Sunday, December 19, 2010

WARNING: Naughty Elves!

I added another kneehugger elf to my collection over the weekend, and I feel it's only fair to warn you all that the elves seem to be acting a little bit naughty as we get closer to Christmas!

I found this little guy on Saturday, and already I caught him trying to let Petunia out of her cage. I think I got there just in the nick of time!

Then I found him trying to let all of the other elves out of the apothecary jar. I knew I should have put him in the jar right away, instead of just setting him on the table! I'm going to have to keep an eye on this one, for sure!

The new girl on the block! I've been so disappointed that I haven't been able to make but one or two additions to my Christmas Angel and Girl collection this year. The prices have been outrageous on Ebay, and I haven't seen a single one in the antique shops around here.

I also found this little handmade felt tablecloth, for 50 cents. The ladies at the thrift store were actually using it, and it had two coffee dribbles on it that I was going to have to rinse out, so that's why they let me have it so cheap!

I also found these two vintage bells. Why so serious, Mr. Snowman? Did the Mrs. run up the charge card again?

Two old Made In Japan (three of my favorite words, along with vintage!) stockings.

Two more Gurleys for this girlie! The choir singers are a welcome addition, along with an old White Christmas 45. I seem to be having a little more success in the vintage Christmas thrifting department. But nowhere near as good as last year. How about you? The last thing I have to share with you today is this: Keep a close eye on those elves!!!


  1. Great finds. It's fun seeing what the elves are up to this time of year. Enjoy!

  2. Well, no WONDER new Mr. Elf is trying to let his friends out of that glass jar! There's something rather disturbing about seeing them behind glass like that. He wanted to let them BREATHE!!

    Merry Christmas!!

  3. I'm with Keetha - he's trying to free them from their claustrophobic chamber. :D
    I also love the words "Made in Japan"!

  4. I love all of your vintage, Made in Japan, Christmas stuff!! Always so fun to see!
    Have a wonderful holiday!!

  5. Oh Carol Sweetie...
    A precious share today. Yep, I would say you are going to have to keep an eye on that one. He is a sly one. He will be figuring out quickly how to let them all out, even once he is inside. You will have Elves gone wild before long.

    Love that collection of angels/girls. They are so pretty. Yes they are hard to find, and I haven't seen any this year either. I always look. Not even at the Estate sales this year.

    Love the stockings. Aren't they precious, and what a deal on that felt tablecloth, it is precious for sure.

    Thank you for sharing this morning sweet friend. I had such nice visit this morning. I love it when share Old Glory Cottage.

    Have a beautiful Monday sweetie. May God richly bless you and your family this wonderful CHRISTmas season.

    Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  6. So cute having the elves in a jar. My grandson has an elf that gets into trouble every night. Last night he got into string cheese and wrote Merry Christmas on the counter top, hah.
    Merry CHristmas to you and your elves.

  7. All of these made me smile but the happy/sad snow couple made me laugh. I think you have come up with the only possible explanation.

  8. Who let the Elves out, who who!! Ok, Christmas has gotten to me finally! Free the Elves! I only have one and he is rather well behaved this year...guess he needs to cohorts to really get mischievous. None to be found this year in the thrifts. I've not had much luck at all with anything vintage. Still there are a few days left...and it's half price day at my local thrift...ok i'm on my way!

  9. Hello Carol,

    Gotta watch that mischiefous elf!
    they look so cute in the jar.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas sweet blog friend!

    Debbie from NJ

  10. Hee-hee! Keep the lid on that jar! ♥

  11. Happy Monday to you too and thanks for stopping by. I got a chuckle from your post. And now I am off to bed as it is after midnite. Maybe your little elf would like to make good before Santa comes to town and come over here to clean up this place while I'm asleep. Ha! Have a great rest of the week. Holiday blessings, Tammy

  12. Merry Christmas to you Carol!!
    He is one busy little Elf!!!
    I hope you have a lovely Christmas.
    I haven't been out thrifting for a couple of weeks...plan on "cleaning" after the holidays.
    deb :)

  13. Wonderful finds! Wishing you a very Merry Christmas :-)

  14. Leave it to you find an evil elf! Haha!

    Have a wonderful Christmas!

  15. Carol. Love the jar of elves! Also love the Angels-I haven't seen any lately either. Love your displays-the vintage lovliness of all of it!! Have a Merry Christmas!

  16. Carol - there's something about seeing those elves squashed into that jar that cracks me up. And I think that may be the best place for them based on some of the misbehavin' expressions on their faces. :-) Merry Christmas!

  17. Those elves do always look a bit naughty, don't they?? Love those little bells, too cute!

    I don't think we've seen many pictures of Miss Petunia have we?

    Merry Christmas!

  18. I love your elves! Keeping them in that jar , to keep them out of trouble? What a steal, I mean deal on the tablecloth:)

  19. Love all your cute Christmas finds!


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