Sunday, October 9, 2011


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!

Once again, alot of my collecting categories saw some new additions.

The Toy/Game category: A set of Dialmaster phones, and a Lotto game from 1937. Supposedly, kids could call each other from one room to another with those phones. Or call Mom to bring them something to eat!

The Holiday category: Halloween die cuts, an owl that will get a transformation, an Easter egg from West Germany and a musical Lefton Irish lad and lassie.

I love the little red-roofed cottage on the egg!

The Vintage Kitchen category got this vintage Jewel Tea canister, and I think the We Can Do It lunchbox will go in the Patriotic collection.

Vintage swallows. These get added to the Birds On The Bathroom Wall category. I'll be painting these aqua!

More additions to the Patriotic category. I love that those flag holders have star cutouts in them, and they were made by the STAR company.

The Vintage Pottery category is quite proud to accept that little pink Pacific Pottery vase into their little club, and the Etched Mirror category gets that snazzy little 5x7 beauty!

And last but certainly not least, a little green vintage flashlight, hanging by the back door. This definitely falls into the Why Did I Buy It category. Seriously, I think my Grandpa might have had one like this. I just know that when I saw it, it felt very familiar to me, and I knew I had to get it. Has that ever happened to you? Honestly, I think that's how most of my collections started!


  1. Your Halloween die cuts, owl and Easter egg are simply divine. Well done.

  2. Where do you find all these things? Great finds.

  3. Everyone seems to be finding those darling toy phones but me....I love that you found the both of them! Love your weekend finds and look forward to them each week...smiles...Renee

  4. I get that same "familiar" feeling and have to have something!! Love that little flashlite...probably would have gotten it myself!

  5. That is so cool that you found the phones. Lock your doors, because I am on my way to snatch them from you!
    My husband collects license plates. I need to find him one from 1976!
    You found some great things!!

  6. You had an exceptionally good weekend! I love everything but of course the sweet pink pottery vase would love to live with me if you ever get tired of it! :) hugs, Linda

  7. I am going to sneak around behind you one of these find the BEST stuff!


  8. I love all of your vintage collections and they have inspired to me to start a few more collections of my own. I hope that you will stop by my blog and take a peek inside my kitchen and craftroom and let me know what you think!

  9. Have I told you before that I love all your vintage images? They are so sweet, I especially love your Halloween header on your blog, Marilyn

  10. "Seeming familar" is awesome. Some things I don't remember but yet I do- maybe from babyhood. :)

    Love to see your finds! ♥

  11. Lovin' the cat and crescent moon cut out-I remember that one:@)

  12. Oh my! Those phones bring back memories! Technology for it's time - lol!

  13. What fun finds! I know I had one of those red phones- is yours dated? And, it's always nice to see a piece of pottery on someone's "found" list!

  14. Any weekend that brings Halloween die-cuts is a good one! Great stuff as always!

  15. We love that little owl light it looks like one Grandmom Betty made many years ago. Those little phones are really sweet,looks like you had a great weekend :)

  16. Great, great the vintage decorations!

  17. Girl, I don't know where you go to find thses treasures! Finding toys here is ever so difficult. I have a collection that I love. Got to share it in blogland sometime. Love the vintage holiday and kitchen decor. You've got the eye. Wish I was shopping where you are shopping!

  18. Carol,

    Great vintage pieces especially the halloween die cuts!!


  19. Wow, such fantastic finds, does it get any better than vintage?!?! Thanks for stopping by Redo 101 and your sweet comment on my red bench!


    Mary @ Redo 101

  20. I so enjoyed my visit here (where cuteness abounds :).
    You find the cutest things and always make me laugh.
    I also love your header picture and the cute vintage pictures on your sidebar.

  21. LOVE, LOVE the vintage paper cutouts!! AWEOME finds!

  22. The Mother Lode!
    Great job Carol...I'd walk a mile for that easter egg!

  23. You always manage to find the most fabulous items on your junking adventures. Hope you are having a great weekend. Tammy

  24. Where do you find all these things? Great finds.


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