Tuesday, November 29, 2011

REDNESDAY-Recycling By Thrifting!

According to the Urban Dictionary, a THRIFTER is: Someone who religiously shops at thrift stores, looking for bargains and often scores amazing deals. Often dedicated to recycling and reuse of products to keep our planet "greener". HEY, that's me! Whenever I go past the three thrift stores in our area, I always stop. You just never know what you're going to find, it keeps things out of the landfill, and all three do very good work with their proceeds!

Someone put alot of work into this Christmas quilt, and although it's by no means vintage, it's really cute, and it was only $3!

It looks great with all of the other quilts too, and so does the little kneehugger elf, also found at the thrift.

I've been trying to decide which Christmas tablecloth to go with on the dining room table. I've got alot to choose from, but I was lazy and only grabbed the first few from the pile. Truth be told, if I wasn't careful, the pile would topple over!

In the end I chose this one, and I'm pretty sure it's the same one I used last year. Which makes a pretty good case for not having so many tablecloths when all you're going to do is just use the same one every year. But remember, I'm a THRIFTER, and I'm trying to save the planet, one tablecloth at a time!

I LOVE IT! That tree almost looks Dr. Seuss-ish, doesn't it?

I also found some really cheap vinyl tablecloths at the thrift, which I needed because........

I had to make some presents for my bicycle basket! It's terribly windy today, so all of the leaves from the vacant house next door have landed in my yard. AGAIN!
So remember, if you want to do your part to recycle and keep the economy going, make thrift stores your first stop!
And if you would like to see more reds, and hopefully some thrifted ones, head over to It's A Very Cherry World, where Sue is our hostess every week!


  1. LOVE your Christmas table cloth! I'm looking for one that would fit my 30X60 oval table..if you have one that you might want to sell??!!
    Love the gifts in your bike basket!
    Haven't been "thrifting"...for awhile..so I'll enjoy your finds!

  2. I knew I could depend on you to be first today! I love that tablecloth, and your new motto: "I'm a THRIFTER, and I'm trying to save the planet, one tablecloth at a time!"

    Carol, I swear we were separated at birth or something. Every time I see something on your blog, I either have it or it's my style! So funny!

  3. Wow great tablecloth! Great score. I too love to haunt the Thrift stores. Even if I don't find anything, the hunt is the fun part.

    Jocelyn @

  4. The tree does look like Dr. Suess, our choir stage looks like whooville this year so cute!! I've always been a thrifter--and I've found some great deals.

  5. That Christmas quilt would look great gathered under a tree as a tree skirt too! Love your bike!! Thanks for hosting! Just linked up!

  6. Oops...sorry, I made a mistake and thanked you for hosting!! :0)

  7. Your table cloth is just divine and those presents in your bike are just perfect. What a fun post for Rednesday! Bring on the Christmas cheer!

  8. Hi Carol! Hope you had a nice Thanks. Love those tablecloths and that quilt...33!!!!!! I wish our thrift stores were like yours. and, you smarty I never thought of vinyl tablecloths to make xmas packages. Thanks heaps...now I have to go to Walmart.....ooooooo I get to go to Walmart!


  10. I am happy to be called a thrifter! I can come right on over and help you decide on a tablecloth no problem. They are all so gorgeous. Enjoy your week...smiles...Renee

  11. You can never have too many Christmas tablecloths.
    Your idea for the vinyl tablecloths is genius, by the way.

  12. Love your bicycle and basket filled with presents! It's a great way to decorate for Christmas. Have a great day, carol ann

  13. am so jealous of your red bike! Glad we are saving the planet together.

  14. Oh Carol! You have the best collectibles! And really, couldn't you send a little bit of that stack of Christmas tablecloths out to California? A cozy little cottage out here is extremely vintage Christmas tablecloth deprived. (Can you see the puppy dog eyes I'm giving you?)

  15. I have been stopping at the thrift store weekly just takin my time. The best fun.

  16. I applaud your efforts regrding saving the planet via vintage tablecloths. I can't think of a better way to go about it! And I think I'll follow your example by hitting the local thrifts tomorrow. :-)

  17. Hi Carol!

    Love the post – so very sensible! And yes, our neighbour's leaves fall into our garden too!

    Wishing you a great week,

    Here’s mine

  18. I am the same way when it comes to thrift stores....just can't pass on bye! Like you said...you just never know!

    Love your table clothes....as I was decorating the house this week, I told my husband I should really not be allowed to bring home anymore Christmas decorations! I think I could have an illness! lol!

  19. I'm hooked on the elves - I've found five in the past week - my very first ones - love them!!

  20. I'm so loving the tablecloth. Your right, it does look a bit like Dr. Seuss tree....I love being at thrifter. This post reminds me of mine today's..lol

  21. I LOVE the bicycle!! What a good idea to use the plastic tablecloths for the gifts! I may have to "borrow" it! Lovely tablecloth too! I have a red one and a lace topper that was my MIL's that I use every year, but I may have to keep my eyes open at the thrift store!

  22. Yes indeed! I'm proud to be a thrifter, too!

    You lucky girl! For some reason, I don't have ANY vintage Christmas table cloths! Maybe i'll find one today!

    What a super idea to use the vinyls to wrap those gifts! ♥

  23. My name is Linda and I'm a thrifter! you know that of course! LOL...I love that tablecloth but I bet you have others that are also amazing. That cute quilt is perfect to add the Christmas touch. I found one last year and it has a pieced train around the edge....so glad I saved it and the planet of course! hugs, Linda

  24. What a great post. I am another thriftier when it comes to material...am a quilter. Have been making Christmas wreaths out of scraps and they are turing our so sweet. Your quilt for 3 bucks is great. I have not been so lucky with the quilts. The ones I have picked up were more expensive but well worth every dime. I paid for a Sunbonnet Girl vintage quilt in perfect condition for 75.00 and was thrilled. It now hands on the living room wall. Love the table cloths...they are wonderful. You have quite the collection. Genie

  25. Your vintage tablecloth is gorgeous and love that red bike too :) Thrifting is so much fun...I think I am starting to enjoy it more than yard saling I think. Friday, I got a beautiful Christmas throw half for half of $3.50 and some other treasures too...the problem is I usually only get to thrift when we go out of town because the one's we have never have anything good, but going out of town is always something to look forward to :)
    Happy Holiday Season...
    Big hugs,

  26. Carol,
    Your xmas table cloths are fabulous! The more the merrier! I love table cloths and have been collecting for a while, state ones are my favs. I do have my Aunt's Xmas one that I use every year. Your bike is to cool and that it's red is the icing on the cake! Thanks for visiting!

  27. Carol, your blog is so cute and I love your vintage images!

  28. Thrift Shop is always my first Stop! I scored tonight at the Goodwill! Hugs, Diane

  29. Carol,
    Love all of your vintage goodies!! The quilt was as teal at that price and I adore those tablecloths!!

    But your bike has stolen my heart!!


  30. If I sat at your table with that gorgeous Christmas cloth, I would be cheered beyond telling!


    A day without scarlet, they say,
    Can color the soul ashen-grey;
    For if there’s no red,
    The soul feels half-dead,
    And has no incentive to play.

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Red blossoms here, red buds here

  31. Hi Carol, doing my best to keep treasures from turning into trash. Love the tablecloth. That is one thing (can you imagine)that I don't have. That is vintage tablecloths. Really haven't ran across any. Need to keep my eyes out. Sure do love yours. Great idea to wrap outdoor presents with vinyl cloths. Looking so cute at Old Glory Cottage.

  32. we do seem to love all the same things! I adore the old cards and you can never have enough christmas tablecloths!

  33. You have been quite busy Carol! Love all your goodies--you've had great luck. The bicycle with gifts is adorable! Stop by and link up if you have time.

  34. I'm so enjoying seeing all of your pretties! I collect the little elves...or pixies as I call them! I'm putting your blog on my favorite list so that I can keep up with you and your fun! ♥

  35. Happy New Years, my sweet friend!
    I just had to pop in and say hello and tell you that your blog is just the cat's meow! I love each one of your posts...and, I am always transported back in time to my Grandmother's house!
    I appreciate your love for thrifting! If I didn't thrift, my house would be a very lonely place!
    Blessings, Carol...and a very Happy New Year!
    Carolynn...grammycarolynn (flickr)


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