Tuesday, June 28, 2011

4th of July Decorations For REDNESDAY!

I just love this graphic that Sue made last year, don't you?!
Well, I thought that I'd share some of my 4th of July decorations. I've gotten a really late start, because of vacation and the gardens.

But wait. WHERE DID I PUT THE 4TH OF JULY DECORATIONS LAST YEAR?!?!?! That looked just like me, for about 20 minutes, while I looked high and low, trying to remember what I must have been thinking when I put everything away. I knew that I wanted to put them somewhere safe, and apart from all of the other decorations. After some hyperventilating and counting to 100, I was able to remember!

I haven't gotten very much done, but that's OK, because it all stays up until after 9/11, so I've got time. The garland was super duper easy. I used coasters from the $$$ section at Michaels and cupcake liners from Hobby Lobby! Also up there is my Statue of Liberty collection, a Lincoln bust and an old bank.

Here's the top of the bookcase that I always decorate.

July birthday angels.

An old lunchbox.

A vintage Uncle Sam bank.

An old S&P set. Betsy Ross and the Bill of Rights guy.

Old postcards. The Statue of Liberty one in the upper row is my favorite!

Some of you probably already saw this Old Glory print from my vacation finds, but.......it's OLD GLORY!!!!

I got these vintage corsage bows from Joan last year. They need to go in a frame, and I could say that I've been looking for one for a solid year, but that would be a lie! Do you do that too? Pack stuff away, knowing that something needs to be fixed or changed? I hate when I do that!

American flags, Made In Japan. I always have a problem with things that are so obviously American being made in other countries. But these are vintage, and like alot of my favorite things, they are also MIJ, so I can make an exception!
If you would like to see lots more reds, and I'm betting some white and blue too, go visit Sue, our hostess for REDnesday, over at It's A Very Cherry World. I need to get off the computer and go decorate some more!


  1. Great RED, white, and blue!
    That is the best lunchbox EVER! I have never seen one like it before! Of course, I like your Old Glory picture. That was a great find! Your garland is pretty cute!

    I am just like you. I put things away and then forget where I put them.(just like my mom) One advantage of having a smaller home. We don't have all that many rooms to look for things!

    Sadly, I don't decorate for the holidays. Just Christmas. See how boring I am? I am going to have to work on that, don't ya think?

  2. You have a great collection of vintage red, white & blue! I have just started to collect some Americana and don't have much but I am doing my cubbies in R,W & B. hugs, Linda

  3. Hello friend!

    Hope you are enjoying these first few days of calendar summer!!!

  4. Great displays! I think my favorites are the little July birthday angels...maybe because I have a July birthday! :) Love the little s&p set too!

  5. Okay where do I start. It is all wonderful from the vintage cabinet with your red white and blue things to just everything else. I love the little S&P shakers. Have never seen those. Just adore it all.

  6. So glad you found yours, I am still looking. You have so many. I usually put mine up for Memorial Day and leave them til Labor Day. Hope I find mine. Love yours.

  7. Looks great and you got it up just in time. Love, love the corsage bows (even without a frame)!

  8. What a beautiful job you did...It looks so beautiful. I wish I could visit and just walk all around staring at each vignette you made...

  9. Don't ya just hate it when you put something somewhere so you'll KNOW where to find it next year... Never seems to turn out well! Cute things, love "the Bill of Rights guy":@)

  10. Fun Flag decor!!! Those bow corsages are really nifty!

  11. Fabulous flag decor! I just love those angels, gonna have to keep an eye out for them at Flea Markets. Love your red post today!
    Hugs, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  12. My goodness, my mom has that flag print and it is such a wonderful print. I love those salt and pepper shaker so cute but the bows are darling...smiles...Renee

  13. Those corsage bows are amazing. Happy 4th of July - I can't imagine that any day is bigger at Old Glory Cottage!

  14. I am loving your Patriotic decorations. They are so charming!!

    I am embarrassed to say that i am WAY behind this year in decorating with mine. I usually have everyhting up for Memorial Day. Well, here it is right before the 4th of Jul and NOTHING is out!! Yikes!!
    I have been so busy with teh graden adn Kitchen redo that there seems to have been no time. BUT I will have everything decorated by this weekend and mine also stays up until Sept. 11th!!
    Have a great July 4th holiday!!!


  15. Bellissime le tue decorazioni per i 4 luglio,molto allegre e colorate!!! Buona giornata,Anna.

  16. Can I come over and drool! Your home is so adorable, and I just love to look at red, white and blue! You have inspired me to get out my 4th of July! Hugs, Patti

  17. Wow-you've got a ton of cool 4th stuff! Love all the vintage displays!

  18. Well,you certainly out did me :)
    Love what you have done...the little corsages are really sweet. Blessings

  19. Oh my goodness, I simple love your blog. I'm into retro and I'm thinking about creating a blog all things Retro. You patriotic post is fantastic, please share it at my Patriotic (Americana) linky party I'm currently hosting. I'm a new follower :) Have a safe and Happy 4th!

  20. I absolutely love your display! Your postcards are wonderful. I am just drooling over it all - your garland, those vintage watering cans, 0hhh! I am lucky enough to say that I have that same Uncle Sam bank and birdcage. I put my cage away for the 4th decor. Love how you decorated around it. Should have left mine out.

  21. What a collection. Everything is adorable, but the salt and pepper shakers are my favorite!
    I'm new to blogging and love your vintage blog!
    Please drop by and say "hi" when you have time!

  22. We love your festive decorations! Your July angels are so cute, we want to find some for our hutch for next year. Your garland turned out very nice :) Your corsages are so cool and unique. We always enjoy seeing your holiday treasures. Have a wonderful fourth of July!

    Laura and Michele

  23. God blees America...land of the free! You have lot's of wonderful Americana spirit and great goodie..I love it all! Hugs,Mica

  24. wow! B E A U T I F U L displays of red white and blue! i LOVE your header picture too! thank you for visiting me, i hope you'll come back often!

  25. oops! i forgot to say that my pyrex dishes with the wheat on ... i got them at a good price 30 yrs ago when i got married! hehehe! i can't believe they're that old ... or that i'm 30 yrs older already ... where DOES the time go?

  26. I love it all ! It is always a treat to see your vintage decor !Have A HAPPY 4TH !


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