Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Little Cupcake!

I've always felt that a house isn't truly a home unless there's a pet to share it with. I know that ever since we had to put our sweet cat Mimi Lucy to sleep, there's been a big furry hole in this home's heart. I tried to fill it with parakeets, but they won't let me cuddle them, and they try to sever my fingers when I try! And our daughter Liz is allergic to cats, so I was sure that there would be no more cats in this house.
Until we met Cupcake! She's a shelter cat, and was found in the shelter's dumpster. Doesn't that just break your heart? Why not at least put her in a cardboard box and leave her by the door, along with the other donations?

She's only three months old, and really needs to put on some weight, but already she's won our hearts!

In case you're wondering why I haven't been visiting your blogs, it's because every time I turn on the computer, this happens.

And when I tell her to get down, this is the look I get.

She's already a techie, opening all sorts of windows as she sprawls out across the keyboard. She even managed to turn off the wireless internet with a touch of a button!

And then she curls up in a ball and goes to sleep. You just can't get mad at all of that cuteness! We're so happy to be sharing our home with Cupcake, but I can't help but think: Can a wee little dog be far behind.........?


  1. She is a cutie!! Such a great companion! Enjoy.


  2. She's just lovely. I think Cupcake and our Luna might be fast friends. Our Luna is now approaching 18 weeks old and just alittle sweetheart (and terror). Hugs!

  3. Hello cutie pie upcake! You'll be fattened up in no time!

    I'm glad for you Carol. I think our kitties like the warmth of the computer. The other day, my Kitty Anne did a Google search for LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL ☺

    I think cats just make a house so cozy. The other night, my boy and I were having our movie time and he had a cat in his lap and I had one on mine and it felt so right!
    Have a great week end! ♥

  4. Good Morning Carol Sweetie...
    Oh my goodness, have you ever been blessed? I love little Cupcake. The perfect name for her. She has the sweetest little face, and her markings are just incredible.

    I think she must like the warmth of the laptop. Or maybe she wants to blog too? I can see she has won your heart, and I am so happy that she found her way to you.

    I can hear her purring clear out here in the Valley desert of Phoenix. Have a beautiful day Carol sweetie, and thank you for sharing Cupcake with me this morning. She is delicious. Country hugs and much love, Sherry

  5. aahhh she is beautiful and i agree a home isn't a home without a cat or a dog. The unconditional love they give is priceless. And the laptop she has a warm place to be ;-)) A little puppy to will fill your house with laughter and mischief ;-)) dee x

  6. Oh she is such a cutie!! I love my furbabies!! I highly recommend minature dachshunds aka doxies or wienne dogs:O) My four are the joy of my life!!! Since my children are busy with lives of their own the furbabies are spoilt rotten!! Congratulations on the new addition to the family.

  7. Carol, she is so cute!! I love kittens. I don't have a cat, but I do have the neighborhood kitties that come over to cuddle up on my porch. My neighbor's cats loves to come and play in my potting shed!

    Give Cupcake a hug for me!

  8. So sweet! Kitty kisses to her!

  9. I'm in love!! What a sweet girl and cupcake is perfect for her. I love how they just curl up on the computer. They do bring such joy, laughter and cuddlie love to us!
    hugs, Linda

  10. She looks just precious

  11. Little Cupcake is adorable! I love how kittens believe they run the world! And it tickles me how many of the traits we love in cats are not so attractive in humans. (i.e., self centeredness, "if I WANT to do it means I should do it, if I yell long enough, I'll get what I want, everyone wants to play or snuggle when I do!) And it actually works for them!
    It's gotta be fun to fly through the house like they do!

  12. So sweet. My kitty loves my laptop. I think it is the heat. Something about moving him off that kills me. I just put off my work to give him an extra nap. Smiles...Renee

  13. She is sooooo cute and seems to have planted herself firmly into your home and hearts! Animals are just the best....somedays our house is so chaotic with all the critters, but then how quiet and boring it would be without we take the bad with the good and luv'em!

  14. What a lucky kitty! Our two cats were also rescues- providing a home to an unwanted creature is a great thing. Enjoy many years with your new family member!

  15. awww...what a sweet "Cupcake" you have there! So happy that you have a new pet to cuddle with!

  16. sweet. Be cat has to sit in my lap and put her front paws on the day she published a 'rough draft' of a post on my blog. LOL! Cute name for your kitty!

  17. Life is happier when you fill the cat shaped hole in your heart. :O)

  18. There is nothing like a little Cupcake to curl up with and love. So glad you have her in your home/life.

  19. Oh my gosh! Cupcake can be a part of my all things "c" post from yesterday. She is absolutely precious. Love those big ears. How awful that someone can just throw her in a dumpster! Why are people so heartless? It happens here all the time and just really makes me want to smack someone, anyone -- for the lack of respect they have for animals. they bring them into their homes, raise them for a year until they think the cuteness is gone, and then throw them out into the world. Just terrible! I'm so glad Cupcake has a forever home with you now. How cute that she likes to hang out on the keyboard. maybe it is warm by the computer. So funny! Have a great weekend. Tammy

  20. you know I have recently had that furry hole in my heart too.
    So glad you brought her home, she is so pretty!
    My cat loves to sit on my lap and sleep as I read the blogs.
    Hope you have many wonderful years of bliss together!

  21. Oh how sweet! If not a puppy, at very least another kitty to keep Cupcake company!

  22. Cupcake sure is a cutie! I have a one year old kitty named Harley (because of the purring) He is always in everything I am in. I am happy you are Cupcakes new Momma!


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