Wonderful things. I love the old Fruit Jar Ring box - that is right up my alley!

    Have a safe and Happy 4th!

  3. I am in love with your collection, I just love seeing all the red white and blue love this time of year!

  4. Wonderful decroations! Happy 4th.

  5. Oh say does that star-spangled bannnnnnner yet waaaaave? O'er the land of the freeeeeee and the home of the braaaave!

    God Bless America! (we sure do need it)


  6. love all of your patriotic decorations!!! Especially the flags in the old crock!! I really love how that looks so I just may borrow that idea!!


  7. I love your decorations - everything looks wonderful!!

  8. Wow, I think you have a wonderful collection ! I love it all ! Happy 4th of July !

  9. Love all of your collections!

    Have a happy fourth of July,

  10. Wonderful post! I had such fun looking through these photos and then scrolling up and down again. Love all your things. I'd like to add some souvenir Statue of Liberty pieces myself. I had the opportunity recently to be in NYC for a graduation party for a friend. The party was a dinner cruise on the Hudson and in the harbor. Seeing Lady Liberty at night from the water was the most magical sight. If you go to NY, you must take an evening cruise to see this. Absolutely love your header with the vintage picnic basket and the flags.
    Thanks for stopping by to visit. Glad you got a copy of LONG MAY SHE WAVE. You will love it! ~
    Happy 4th of July ~ Sarah

  11. Carol-start the fireworks! You're 4th decor is spectacular!Love the vintage sheet music and the little figurines. So cute.

  12. I think your collection of RW&B things is just wonderful! Far more than I have. I do fly my flag daily.

  13. You have some great stuff. I love the flags sitting in the crock on the porch. That is a great idea. I may have to steal it. The idea, not the crock & flags. lol.

  14. No surprise that your collection is awesome! After all the title of our blog says it all! Love the flag and the quilts! Wonderful stuff.

  15. Wow...I looove your vintage Red, White & Blue post! Fabulous collections of memorabilia!!! Thanks so much for sharing with us! Debbie @ Cottage Hann~Me~Downs

  16. Wonderful vintage items. I love your July angel. Your sheet music and postcards are wonderful too. Have a great 4th!

  17. WOW...Your Americania is AWESOME!!!
    Sure enjoyed this post!
    Deb :)

  18. I'd expect nothing less from Mrs. Old Glory Cottage! Happy 4th!

  19. Oh My Gosh Carol, what an amazing and wonderful collection! You have so many treasures in your patriotic decor, and you've displayed them so beautifully. Those little figurines are precious. Love the salt and pepper shakers. I also love your header. laurie

  20. Oh Carol! EVERYTHING looks so awesome! you have some wornderful little vintage cuties! loved everything. What fun!!

  21. One of my favorites of your posts ever! Wonderful! I have SO many things like yours! Fantastic!

  22. you have a great collection. i esp. loved the salt and pepper shakers. hope you have a safe 4th.

  23. Hi Carol,
    I just knew you would have some fabulous vintage 4th of July goodies to show. I love all of your collections, they are always so much fun to see. The red, white and blue seem to be a natural fit in your home!

  24. Oh my goodness, you are so creative! I love your Uncle Sam & lady liberty on the porch!
    Happy 4th of July to you and yours!

  25. What awesome July 4thness! Love those vintage kitchen towels. And your header picture is wonderful, too.

  26. WOW Carol that is just so pretty. Love all the red,white & blue. I can remember getting thoese pinwheels at the 4th of July parade every year when I was younger. Have a blessed 4th, Vicky

  27. Wow, love it all, but my favorite is the July girl/angel, love her with the flag-Happy 4th!

  28. OMG Carol!!!! This is great! I figured being Old Gory Cottage you'd be set up all year! but, wow all the things you put out special too!

  29. Wow, what a collector you are! My favorite is the 1909 post card....what a find!

    And yes....where is your 1976 flag...something else to hunt for!


  30. Wow I love your decoration! Thanks for sharing! Happy Wednesday!

    RT~Fiesta Hollyhock

  31. Yes it is a Grand Old Flag! And you are a grand ... collecter! I think the little salt and pepper shakers are my favorite, they are just so sweet!Happy 4th friend!

  32. I just knew you'd have wonderful decorations up for the 4th, and I wasn't disappointed! Love 'em all!

  33. I am so loving all the vignettes you have made..Happy 4th of July...tomorrow we celebrate our Canada Day!

  34. I love every single one of these pictures! I don't know which is my fav but the salt and pepper shakers are cute. Love the "Bill of Rights dude."

  35. Wow...so much wonderful red, white and blue! You've really gotten me in the mood for July 4th!

  36. Hi Carol, You did a great job on all your displays. What a collection you have. Thanks for stopping by. Have a great 4TH.........Julian

  37. Ms. Carol,
    You have the red,white & blue and the Red down. Now all we need to get you is some Mary Engelbreit..lol! ;-)
    Thanks for sharing with us all. You did a wonderful spread.
    Happy 4th to you, too!

  38. What a Wonderful Collection ~ Shows Your American Pride....
    "God Bless America"
    Happy 4th~

  39. Carol

    You have so many wonderful collectible items -- I am fascinated by it all. I have many collectibles inherited and I wonder how to display some it -- but I see you have no problem being creative. Will spend more time looking over your ever so lovely blog.

    Thanks for visiting my blog today.

  40. Wow Carol! Hey, I LOVED that old three-armed tea towel drying "rack" in your kitchen with the vintage tea towels...I have a new model from Ace Hardware that can't hold a candle to yours. :( Happy Rednesday to you! I'm already following along...Pam @ Sallygoodin

  41. Carol, Old Glory Cottage lives up to it's name and then some. I love all the decorations, and the clever way you display them. Thanks for dropping by my blog with the Vintage Lady Liberty Fairy, yes I did make it. This is so much fun! I'm in Illinois too, and I'll drop by your blog again. Love, Penny

  42. Love all your red, white and blue. This is very much your holiday!!!!!! Thank you so much for taking part in another Vintage Holiday Party. Vintage Halloween will be next. Joan, your hostess thepottingshed-anythinggoeshere.blogspot.com/

  43. My faves are the salt and pepper shakers, the quilt, tea towels, and the evolution of the flag. If you ever want to lighten your load...

  44. Carol, what an amazing collection of Americana! I love it. :) Your eagle quilt is just stunning and not to mention the little patriotic candle figurine.
    Thanks so much for sharing. I loved every single picture.
    The Tattered Tassel

  45. I keep trying to leave a comment and I keep getting interrupted - so I hope this one takes! LOL

    I just love all your collections! The Statues of Liberty, the teacher's tool, the kitchen linens, etc.

    Your home is FABULOUS! Can we have a barbecue soon? I'd love to come! I'll bring potato salad and blackberry lemonade.

    Have a marvelous Fourth of July!!!!!!

  46. Wow!!! You go all out decorating for 4th of July....love it!! Love your backround too!

  47. I love all your patriotic goodies. I'm in love with your tea towels and apron - so pretty!!

  48. what a patriot! My such wonderful things you have!!! Happy 4th.

  49. What a fun post.... and so much to see and be inspired by!
    Thanks for sharing ... love all the red,white and blue.
    Have a GRAND 4th of July!

  50. Hi Carol! What a wonderful post. I acutally expected fireworks to appear over my Mac!! Have a very happy 4th!!!

    Susan and Bentley

  51. Carol, thanks for stopping buy my blog and for the sweet comments. I'll probably get a tutorial up after the holiday weekend. Have a blessed 4th!
    Leigh Ann

  52. Beautiful tribute to the fourth of July. Have a great weekend!

  53. How inspiring to see all your decorations! I am LOVING the salt and pepper shaker set, I actually swooned when I saw it:)

  54. Carol - everything is awesome! Timeless treasures - how can one go wrong with American patriotism!

  55. P.S. - I love your header and background!

  56. Love the little figurines. Also looked at your older posts, the angel and devil figurine is a hoot!
    Happy 4th, Susanne.

  57. Yoweee, you do go out for this! I don't think I ever do anything ,but put my flag out!!

  58. WHOW!!! you sure do have alot of fantastic red, white & blue vintage items. I specially love, love your picture (top/center) for your blog of the tin picnic basket with the flowers and flags, fantastic!!
    Thanks for sharing

  59. From Gnomeland to The Old Glory Cottage I smell cupcakes...what about that! I do believe I see you prancing down the Cupcake walk of life...YOU have WON my JUNE give AWAY and I'm thrilled to send you a box full of cupcake treats...just wait and see! See my post today girlie...luv u much!

  60. I loved everything!!! I want everything. But then again I always do at your post. But today I think I have something for you, if I can find it. I have a small Statute of Liberty, I know packed away somewhere. After I get my shop open and some time to myself I will find it, and it will be yours. It deserves a home where it will be appreciated instead of in a box somewhere, who knows where. Who knows what else I will find when I start looking. Again fab stuff, thanks for sharing.

  61. Wow! I love all your vintage r/w/b!! Your cottage is fabulous and Mom would have moved in with you! Thank you for visiting my blog and your kind words.

    Kit from Paperkitz

  62. I adore your patriotic spirit. It is red, white and bluetiful!

    I hope you'll stop by for a visit and see my Anthropologie inspired Americana tablecloth.

  63. Great collection & I'm your new follower!

  64. Wow--this blog and everything on it is a stunner!!!
    I'm going to find out how to be a follower!!! Thanks for visiting my blog--so nice to meet you, Carol!

  65. Oh I love it all. That Pledge of Allegiance quilt is wonderful! You have a great collection. Lisa~

  66. Hi Carol!

    What an amazing collection, I adore all things Americana!

    Best wishes for a HAPPY FOURTH!


  67. I'm lovin your beautiful vintage blog!!!

  68. Great Post! I love all of your red, white and blue. Thanks for visiting my little blog.

  69. Gosh your blog is fun! I just love love love all of your decor. I also remembered that I have an old Statue of liberty souvenir that I forgot to put out on my mantle! Thanks so much for the reminder!!!!!

    Happy FOURTH!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  70. Love all the red, white and blue vintage!! Your posts are so filled with collectables and old goodness, I love it! Browsing from Beverly to highlight a blogger from there and really enjoyed visiting you. May see you this weekend again! Happy Fourth!!

  71. Hi Carol
    How are you? It has been ages since I've visited your blog and I have missed you but I'm pleased to be able to wish you a very happy 4th July! Have a great day tomorrow.
    Susie X

  72. Thank you for sharing ..HAPPY JULY 4TH WEEKEND...

  73. Hey, where are you for Pink Saturday??? I gave you a shout-out on my blog. Hope all is well.

  74. Beautiful decorations! I like the collection of Statues of Liberty...I have one, I forgot to add to the mantle!


  75. Love all your Fourth of July decor. Fabulous!!!

  76. You've got some great treasures! I love the red plaid lunch box and of course, the Statue of Liberty souvenirs!

  77. Wonderful patriotic posts....love you decor...inside and out.

  78. Hi Carol,
    Hope you had a great 4th of July! your stuff is just fab...I especially like the R,W & B girl trapped under glass!

  79. Ok you win!! What an awesome collection!! Where do you store all your goodies when they are out of season? I hope you enjoy Eclipse. It is the best of the three and closest to the book. I was pleasantly surprised! I was really lucky and they audiences I was in with really only reacted to the funny parts! It has really good moments! Enjoy!
    Hugs, Lisa

  80. Wow you Americans really go all out for this don't you!
    What an amazing collection.

  81. what rich and awesome collections of pinks...
    very impressive and beautiful!

  82. Oh my goodness! Each picture is better than the last! Now I'm really sad I didn't get my decorations up!

    Did you search for that sheet music after seeing it on my blog? Just curious, because now I have to to have the Yankee Doodle Dandy!

    Funny how we do have some similar things. I have a quilt very similar to the one on the back of your sofa.

    I have to tell you I bought the most interesting flag last weekend at the auction. It's crocheted. Very cool. I'll have to share, I won't make you wait a whole year!


I love comments. Even if it's just to say Hi!