Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Bluebird Of Happiness!

Thanks for stopping by to see my finds this week!

Anyone that loves bluebirds like these knows how outrageously expensive they are on Ebay. Some people have even gotten into fights to get them. Imagine my surprise when I found these for $1 at a garage sale, run by a little old lady who was offering rum balls to all her customers. I still can't believe my sister actually put something from a stranger in her mouth!

And speaking of my sister, she found this ridiculously cute watering can for me at a garage sale last week. Those bluebirds make me happy, but this thing makes me delirious!

Last, just in time for Halloween, we have a vintage Lefton October angel. And an old bird figurine. I may have only found a few things, but each one made me really happy. I've been waiting all summer for that really good sale. You know the one, where you need your friend to help carry it all because you found so much stuff that your arms are overflowing. But I learned that I don't need to come home from the flea market with my big over-sized shopping bag full to be content. It's about quality, not quantity. I wish every week was like that! So, did you find some little treasure that made you happy?


  1. Wow! You did amazing on the bluebirds! They are so adorable!
    And I would have taken the rum ball from the little old lady! I guess I'm a trusting soul maybe too much so.

  2. Tee Hee..after finding those bluebirds..for a dollar..I would of had to of taken the rum ball just to calm my excitement of "Winning the lottery with that find"!! And I agree with you..It is not how we find..but how it make us feel!!

    Hugs, Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  3. Hi, carol!Oh my goodness! That watering can realy is somethun! How unique!

    I see cute blue birds on the blogs but never in person! Maybe some day... I haven't been doing any treasure hunting. I'm too busy packing again to move to the farm! ♥

  4. Little old lady's garage sales are my favorite kind. Your bluebird find is adorable. I have a few bluebird pieces, but they all came from antique shops.
    Love all of your finds. How fun.

  5. Oh my I love the little blue birds and what a score!! I am like you and think the watering can is out of this world fabulous! Love the little October Angel also. Gosh you just did great. I'm trying for quality not quantity and finding I'm enjoying my finds more!

  6. These are all adorable, Carol! I wish we lived close to each other so we could go vintage hunting together!
    Love all you treasures!

  7. First , I'm are so funny..I think I would take a rum ball from a sweet old lady :)
    AWESOME bluebird find...only a buck!! I didn't know people were fighting over them...hmm..maybe I should sell mine :)
    LOVE the Halloweeen birthday girl and watering can!
    Have a Great Monday!
    Deb :)

  8. Looks like you hit the jackpot this weekend, definitely quality over quanity!

  9. little birds and watering cans... happiness!

  10. Those little bluebirds are an amazing score - congrats!! And I'm with you about taking rum balls from a stranger. :-) Sounds like it all turned out okay.

  11. What fun finds! I have a thing for birds in general and the bluebirds are so sweet. Your sister is sweet to buy you the watering can.

  12. That is the best watering can in the world. Hands down. It is FABULOUS!

  13. That watering can is ADORABLE...what a nice gift and I can see why you are delirious.

  14. OH!! The bluebirds are wonderful! And you got them for $1?? What an amazing find!!! You are so lucky!!
    Stop by my blog sometime this week. I'm having a little giveaway.

  15. Carol, this is so funny, I just did my post talking about these little treasures that make me happy and then I visit you and you have the same idea. Your treasures are certainly 'happy' worthy. That can is ridiculously cute! Great job by your sister! Have a nice day! Twyla

  16. You have my watering can. I showed it earlier this spring. It will never make it into my shop. I just love it. But I have to ask how were the rum balls.

  17. Your red, pink, and bluebird posts are all wonderful! It's fun to see glimpses of the treasures in your home. Have a lovely fall weekend! Elizabeth

  18. I just love all of your prettys here and the bread box sure brings back memories... Are all of these in your home??? Now that I am here for the fun of Rednesday with Sue and all of you,, I must get a better collection of RED going on..
    May God's blessings be all over you ~~~Hugs Dena

  19. I love your bluebirds, and what a GREAT deal you got on them. I've also seen them on Ebay, and most of the time they are quite expensive. I haven't gotten any yet, but I hope to. Have a great weekend.

  20. Wow! I love your bluebirds. What a sweet deal! I just bought a set of lefton bluebird salt and pepper shakers..... but I hate to say I paid a pretty penny for them.

  21. $1? You're killing with this. Love the watering can.


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