Friday, July 30, 2010

Sew Pink-Pink Saturday!

Today for Pink Saturday I thought I would share my two vintage sewing baskets. This one came from a garage sale last year, and it sits on a bookshelf in our bedroom. It holds miscellaneous junk.

This is another shelf on that same bookshelf.

This sewing basket came from Ebay, and I think I won it for $2. Again, no sewing supplies in this one either!

An old plastic flower in a jar.

This is an old Fannie May candy box.

I was told it was supposed to be used as a glove or handkerchief box after you ate the candy.

Sorry that it's looking more purpley than pink. It's very gloomy outside. But can you see where it says Fannie May there in the corner?

And there is a mirror inside. Do you suppose it was there so that you could watch yourself pop those chocolates in your mouth?

I'm using it to store my vintage hankie collection. Some of these were my Grandma's, and alot of them have pink in them!

And I had to share all of these goodies that I won from Jaqueline's giveaway! Lots of pink things in there, and I especially love the cupcake! Thanks Jackie!
If you have the time, please pay a visit to RUST & RUFFLES. Janis has the prettiest pictures in each and every post. Check out her post on July 20th. I'm sure you'll be just as dazzled as I was!
Now please head over to How Sweet The Sound, where Beverly hosts Pink Saturday every week, and you will find a list of all the other Pinkies!


  1. Hi Carol,
    I just left comments about the painting issue on your last post.
    LOVE the Fanny Farmer candy/hanky box. Is Fanny Farmer candy still around??!!
    Your hankies are so pretty and how special to have some that are your Grandma's!
    Very nice wins!
    Your banner is still awesome!
    Happy weekend.
    deb :)

  2. Carol - - - did you have time this week to follow "your" blogs? There's NEWS over on mine that MIGHT make you a tad jealous - - - - post title is "Change - - - She is a Comin'"

  3. Hi Carol, I love,love,love your vintage sewing box. I like the FF hankie box, too. Yes, that mirror's there so you can see how you look with sweets stuffed in your mouth ;) j/k

  4. Love your sewing baskets! How fun to be able to find two almost the same. And pink no less!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday Carol Sweetie...
    Oh my goodness, every time I pop over and see your header with that beautiful picnic basket with the flowers it just tugs at my heart. It is SO beautiful. I just love it.

    Now you share today is so pretty. I love your sewing baskets. They look so fun and festive on your shelf. I really love the wicket looking one.

    Now your Fanny May candy tin that has the vintage hankies in it, oh my what a beautiful way to share them. A special way to preserve Grandma's too. They look so pretty in there. I had never thought about a tin for that. Thank you so much for sharing with me today.

    Have a beautiful Pink Saturday sweet friend. Please stop by and let me share my pink post with you as well.

    Country hugs sweetie...Sherry

  6. Thought Id stop by and say all your goodies, Dianne, kitsch n Stuff

  7. Those are wonderful pink sewing baskets. My mom still uses a sewing basket. It sits by her chair in the family room. She's not one to sit with idle hands and always has some project to work on while watching TV. Happy Pink Saturday.

  8. I am loving your pinks! That sewing box is very cool. I especialy like the Fanny Farmer Candy Box and the hankies!!

  9. I always like to see vintage sewing items. Your boxes are really sweet. ~ Sarah

  10. LOVE the giveaway!! And your pink sewing baskets are the best!! Enjoy it all!
    Hugs, Lisa

  11. Wow, Carol, those sewing baskets are so sweet! And it's so special that you have hankies from your grandmother! ♥

  12. Pretty, pretty pink! Love those baskets! I have my hubby's grandma's yellow one like yours, I wish she had picked pink! Aren't hankies the funnest thing to collect? So pretty and they don't take up much space. ;)

  13. HPS!!

    I just love everything that you shared with today!!

    The pink sewing box is darling as is the other box!

    I love your vintage hankies too!!


  14. I love your pink sewing baskets. I would love a really nice sewing basket but the problem is I cant sew so it would never really be used!
    Susie X

  15. Carol..what an adorable blog you have! I love it. The sewing basket is so sweet.
    Happy Pink Saturday..xo Tami

  16. Thanks for the wartm welcome. Great pink finds - love the sweing box. I still have my Mom's - with all her supplies inside!

  17. wonderful creations!!! have a nice pink saturday!!!

  18. Oh boy! That round pink sewing box is just like mine. Happy Pink Saturday.

  19. Hi Carol,
    Those are the most beautiful sewing baskets I have ever seen. Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my blog....I appreciate it so very much!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Hi Carol,

    Love this vintage sewing basket! The hankies are so pretty too. I also collect them. Happy PS! Have a great weekend!


  21. G'eve Carol ~ Yes, that is what the boxes were used for, eat the goodies, store the hankies. Lovely!

    Have a lovely PINK summer's eve.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  22. Love all your pretty pinks, especially your grandmothers hankies! Happy pink Saturday!!! Blessings~~~ Daphne

  23. never knew what fannie farmer was so now i'm educated.

  24. Lets pop a chocolate and stay happy!
    Glad you liked all the goodies...I love that pink sewing basket...Inspires me to get out the needle and thread. Who cares if you poke your finger when you have a basket like that!

  25. What a stroll down memory lane.. thanks for sharing those goodies. Happy Belated Pink Saturday to you! Peggy x

  26. LOVELY pinks - and thanks so much for leaving a comment and birthday wishes. I had a lovely day, and yes that shopping centre is definitely To Die For. I'd move in and live there!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  27. Hi Carol,
    Thanks for coming by my blog and leaving such a nice comment.
    I love all your pinks you are showing off today.
    What a great way to store your vintage hankies.

    I am following your blog, so I'll be back often.


  28. Wonderful pinks! The sewing baskets and handkerchief box are pretty. Have a great week!

  29. You do have a lot of nice 'pink' things. I like your sewing baskets and you got a great deal.

    I love the Fannie May candy box -I wonder why the mirror is in there??


  30. Carol, these are SO cute! Love your pinks. That first basket just makes me smile in the biggest way.


    Sheila :-)

  31. thanks for your comment on my blog re nose injury. when things happen then you need to go with the flow.

  32. I have the same pink sewing basket. And I use mine for miscellaneous junk, too. Wouldn't it be weird if we had identical junk inside them?

  33. I have been kicking myself since July 3rd, passing up a sewing basket just like this because I am not a "pink" person. GRRRR!!!


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