Thursday, September 8, 2011

Halloween Crafts-A New Project Every Week!

Recently I got the brilliant idea that I would do a different Halloween project each week. Yikes! I know that doesn't sound like much, but to me it's a big deal, because I'm not really a crafter.
Well, here's my first creation. I love how this bunting looks against the green cabinet! My sewing machine is all bajiggety again, so I had to do this completely by hand.

You would think that it would be a very satisfying feeling to make this completely by hand. You would be wrong! In the time it took me to make this, I probably could have made two or three by machine. And I probably wouldn't have jammed that needle up under my thumb nail like I did. Still, I think it turned out well. I need to make two more, which will involve another trip to JoAnn Fabrics. They have alot of great Halloween fabric this year.

Next week, it will be time to make something with these. Can you guess what it will be?


  1. Love it! I just love Halloween decorations! Can't wait to see what is next!

  2. Very cute, Carol! By hand? yikes! All I did is string some things the other day and I jammed the needle up the thimb nail TWICE! Hmmm... such an intersting, instantly shocking/burning/angry feeling!

    I cannot guess what you'll make next... A sign?

    Hey, make sure you check your e mail from me! ♥

  3. Loving the banner! And a project a week? Great idea... of course I'd probably still get behind!


  4. I'm impressed with your handmade Halloween banner!!!
    Ijust put up some fall decor myself. Nothing handmade.
    Have a great weekend.

  5. I am not much of a crafter either so this is fun to see. Love the banner and looking forward to seeing your next craft!

  6. Love it when we challenge ourselves to different projects each week! the banner looks great-have fun:@)

  7. By hand! Wonderful job. I have GOT to find my sewing machine- it is buried somewhere in the storage room. Not a crafter, but with Halloween coming, maybe I will try my hand at sewing again, especially when I see such cute inspiration like your banner.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  8. I adore Halloween decorations! I'm impressed you did this very cute project by hand!

  9. Ouch! Sorry about your thumbnail! But the bunting looks really cute! Hopefully you'll get your machine sorted out and won't have to hand sew the next project.
    (A craft a week is awesome! I feel good to complete one craft per season!)

  10. Oh this will be fun! Can't wait to see all your projects! I love Halloween crafts and this will be fun to follow! :)

  11. Wow, by hand...great job. It really does look halloweenish/fallish against your cabinet....

  12. As a non-sewer, I'm totally impressed with your bunting and can't wait to see your Halloween crafts. I promise to share lots of Halloween projects on my blog too.

  13. The banner is so cute! We are also getting ready to finish up a few crafts for Halloween, but things keep coming up... We just had to buy a washer and now we have a bizillion loads of wash to keep us busy.... and that was only 5 days without a washer.


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