Tuesday, June 15, 2010

White Wednesday

Kathleen over at Faded Charm is hosting another great White Wednesday! Please pop over there if you're interested in seeing lots of pretty whites.

First up is an old kitty statue that I got at an estate sale last summer. She is nestled in amongst the Nearly Wild rosebushes by the back door.

This is my "Dirty Dishes" fountain. I know it's not all white, but it's mostly white! It reminds me of the way my Grandma did her dishes, in one of those old enamel basins in the sink. And it adds such a nice soft tinkle in the garden.

I got this little cart at a garage sale last Friday. It was a dark blackish green, so as soon as I got home, it got a coat of Heirloom White spraypaint. It will eventually go somewhere in the garden, but for now it's sitting in front of an old window that is supposed to be set out with the garbage, but I can't bear to get rid of it. I love that blue color too much!

I also got this trellis at a garage sale. It was made by the elderly gentleman having the sale.

The morning glory vine that I have in a pot on the ground has already latched onto it. That pot in front of the trellis is full of more morning glory seedlings. By the end of the summer, that trellis will be invisible!
Now please head over to Faded Charm to see more whites!


  1. Love it all. Morning glories are wonderful little surprises!

  2. Hi Carol,
    I see you changed your color on your blog...
    Sweet "red" treasures.
    I also remember the 3.00 bag at the end of the day at estate sales :)
    Deb :)

  3. I love your dirty dishes fountain, if I ran the water in my kitchen sink, I'd have one too!!! lol

  4. Happy White Wednesday! I love the flower cart and think it looks great painted white. I look forward to seeing a late summer picture with the morning glories covering the trellis.

  5. I just love your cute cart plant stand & trellis! and don't get rid of that window! It's fabulous!

  6. Love the kittie and the dish fountain!! That is nice!

    spindlecottage blog

  7. Love that cat statue in the garden! That plant stand is to cute and I'm on the look out for one!!

  8. That little cart is just so cute, I love it! Happy WW:)

  9. Hi carol,

    Your new trellis will be blooming with morning glories in no time!


  10. How clever are you girl! I love your dish fountain.

  11. Oh how lovely...I love the "dirty dish" fountain! So creative...

  12. What a sweet kitty! You must be able to find something to do with the blue window frame...make a trellis?? It is super! I have that same cart except mine has a handle at one end. It was that same green and I, too, painted it white....like minds!

  13. What a very cleaver fountain! Would love to find a handmade trellis like that!!

  14. Love the dirty dishes, especially since they are outside with such a cute idea! Everything is too cute!

  15. Love that fountain! Nice work with the cart.

  16. Your cart looks great all gussied up in white and that fountain ~ ingenius!!! Happy WW!

  17. Love all your whites!! That lattice and the cart are my favorite!!
    Happy White Wednesday!
    ~ Jo

  18. The dishes in the dishpan sure brought back memories!!!

  19. I really like the white garden cart and under the rose bushes is a perrrrfect spot for that cat! Happy White Wednesday <3

  20. I love all your garden goodies. Is that truly a fountain??

  21. I want that little carriage cart!! How sweet!! :)


  22. I adore the dirty dishes fountain!

  23. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for visiting me and my little cherubs!

    I really appreciate your comments.


  24. Beautiful post. I am having a moment because I had about 4 antique trellises that were broken down and chopped up by my DH because he thought they were junk. OOOOOOHHHHHH, my blood was boiling over that one!

    Enjoy the rest of your week,

  25. That is a great flower cart! That is a great find. Thanks for stopping by.....Julian

  26. I'm so glad you showed the fountain, it's so sweet! One of those things that when you look at it, it just makes you smile! I can't imagine getting rid of that blue door either, I'd have to find somewhere special for it. Happy belated WW (I'm just now able to visit everyone) Theresa

  27. Lovely!! I so enjoy all the whites!

  28. I knew I could count on you for Flag Day! We did a big USO event at work for a fundraiser. Counting down to my 6 last working days and then Freedom here I come!

    The wash basin of dishes is just dandy and such eye candy...delightful to look at and not so bad to wash up the dishes...You need a bottle of dish soap called "Charming"! We should invent it and making a killing on bubbles that make dish duties "Charming"

  29. I love that fountain with the dishes. Looks like my kitchen sink!

  30. I love the kitty of course! And as almost everyone else, the dishpan fountain... perhaps you could take some more pictures of it and share how it's made? I'd love to have one myself!!!

    Very cute garden!

    Have an awesome weekend!

  31. Oh how lovely...I love the "dirty dish" fountain! So creative...


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