Friday, May 13, 2011


Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

Mr. Old Glory made this wheelbarrow for me several years ago for Christmas. Sadly, it's starting to really show it's age, and actually disintegrating in some spots.
Ever since I saw Barbara's little wheelbarrow, I knew I wanted to add some tulips to it. I just bought an unfinished wood plaque from Hobby Lobby, and found the unfinished tulips at a garage sale. Hopefully the wheelbarrow lasts a few more years before it all falls apart!

The sweet woodruff is blooming in the rock garden.

And the redbud really put on a grand show this year.

I planted some pink Million Bells with red centers, along with blue Lobelia, in the watering can hanging on the lamppost.

Mr. Old Glory helped me in the gardens alot this week while he was on vacation, which means so much to me. Now if only I could get him interested in antiques, but I guess then we'd probably have starring roles in the next episode of Hoarders!
NEXT WEEK: I will share one of my favorite plants in the garden. HINT: It's yellow.......


  1. Carol I really love your wheelbarrow with the flowers in it. I found an old aluminum kettle without a lid and it will be perfect to plant something in! hugs, Linda

  2. your garden is beautiful, carol.
    love the red watering can as a planter.
    it's spectacular.

    thankfully, cooler temps are predicted for this weekend. i was wondering where spring went.


  3. The tulip on the flowercart makes a huge difference.
    I'm just starting to dig in the garden as I have some seed that really need to get planted.
    Have a great weekend!

  4. Lovin' your cute wheelbarrow and all the flowers look great! My million bells are a hot pink this year, so fun:@)

  5. Your garden is lookin' good! Love that red wheel barrow!

  6. The wheelbarrow looks great. I think it is perfectly vintage, now. Love how you planted the bells to spill out of the watering can. It is just so nice to see the flowers and not the mounds of snow...smiles...Renee

  7. What a great wheelbarrow!

    Your redbud really does look nice. Mine are so old and just aren't budding like they use to. I thought I was doing something wrong, but the arborist told me that they are just getting too old. HUH??? Don't trees live a long time? One looks like it is going to split in two. That is upsetting.

    That is great that your DH helped you out so much this week.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. That Mr. Old Glory - he sure is a keeper. Your flowers are so gorgeous. You're able to grow ones that I can't even imagine here in my hot California. I love the red bike. My old bike is at my mom's house and I'm trying to convince Worker Bee that I need it at our house, painted red! Maybe I'll show him how adorable yours is and that might convince him. I better not hold my breath though. Your watering can looks so great there too. So happy to see you! I've missed popping by for a little visit.

  9. Your garden looks so pretty and I love the vintage touches. It would be a shame if that adorable red wheelbarrow fell apart. It's so cute.

  10. That is a really cute wheelbarrow. So much fun to plant stuff this time of year.
    Carol, you will love the book "22 Britannia Road".Hope you get a chance to read it.
    Remember the Northern Girl prints? I posted a picture of one today. I used to have them all. The things we get rid of when we are younger, not pretty good.
    Nancy Jo

  11. Hey, we both have red vintage watering cans! I found mine in Waxahachie, Texas about a month ago while visiting a friend. I can't get my husband into the garden at all...

  12. Pink Million Bells? Well, I've never heard of them but I'd like a million of them!

    Happy you had help in the garden. Every garden gal needs a good man to help hoe and plant and make the garden bloom!

    We are still having rain and horrible weather on and off and it's wet and soggy in the backyard. Washington...not at it's best!

    Brick by brick however, I am building a path to the backyard.

    Love the tulip wagon. Reminds me of a little Dutch town I was once in called Lynden...smiling!

    Happy Sunday...may it be blooming GOOD!

  13. That wheelbarrow is so cute and the little tulip sign on it is just perfect! Your flowers are so pretty. And you are looking great in your red gardening apron! :)

  14. You brought that wheelbarrow back to life! Everything looks grand in your garden and looks like beautiful weather, too. Have a great week ahead. Tammy

  15. I think your have beautiful flowers going on right now in your garden. Love the little red wheelbarrow, age just makes it better..........

    The French Hutch

  16. I think the only thing I have in my garden right now is puddles, so it was nice to see your pretty flowers!

  17. Oh My Gosh, I almost clicked off the blog, thought I had the wrong palce....LOVE the spring look! So Many cute cute reds! Sandy


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