Friday, May 6, 2011


In the garden this week, I slapped a couple of coats of paint on the old bicycle and watering can in the Lamppost Garden. The foggy quality to this shot is me trying to make the van not such a focal point!

I've had this basket since I was a little girl. I would put our little doggie in it, and drive him around the neighborhood. I can't wait to plant up the basket and watering can. I'm going with a red and pink color palette with my annuals this year.

The pink hyacinths that I got so cheaply at Lowes.

Bleeding Heart, or Dicentra, in full bloom.

The garden out at the corner, chock full of tulips. A couple of years ago, a young couple would walk past there every day, and the man would pick a tulip or two for his girl. After about a week of that, I finally had to make a point of being out there one day, and telling him that although I thought that was very romantic, could he please STOP PICKING MY FLOWERS??? Or something to that effect. Surprisingly, he said OK, and he did stop.

More Virginia Bluebells.

Wood Poppies.

The Redbud, by the new, glorious 6' fence that my neighbor put up. It's just a shame that so much of the garden got trampled, by a man that so obviously does not garden, because he should have known not to step on anything GREEN!!! I'm ok. Really I am. I know those plants will come back next year.....right?

A close-up of the redbud. So, if you knock on my door, and I don't answer........

I'm in the garden. In my bra!
NEXT WEEK: Continuing to make every daylily in the gardens disappear, and planting up the bike basket!


  1. your bike is too cute! I had a basket on my "miss buzz" bike when I was little.
    I had the same trouble with my tulips by the sidewalk...people think they can pick them, darn!

  2. Oh, I like your bike! Great idea!
    Wishing you a Happy Mother's Day weekend.


  3. I look just like that too! How it. They should come back this year if you baby them. Keep the soil and mulch off the crowns and give them a little extra water soluble fertilizer around them/ not on them. You should see my neighbors yard. I don't think they know they should trim around the fence and flower beds...its great. Maybe I should don my bra and do it for them...Yard looks great want to move next door? Renee

  4. Happy Mother's Day Carol! I hope you are enjoying your garden on this weekend! Elizabeth

  5. Carol,
    Hey I'm jealour of all your flowers, still waiting here. Another week or I think. I plan on getting a lot of things this weekend to plant.
    Come on over to my site, I'm having a drawing. And the post after my drawing are all the things I got at this thrift store this weekm my basket was full.
    Happy Mother's Day!

  6. A red hot girl was once on a red hot bike with her little red hot doggie...and all was well on the block!

    Saying no to Prince Charming picking flowers for his maiden must have been difficult. The Prince must have missed the part about not stealing when he was in Princeton.

    A bra comes and a bra goes...I must share! My mom would garden in her bra and panties and bare the wee hours of the morning at the Fairyland or she was out there in her nightgown! She would also sit on our front porch like that but we were deep in the woods of the Fairyland where only the raccoons and owls were. She loved that. Thanks for bringing back a wonderful memory for me!

  7. High fences make for good neighbors! Plant fun things along the fence and hang decorations on's just another wall to use...Happy Spring..Happy Mom's day!

  8. your garden is beautiful, carol. i can't believe that fellow thought it was ok to pick your tulips...
    i'm glad you spoke up, and that he listened.

    your bike is darling, love the basket.

  9. Well, with your new 6' fence you could be out there in your bra! The yard looks great, this is a fun time of year-enjoy:@)

  10. Your bike looks great red!! Your gardens look so lovely.
    Thanks for sharing.

    Our tulips are long gone now and the redbuds are now leafy green. I wish they all would last longer!

    Have a Happy Mother's day!

  11. Love the bicycle basket planter! We still have some Iris blooming and now my Roses are pretty.

  12. A bra and a girdle, no less! You know how to work it!

    Love the flowers and the bike. I'm still looking for a basket for my old bike(s).

  13. I laughed when I saw the picture at the end. What popped into my mind was 'I play dirty'. Have fun in your garden!

  14. Love your bike and what a great colour reminds me of our old English phone boxs ;-)) Have a lovely weekend, dee x

  15. I love this new garden feature of yours!! Your yard is looking wonderful.

    Some of my shrubs didn't make it through the winter, so I'm in mourning a bit. It will be fun to hit the garden centers though and find new stuff!

  16. Just guessing that once your plants grow back, you'll probably be happy about that barrier between you and your neighbor. I like your soft-touch van. Very clever.

  17. Your bike is a treasure and I love your Virginia Blue Bells too! Happy Mother's Day!!

    Susan and Bentley

  18. Your plant life there is WAY WAY WAY ahead of ours here.

  19. I'm sorry your plants got trampled. I hope they all come back next year. He really should have been more careful.

  20. He who plants a garden works hand in hand with God. Enjoy! I do my best to keep a bit of green on both my balconies even during the hot, dusty summer months around here. It is already 100 out there and will only get hotter. Enjoy every bloom and weed! ) Tammy

  21. Hi again!

    Great post!

    Look forward to *seeing* you again soon.

    Hope you have a good weekend,

    XOXO Lola )

  22. I love your old bike. I had one that I sold at my garage sale and now I WANT it BACK!!! They are so expensive!!!
    Your garden looks great. My tulips are just blooming...everything is behind here :(
    Happy Mother's Day!

  23. Well, since you said that about the van I had to click on the pic and blow it up so I could check it out. Looks a lot like mine Bet your's is cleaner though!

    I love that you even painted the bike's tires red!

    Happy Mother's Day!


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