Sunday, October 17, 2010

Deja Vu At The Flea Market!

Mr. Old Glory and I went to the flea market on Sunday, and right away I spotted this old Lefton bluebird pitcher. And I knew I was about to experience a little deja vu. I asked the seller how much it was, and she immediately went into a tirade.

She said that she had paid $4 for it, but that I could have it for $2. She also said that she could have bought the salt and pepper shakers that went with it too, if not for a very nasty girl who stole them out from under her.

Remember these s&p shakers? The nasty girl was me! Do you remember the fight I got into over these? I can't believe it was the same lady, but luckily she didn't recognize me! And now I own the pitcher too. Was it karma? Or just dumb luck? I'm just really really glad she didn't recognize me!

We also went to The Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana. I didn't find very much, but we had a great time and the weather was beautiful. These two old planters made the ride home with us. The more I look at that scottie, the more it looks like it's wearing pink lipstick. Very troubling.....

This little robin with the crazy eyes was only a quarter, and also came home with us.

One other thing that we brought back was a rip-roaring case of indigestion. I DID say that we were going to eat our way through the festival, and we did just that. We had corn dogs and pumpkin rolls and bloomin' onions. Sadly, we had no room for a Pork Parfait.

And no Donut Burger passed our lips either! So, did you find some treasures last weekend? Or eat anything interesting?


  1. Thanks for the smile today..I needed it! Thank goodness she did't remember you! lol

    Hugs Cindy from Rick-Rack and Gingham

  2. Noooo Waaay! It was THAT gal? She must be a very, very sad person.

    Now your Birdie is where he belongs. I think you new pooch looks like he's been sneaking into the candy stash, and doesn't know the evidence is on his face.

  3. Ha! that's crazy, you were meant to have those beautiful birds!

    p.s.You're not nasty!!!

  4. Ha! Ha! Great story!! It pays to be tenacious sometimes!!

  5. Hi Carol,
    AWESOME Bluebird pitcher and what a DEAL!!! Deja Vu...interesting! It's good that she didn't remember you! Enjoy your Bluebirds!
    deb :)

  6. That's a great story! Glad you got the pitcher to match the salt and pepper shakers.

  7. Saturday, this Ozark help the crew work the hear. It's an annual fall thing 'round here. Sunday after I taught my pre-teen Sunday School class...(somebody has to) and had Kid's Church (I'll never grow up) we went to one of our granddaughters birthday parties. When ya have eight grandkiddos, parties are a full time job!

    My kids had four crock pots filled with chili. One mild, one spicy, one hot and the last was muy caliente'. Woohoo, let's just say I lick every last drop out of the muy caliente' pot. What can I say, this chick likes it hot!! :o)

    God bless ya'll from the beautiful hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!

  8. Oh...what a hoot Carol. I love nasty thief you!!! The old bat needs to get a life and quit scabbling over lost birdies.

    Yes, we had a fun weekend. Went to an antique/craft show in a Dutch town up the way and bought myself a Gnome Mouse Pad and Gnome napkins plus some little gifts for girlfriends from a gal that has a booming business called Deconomics!

    Yesterday we went to a pumpkin farm. You can see picks of today and tomorrow on my blog and Len ate chili. He was so excited for homemade chili and it turned out to be Nally in a can! Blueberry muffins with it and coffee!

  9. great post, Carol...I'll remember to give if we see bluebird sweets at the same time/place. lol

    I finally got you back on my bloggie roll where ya belong! I agree that 2 of those nutcrackers and a tree is all anyone would need for high impact.

  10. Oh yeah the Karma was flying! So glad the blubird pitcher got to come home with you where it belonged! So Glad she didn't recognize you! TOOOOOOOOFUNNNY!
    Love the planters, lipstick and all!

  11. G'morn Carol ~ A DONUT BURGER, c'mon, is that for real? What next!

    Sometimes it pays to have memory lapses, doesn't it ... in benefit for you. Gosh! Those are so expensive anymore & now you have the set, you lucky gal!

    Re my write today, those deer were in our neighbors backyard & we are only 2 miles from town ... we've had many here, too. I could watch them 24/7.

    Have a beautiful week.
    TTFN Hugs, Marydon

  12. Ohmygosh, Carol! I have been laughing out loud remembering very well when you "stole" that bird out from under the women's nose. Oh...too funny! I've had experiences like this! Anyway, I love your beautiful are a lucky "bird" yourself!

  13. Now that is just to darn freaky, but I guess those little darlings had to be together, and all the stars lined up and ....they are ALL yours. What sweet treasures they were meant to be yours all along!! hugs, Diane

  14. Ooohhh- I collect deer AND birds, so I am extremely envious of your finds! And the bluebird pitcher!! That story is a hoot - you "nasty girl", you! LOL! Obviously - it was meant to be yours all along.

  15. I think it was definitely the Lord making things right!! As far as the food goes...I think someone is getting a little TOO creative!

  16. Oh Carol! I love the new pitcher but, really love the story behind it! I was laughing to hear about this being the same lady that you dealt with over the S&P shakers. I could see myself in this same situation! LOL

    Have a terrific day!

  17. you were meant to have the little bird set! amazing she could hold a grude against someone she can't recognize! Poor woman,

  18. As soon as I clicked to your blog and saw the bluebird pitcher, I said "Oh, NO! I hope there wasn't any violence involved." LOL!!! Sometimes, it's hard to believe how small this world really is. I'm glad your birds are all together in your nest where they belong.

  19. Hi Carol,

    What a funny story! Glad you got the pitcher, it's so cute!!
    We went to a fall festival in Walnutport Pa. Beautiful ride through the countryside. Didn't buy anything but a pumpkin! lol!

  20. I love your little vintage birdies and the story is so funny! I bet you secretly smiled all the way home!

    I am trying to visualize a donut burger, um.....probably good though.


  21. If I recall correctly, after you bought the S & P you pondering wearing a disguise to the flea market! Haha! Funny stuff!

    As to the food, geez how do they come up with this stuff. A donut burger? Really?

  22. such an unusual pitcher and the color was beautiful. thanks for sharing rose

  23. hope this helps you, I had acid reflux and awful painful heartburn. My friend told me to check as it helped him get rid of acid reflux and his post nasal drip. I've been following advice for about 4 months now and I feel much better, also at work people are not avoiding me anymore so it seems to have cured my bad breath as well.

  24. I thought that bird looked familiar. Thank goodness she didn't recognize you or the price would have been so much higher. How fun is that. Good for you. By the way I have the same Robin. Have a great day.

  25. That's a great story about the pitcher -- karma! Maybe next time she'll have the bluebird cookie jar waiting for you. :-)

  26. I LOVE this story! You nasty girl you! I have a little deer very similar to the one you found and it's one of my very favorite things so you KNOW I loved seeing yours. I hate to admit this but that Pork Parfait sounds like something I'd WANT to try but hopefully I'd be able to walk away. Heart attack in a cup!

  27. That's hilarious! Good for you-I love the blue birds and I'm glad you got the set!Planters are also really nice. You always find the best stuff!

  28. ..Reminder "Go Purple" Wednesday, October 20th....Read More on my blog,

    Kitsch n Stuff

  29. Jealous, never seen the pitcher before!! PORK PARFAIT?? Do I even want to know what that is?

  30. Hi Carol,
    This made me really smile today!!! What a great post!!!
    And I love your blog header too--so precious!! I hope you're doing great--you're always so full of fun and whimsy!!

  31. Oh my gosh, how funny. I'm glad you weren't recognized and even more glad that YOU got the bluebirds. They're adorable.


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