Friday, September 3, 2010

TIME For Pink Saturday!

Do you remember this vintage clock that I found at the flea market for $2.00? Well, when I plugged it in, it sounded like a plane was about to land in the kitchen. Just what I was afraid of. So I had to take it apart, get out my Dremel and cut down lots of plastic protuberances (yes, it's a word!), and put in a battery operated clock kit from Michaels.

And now it's finally up on the kitchen wall! Which led to washing of that wall, so that I could take this picture. Which now means that I need to wash all of the other walls in the kitchen, because the clean one stands out like a sore thumb! I don't know if you can tell, but the little spice jars above it are also pink.

These are my winnings from Heidi's giveaway over at Gold Country Girls. A pretty pink embroidered pillowcase, a dresser scarf, hankies, and hand painted china.

Also two vintage postcards, one in a pretty frame, and the other one made into a greeting card. And a great old dress pattern. Oh, if only I had a waist that tiny! Thank you Heidi for all of these pretties!
If you would like to see lots more pinks, visit Beverly at How Sweet The Sound, where she plays hostess every week for her Pink Saturday party!


  1. Hi Carol!
    L-O-V-E your new fall banner and background!!!
    That is so cool that you fixed your pink clock...and I do see the pink spice jars..very cool!
    Have a lovely weekend!
    deb :)

  2. I can only imagine the sound that clock was making! LOL It looks wonderful on the wall. And I adore your spice jars.

    Congrats on winning all those beautiful goodies!

  3. Great that you managed to make the clock work!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  4. Love the pink clock, Carol! I love the salt and peppers in your previous post too. I've always wanted to collect salt and peppers but I don't have the room for them. Happy Pink Saturday weekend; thanks for sharing.


  5. Carol, Your clock is just wonderful! A pink one, such a find. Thanks so much for sharing with us. Have a great weekend! Elizabeth

  6. Great pink vintage clock! Glad you got the proturbences out of it! LOL! I'm not sure I spelled that right.

    Anyway, Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Holiday weekend.


  7. HPS to you. Lovely collections.Have a safe Labor DAY Weekend. Nancy

  8. Your pink clock is just adorable! You are sooo smart!

  9. that clock is SUPER COOL! thanks for stopping by and your kind words. happy weekend!

  10. I love your new banner as well as your clock and other goodies.

  11. Hi Carol! I'm so glad you liked everything!
    I love your pink clock!

  12. Love your Pink Clock!! What great winnings you got also. So much fun! You are ready for fall with your new banner and blog look!

  13. Well, your pink clock is perfect with you spice jars. Great find! Congratulations on the win.
    Have a great weekend. ~ sarah

  14. Clever, clever girl! Don't you just love your Dremel?!

    Don;t you just love how things spiral out of control when you wash just one wall! Hahaha!

  15. That is a good idea. I have a green clock that looks similar and also sounds like a plane taking off. I will have to see how I can switch things out. Thanks for a good idea. I was a little worried about the cord anyway.

  16. very cute....and I impressed that you can take it apart and it's not running backwards!

  17. Great pinks here today! I am amazed at your ingenuity with the clock!!


  18. I so want that vintage clock-it's sooooo cool!

  19. I just adore that pink clock!! Your blog is making me wish for fall to hurry up! lol

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. What a lovely visit. Your pinks are delightful and I'm SOOO impressed at how you fixed the clock!! And what a delight to see all the lovely autumn and fall colors! I SO canNOT wait for autumn to be officially here but even if the calendar doesn't say it, the autumn leaves that are falling down are putting lovely songs in my heart and your decorations are too! Have a lovely day!

    PS LOVED your info on the Sears Roebuck House. Very interesting history on so many of the lovely older houses near train stations. With several train buffs in our family, that's doubly interesting!

  21. Awesome job on the clock. It looks great up there. I know exactly what you mean about the one clean wall. It just doesn't end, does it?

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. Well what a handy girl you are replacing those clock parts like that! We all love your clock, Carol!

    Congrats on your win! I've won 4 give aways this summer and I've hardly been blogging!

    Okay, now get busy and finish washing those walls! Hee-hee! ♥

  23. My, but you're smart and handy! I would have just laid that beauty of a clock aside and waited until my husband could open it up for me and check it out. I love your beautiful blog and have enjoyed my visit here on this lovely Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  24. Love the clock and that you fixed it!
    I've had that happen....wash the background wall/windows for the post, then it snowballs from there! Lol.
    Have a great weekend, Carol!

  25. I read through all the comments, and it's clear that we all love your pink clock.

    But even more - we all love knowing that we're not the only ones who don't have spotless kitchens, and have to do quick clean-ups every time we post photos of our homes!

  26. G'day Carol ~ I LOVE your Rednesday reds!! I so remember these plastic pink clocks .. it is wonderful!
    Have a beautiful & safe holiday weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  27. Hi there back again. About my pink handled egg beater, I know, it is so cool, I have only seen them before in red and greens. I just love the pink deliciousness of it. Have a great day.

  28. Happy Pink Saturday!! I love your new header picture! I cannot WAIT for fall. It has just been too silly hot around here this year!

  29. Beautiful pinkies!
    Happy PS on Sunday.
    Have a great week ahead.
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Regina

  30. The joy you bring through your happy hazard junk finds. Washing walls, painting the get a big pink set of pom-poms for effort my Old Glory Girly!

  31. Hi Carol, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your post this week. Also love your fall banner, don't know where this summer went.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  32. Aren't you handy! That's a wonderful clock (love the spice jars too). Is pink taking over??

  33. About the trumpet vine, Carol - Yes, it will TAKE OVER the place! It's been pretty dry here this summer, basically, I mow when the trumpet vine coming up through the yard gets a foot high. Mister and I think that if the yard wasn't mowed for a few weeks, we'd have to hack our way through with machetes. It's not too much a problem, except where it comes up in 2 of the garden beds.


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