Thursday, August 18, 2011

IN THE GARDEN-Already Dreaming Of Spring!

Let's take a peek at what's happening in the garden this week!

Well, we're at the point in summer where I generally run out of steam in the garden. I get tired of watering the pots every day and keeping up with the feeding schedule. That cement squirrel looks nice and tame, but soon the real ones will be digging up all of those pots while burying all sorts of goodies for their Springtime eating pleasure.

I forgot to take lots of pictures around the garden this week. But I did get a shot of these seed heads from the clematis growing up the windmill.

They always remind me of Cousin It from The Addams Family!

But don't go thinking that I'm all done gardening for the year. I'm already dreaming about Spring! I want to plant tulips like these this Fall in front of my red bike.

I must have these lilies!

And these!

And I want to start more flowers from seed next year. Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a pretty greenhouse like this to start them in?

Oh and before I forget, about a hundred years ago, on August 19th, Mr. Old Glory and I got married. Happy Anniversary honeybunch!


  1. Happy Anniversary! I am with you on running out of steam..a cycle that happens every year it seems!

  2. Happy 100 Anniversary to you both. guys are doing fine!!! lol.

    I'm so like you, I've run out of steam..sigh..I did fertilize my flowers just this morning though. I'm beginning to put summer items away...I have not enjoyed my yard this year as much nor spent time as much as I would have liked. A season....sigh. Blessings to you and yours this special day!

  3. Happy Anniversary to you! Not many people make it 100 years, he, he. I am not a gardener at all. Maybe next year. Have a wonderful weekend! Twyla

  4. Happy Anniversary. Not many can say they have been married 100 years. Sorry, I couldn't resist. Number 41 for us next month. We were babies.

  5. Happy anniversary to you and the lucky man!! We have barely had a summer yet, so I am not ready to think about spring. That will happen about Nov. when the rain has me going crazy.

  6. Happy Anniversary! I have some nice spring pics of my garden, but right now the heat has taken most things down, but some will revive in the coming cooler weather of the late summer & early fall.
    Love & Blessings,

  7. Oh Happy Anniversary!!! I hope you two have a good day today and many wonderful anniversaries to come!

    I would love to have a green house. Even a tiny one.

    Those seed heads really do look like Cousin IT! LOL

    I had better start thinking of planting bulbs too. Hard to believe that it is about that time already. This afternoon the themometer down town said 109 degrees. Hard to think that Fall is even close at all.

    You garden is still looking wonderful!!

  8. Happy days to you both. Garden looks spectacular. How I wish I could show you blooms from my yard...nothing but crispy grass still. There is always next year. Enjoy...Renee

  9. Well congrats! I've never seen clematis with seed heads - what type is it?

    Enjoy my friend!

  10. Happy Anniversary! I am still loving whats left in your garden!

  11. Our anniversary was the 12th. Congrats! I love those seed heads. They are so cool looking. I can see why you like that lilly. Very pretty color. Your garden is always so lovely to see.


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