Sunday, February 20, 2011

Something Cute

I found something cute while I was cleaning out one of the kitchen cupboards the other day, looking for lost treasures. It's what I have to do, since I haven't found anything good at the thrift and antique stores in what seems like ages. Boy, if I had a dime for every time I've said that lately......Anyhow, I found this little gal in the cupboard. I vaguely remember buying her, I think last year. I put her up in the cupboard, fully intending to take her out when I decided where I wanted to display her. Well, you know how that goes!

I decided to find out a little bit about her. Meet Cissy Cabbage! Isn't she cute? Turns out she's a jam jar, made by Lefton. Trapped in a head of cabbage. She looks totally surprised at her predicament, doesn't she?

I also found these old teabag holders. I can't figure out the logic of putting them way up in that cabinet, but they're now in the silverware drawer, waiting to be put into teabag-holding action!

This kitty and chair S&P shaker set is a total mystery to me. I have no recollection of buying these. Could someone have broken in and left them for me?

I would like to wish one and all a Happy President's Day! Do you remember getting Lincoln's birthday off, and Washington's birthday, when you were a kid? Two holidays! Now we've got President's Day, which is neither Lincoln's or Washington's actual birthday. AND we get no mail. Well, I hope you have a great President's Day, no matter how you plan to observe it!


  1. Happy Presidents' Day. I know I had that kitty S&P set at one time. Maybe it wasn't happy here?

    Your cabbage girl is adorable.
    I do the setting things aside intentionally to get me through winter months when I can't get out to treasure hunt.

  2. Haven't seen a little cabbage girl before!
    I'm digging out from the snow that means, staying home and maybe bake some cupcakes with Grand daughter.

  3. Wow, the very first Cabbage Patch Kid! hehe. She is so cute (much better than Cabbage Patch Kids).

    The tea bag holders are pretty cute, too. You find some of the cutest things.


  4. Ha...Trapped in a cabbage. Poor Cissy! I should not giggle, but it made me laugh. We all have our issues and one of my issues is finding treasures I've bought and forgot where too.

    The tea bag holders are so cute. You are so lucky to have a set. That is rare to find in these parts.

    You make me want to go thrifting from one end of the state to the other. Oh, so fun! Garage sale season coming on strong soon!

  5. How funny to find things you've put in a cabinet and then find later. Helps with the bad thirfting(don't get me started also) anyway...cute cabbage girl but of course I love the kitty salt & pepper! hugs, Linda

  6. Happy Presidents day to you too Carol! That little cabbage girl is perfect for St. Patty's decorating, green+cabbage, perfect! And yes, I remember as a child, we always celebrated both Washington and Lincoln with stories and crafts and food like cherry pie. I guess kids just have too much other stuff they have to learn these days, such a shame!

  7. A cabbage girl! Now WHO gets up one morning and says to themself, "I think I'll make a cabbage girl today!"

    How do people THINK of these things?

  8. Sooooo, that's you sharing with the Lefton Lovelies Group at Flickr. This variety of computer names makes everybody a mystery. At least now I know it is one person's collection instead of two!

  9. I think I need to come shopping at your house! No telling what else we'll find in your cabinets!

  10. Actually I was just reading about that this morning, about how the two were combined. Also it used to be the actual birthday date, and not a Monday. It is all about the 3 day weekend, but I still have to work, so it doesn't matter. Oh well. I love little miss cabbage. Make sure to do something with her for St. Patricks Day. I mean green and cabbage, what could be more Irish? Have a good day.

  11. When I was a little girl....a long time Granny collected salt and pepper shakers. A huge collection in what she called her 'What Knot' cupboard. I do not know what ever happened to them. Your salt and pepper set reminded me of simpler times and collections.
    Great post!

  12. Love your cabbage girl! Isn't fun to go treasure hunting in your own house....I do that often! Especially come Christmas time as I buy vintage Christmas all year, stick it all in my holiday closet and forget about it until the next Christmas.

  13. Oh I love that cabbage girl! Sometimes treasure digging in your own cupboard is worth while. (On numerous occasions I find things that I thought I got rid of centuries ago!). Have a lovely day!

  14. It seems you found it in time for St. Patricks day. Looks like you have all kinds of fun stuff!

  15. It's weird, but some parts of the country are awful for thrifting while other parts are still full of good finds, at least according to the bloggers I read. My area is hit and miss, mostly miss, but when you do stumble on an incredible find I think it makes it that much better. Once the thrifts got ahold of the internet and discovered eBay, that was it for steals and deals. Sometimes it's cheaper to shop the sales at the antique malls! Cissy is darling--I just found a Lefton Irish girl that is tooooo cute!

  16. Love Miss Cabbage head. What a cutie. I do remember getting both days for Presidents Day. Hope your thrifting picks up-not much going on around here either!

  17. I have been teaching my students children and adult, we are lucky that we are in Auckland which is one hours' flight away. But we are also sad for our country men and precious buildings.

  18. i wish i just happened upon all this cute stuff in my cabinets like you do! ;)
    love it all, especially the tea bag holders!!


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