Monday, May 30, 2011


Well hello there! It's so good to be able to comment on everyone's blog again, after the Blogger troubles of last week. I get more and more scared though, every time there's a problem with Blogger. I have a fear that they're going to lose all of our blogs! But I must admit, I actually got alot done around the house while not blogging! Admit it, you did too!
Before I show my pathetic finds, I'd like to honor those that have served our country. If not for them, we wouldn't enjoy the freedom that we do today.

Now, on to my sad little finds! I went to a block sale, which ended up being two blocks long. Sounds good, doesn't it? Welllll, not so much!

I do love this planter.

And I guess it's always a good yard saling day when you can add a kneehugger elf to your collection. I got these ornaments at the same house as the elf. Look at all the vintage BLING! I just can't figure out if these are vintage ornaments, or just ornaments made to look old with the use of the old jewelry. Either way, love the bling!

Ok, I don't know why I bought all of this vintage cake decorating stuff. Except for the fact that those elephants are so darn cute! And I bet we all grew up with those little flower candle holders, didn't we? The whole bag was 35 cents, so it wasn't a big investment in cuteness!

These girls were 15 cents, and they came with this humungous bottle of Coke. All of these cake decorations came from the same "little old lady" sale, and I'm thinking that back in the day, she baked some pretty fun cakes!

Two Wade cupids came out of the "Free Box".

And last we have some old Christmas gift tags. Also from the "little old lady" sale. Those are my favorite kind of sales, You just know that they've got all kinds of neat stuff in their house! So, did you find anything interesting while on YOUR blog break?


  1. Morning Carol!
    Love the green planter and LOVE "old lady" sales!
    Fun finds regardless. I went out on Thursday and found a couple things and will post soon. I must get the kitchen ir order and am trying to get ready for my own garage sale...

  2. Hi Carol! That planter is gorgeous. I have a large collection of planters and that one is a keeper for sure!! I also love little old lady sales and you found some cuteness for pennies! I think the bling on the ornaments is wonderful. I didn't get to any sales this weekend...sad isn't it! hugs, Linda

  3. I am hoping that my reply will come through. I have had alot of trouble with blogger, too.
    The planter is nice! You are right. The cake decorations are cute. SWEET finds!!

  4. Painted all weekend so no shopping or yard saling. Those elephants do make it all worth it. They are priceless.

  5. Love the little elf, they are really hard to find. I count that a good sale! Thank you for your tribute to the soldiers too.

  6. You found some cute stuff! I love vintage cake decorations. The thrift store nearest to me is having a 50% off sale today, but I'm afraid I'll get trampled if I go!! Have a fun day!

  7. t's all in the thrill of the hunt when it comes to garage sales and thrift stores! You just never know what you will find!

  8. Those fifties gals are cute, I think I am getting in the car and looking today!!

  9. Maybe you didn't find tons of stuff but what you found was super cute. I would not have been able to resist the elephants either!

  10. ooo I just love those little elephants
    have a wonderful holiday

  11. Oh great stuff! I have not been blogging much because of all the other stuff, hehe
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Hugs, Lisa

  12. Happy Memorial Day Sue!
    What great finds, I'm still swooning over your finds from last week! Have a great week, Nan

  13. I agree the green planter is great! But I LOVE those cake decorations....are they going up for sale? If so please consider them sold!!!!! I didn't read anybody else's comment, so if I am late on this....oh well....but I would love to buy them! Have a great Memorial Day! From what I understand Blogger had a virus hit it that looked like a survey????? Or some techie thing with the browsers.....I am so afraid to update IE7, I got IE8 and it was they are working on IE9 and I just know IE7 will go bad......I did download Goodle Chrome, and I think I will get Foxfire or Firefox or what ever they call it...LOL Typepad is looking better all the time......:):) Happy Memorial Day Carol! Sandy

  14. What fun! I did pick up a couple of cans of spray paint, but that's about it. They will transform something beautifully....just don't know exactly WHAT yet!

  15. Carol, those elephants are too cute! I posted my finds today, too! ♥

  16. Hi Carol,
    Yes that blogger thing was a bit on the scary side. Yippes!
    I did go to the thrift store last week and just this morning posted a couple of things that I found. I'm really in the mood to go thrifting today but my car is in for repair. My car could sit here all week and I wouldn't want to go anyplace, but as soon as I can't go, I have lots of places I'm pretty sure I should be.
    Is that planter in your first picture a McCoy? Kind of looks like their brand.
    Nancy Jo


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