Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pottery Extravaganza!

I love when a theme develops while you're garage saling. The theme this past weekend was pottery! I consider it a good week if I find just one piece of vintage pottery, but last week I scored 5 pieces.

First there were vases. The ones on the left and right are old Floraline vases. The one in the middle is USA Pottery, and I'm nuts for it!

And then there was this lovely blue vase. It was almost like it was waving me over to have a closer look. It's so curvaceous!

And then there was this old Haeger pot. I've never seen this shape before, so it came home with me too. Yep, definitely a pottery theme last week.

And although they aren't vintage pottery, these trick-or-treaters got to come home with me too. Along with those teeny-tiny pumpkins that the seller grew himself, and sold for a dime apiece. So, was there a theme to your thrifting last week?


  1. love it all....great finds!

  2. Great theme! I especially love that blue one.

    I just read your last post too, how exciting for your daughter, and how nice that she had an attic to go shopping in. :)

  3. You know I have a love of pottery myself so your finds are eye candy for me!! Love them all. The little pumpkins are the cutest!!

  4. Great pottery finds! I have that last Haeger vase...

  5. Wow, you did have a good pottery week! Lovely pieces!

  6. I am loving the blue vase, extra special. You know I just love that color. But you always do find good stuff.

  7. I just had to comment on your daughter Liz's apartment-that is so cute and I love that it was mostly deorcated from attic and hand me downs. They did a great job. My son is at Northwestern in Evanston and hopes to get an apartment next year-I hope he decorates smartly like your daughter. Although I don't think he'd go for the Paris look!LOL Cute finds this week-great pottery.

  8. Great scores! Must have been pottery day...

  9. Oh, I love your treasures!!! So precious!

  10. It was a good day for you. Those mini pumpkins are so sweet! As was the price!

  11. Those Halloween statues do look vintage. I love them. Those vases..oh my goodness,,,awesome!!

  12. Ooh, these are a perfect find. You could do so much with them. Loved stopping by as usual.

  13. Hi Carol,

    What a nice collection of vases you have! Love your blog pictures for Halloween. Everything looks so festive!


  14. I always love your pottery posts! You have a wonderful collection! Elizabeth

  15. love the blue vase, great find. have a good weekend. rose

  16. Carol, I am nuts for pottery, too! I love the mellow colors. Have a nice weekend! Twyla

  17. Hi Carol!

    First, before I loose my marbles...I have the gnome book but a big thank you!!! On my blog I made a promise to myself to always blog of my "real life and real things" rather than any internet pictures so what you see, is what I have...or have had! Seems like I still live in a castle I know with many rooms to house everything but I'm a wheeler and a dealer and sell much of it in my booth. Wink!

    I'm looking for vintage laundry room goodies and some primatives for my log cabin bedroom. My "next" is three band boxes. I want to paint ravens and pumpkins on them.

    Envelope from Storybook craft party coming your way soon!

    Off to visit my kids in Seattle today. Rain pouring down but that ain't gonna stop this mama!


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