Friday, July 9, 2010

It's A PINK SATURDAY In My Kitchen!

I've shared these pinks in my kitchen before, but never for PINK SATURDAY. My vintage Sunbeam mixer isn't looking very pink in this picture, but it really is pink! Does anyone else hate taking pictures indoors?

My very small collection of melamine. I remember a time when I thought melamine was cheap and unattractive. What a foolish little girl I was!

A vintage Pyrex casserole dish, along with a couple of old drinking glasses in the background.

A vintage ice crusher, colander and McCoy bowl. Pay no attention to all of the dust up there!

An old California Pottery snack set, on a lazy susan. Although I don't have alot of pink things in my kitchen, I am always on the lookout for more! If you would like to see all sorts of pink things, please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts this party every week!


  1. I love all that Pink in your kitchen. The Pyrex is gorgeous and love the mixer. Makes me smile.

  2. i especially love the snack set. never saw a pink ice crusher. have a good weekend

  3. Hi Carol,
    Love all the pink in your kitchen! Oh, could I whip up a cake with that mixer! Wouldn't that be fun! I'm sure you smile every time you use it. Happy Pink Saturday and have a great weekend.


  4. Happy Pink Saturday Carol Sweetie...
    Oh my gosh I love the pink mixer. Now that is just stinkin darn cute. And that melamine I can remember a set my Moma had. She only has a couple of bowls and the serving bowl left. I have such memories of eating on those dishes. She too hated them at the time. I thought they were devine as they were pink.

    Now that ice crusher, I am so laughing. We had one on the wall in the kitchen and I can sure remember putting ice cubes in there and cranking that darn handle. That was such a treat for me. I have always loved crushed ice.

    Your snack set is beautiful. Looks in mint condition too. What a beautiful share today sweetie.

    Thank you for taking the time to share with me. Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  5. Hi Carol.
    LOVE the pink serving set...and the glasses too! Pink and red go great together.
    deb :)

  6. I love your pink goodies! A pink mc coy bowl?? I've never seen one before! You are a lucky girl!

  7. I'm loving this - pink being my favorite color! Is the melamine called 'Melmac'? I've seen it around and really like it.

    You really amaze me the way you come up with things for the different memes - red, pink, white, vintage, yada yada. Do you have a BJ's style warehouse out back of Old Glory? lol

    P.S. I am not going to water Smudgie cuz it might just grow another one!

  8. Love the light red - er - pink in your kitchen! What can we have on that little snack set? YUM!

  9. Oh my,,that pink Pyrex has got my heart fluttering!!

  10. What wonderful pinks! My mother had a pink kitchen years ago, and I loved it! I am particularly in love with that pyrex dish. I don't think she had one (hers were clear), but that is SO cute. And yes, it can be challenging to shoot inside. The trick is to get as much natural light in as possible, but then it can be washed out! LOL! It's difficult. No two ways about it.

    Happy Pink Saturday...


    Sheila :-)

  11. P.S. Your snack set on the Lazy Susan reminds me of one that our class gave our principal years ago as a gift. That would have been in 1966, and I'm betting that one is about the same age.


    Sheila :-)

  12. You do have alot of pink going on...I love pink, it is so happy !
    Pink Hugs ~ Kammy

  13. You have such cute pink things in your kitchen. The mixer is adorable. I can just picture a happy homemaker in a cute apron whipping up a cake with it. :-)

  14. Cute! I'm so glad that someone else loves Pink AND Red! Seriously, I wouldn't want to live without either! ♥

  15. I just love all of your pinks in the kitchen! I would adore a pink kitchen but I think my family would object, ha!


  16. I have that same ice crusher in 70's Avocado Green but I would really prefer it in pink. I think we all hated melamine back in the day and now it's funny how we all covet it. Of course I love and want everything you showed today!

  17. Oh how I love old cook ware! A few years ago, I HATED it, but something happened (maybe turning 40) where all the sudden, I really started loving the colors. I even had an advocado-green blender that worked like a charm...until my son broke it. The motor in that thing could have replaced the one in my car!

  18. thanks for visiting. I have t get back in the kitchen and bake soon! Its been so hot here in Atlanta. lol

  19. Lovely vintageness! Retro did use a lot of pink. I did get a new camera and what a difference! LOL Thanks for coming by!

  20. Love all your pinks, especially that neat ice crusher!!

  21. HPS, Carol. Love your vintage pinks. I have one piece of my mom's melamine dishes, I always liked them but never thought of keeping them, though I do remember bleaching them to clean out all the cut marks on them. LOL. I would love to have a set now. Your pieces are a treasure. Reminded me I have some of my grandmothers glasses still packed away, my kitchen is bigger now, I need to get them out. Grin.

  22. What lovely vintage pinks you have shared with us here today!!



  23. Happy Pink Saturday!! I am soooooo envious of your vintage pinks!! OMG...what I wouldn't give for that mixer and the Pyrex dish!!! Actually..they're all wonderful!

    I know what you mean about the melamine....when we were kids, that's what we had at home and I hated it! I thought it showed everyone just how poor we were!! Shame on me! How I wished I had some of the dishes back that we used to use!!

    It's so much fun to visit you....Happy Pink Saturday!! Dana

  24. Oh man!!! I love your pink stuff ;) Love melamine - I saw a lavender sugar bowl in melamine today...a color I've not ever seen it in before. I LOVE your vintage drinking glasses and the pink pyrex. You have some treasures there in your kitchen. Happy Pink Saturday~

  25. Love all your pinks! I don't have as much as I do red, but I do love that 50's pink!

  26. Kitchen and pink!! Just as good as Kitchen and red ;)!!
    What fun to visit your pinks!
    Hugs, Lisa

  27. I loved seeing all of your pink! My grandma had an entire set of pink melamine. (And a pink powder room. And a turquoise living room. It was the perfect 50s bungalow.)

  28. Wow..this is a lot of pretty pink. Love that it all.

    Now, go get your grandmother's apron out of the drawer and hang it somewhere in with all that pink..even a nail would work!! :))
    Lucky you to have one from her.
    xo bj

  29. How wonderful, I remember these dishes from when I was little. Your pink mixer is the best. Your kitchen is the best.
    Happy Pink Saturday,

  30. Well I survived my day, opening of my new shop and it went very well. I had a steady stream of customers. I was thrilled. The feedback was very positive and it showed in the sales. I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words and support for the shop. It is I that wishes I lived closer to you and all your amazing, am I drooling, stuff. By the way, are those flowers on the jade-ite piece in your cupboard, love it. Again thank you so much. It meant a lot to me.

  31. Love all the pink in your kitchen!
    Happy pink saturday!!

  32. Hi Carol! I love all of your cute vintage pinkness in your kitchen! The mixer is great and I'm in love with your pink pirex bowl!
    Thank you so much for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  33. You have a wonderful pink collection! I especially love the snack set. Happy Pink Weekend! :-)

  34. Oh my, that is all so pretty. It reminds me of the retro 50's kitchens. What a joy it must be to create in there. Happy Pink Saturday, Char

  35. Hi Carol, thanks for stopping by my Blog, oh my, we have the same pink kitchen stuff, When we bought an old trailer to refurbish, I did it all in Pink and Aqua, I have all the pink utensils, and I found a Pink Microwave too. I also have the old pink 50's burlap glasses, I have a pink Toaster also. I loved seeing all your pink goodies, and yes I can't take good pics inside. Natural outside light is better for Colors. I'll be back, I just love your Blog. And I have to say I love all your RED, WHITE snd BLUE~~God Bless our Country and all of our Troops, thanks for sharing it all with us.

    Have a Happy Pink Day!
    marian elizabeth

  36. Hi Carol!

    Thanks so much for such complimentary words on my Sleepy Hollow post! I too, love vintage Halloween and the Fall is my absolute most favorite time of year! I've been working on Fall/Harvest folk art and hope to open an Etsy shop come Sept.

    Aren't we blessed to be given the gift of creativity?

  37. Oh, I love all your kitchen pinks! Twyla

  38. Hi Carol,

    What cool pinks! Love it all!


  39. Pink and FABULOUS - and so nice I can see your pix in detail now I have my new glasses. As Bette Davis said, 'Old age ain't for sissies'. lol.

    Happy (belated) Pink Saturday.


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