Friday, December 16, 2011

O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree!

I was determined to not do any Christmas decorating in the house this year, because our kitten's naughtiness seems to know no bounds. I certainly wasn't going to put out any of my figurines! And I was pretty sure that a tree was a really bad idea. Can you imagine how a decorated tree would be like a playground for a little kitty?!

But I couldn't resist the urge! So here's our silver tree, decorated with vintage ornaments. I KNOW! I'm just tempting her, aren't I? But it sure is lovely, and we've got it pretty well secured there between the green cabinet and the bookcase.

And just look at this gorgeous tree topper! How could I pack this thing of beauty away, when my Flickr friend Stacie was so nice to send it to me?!?

Lots of vintage blow molds, waaaaay up there on the green cabinet. Surely kitty can't jump up there!

Some Santa mugs on the kitchen windowsill. Not really the safest spot, because Cupcake tries to drink out of the faucet when it gets turned on!

The Santa cookie jar and a kneehugger elf should be out of reach of little furry claws up there.

More blow molds, and wacky tacky plastic flowers. All kitty-proof!

And last but not least, more vintage blow molds, safe and sound......OUTSIDE! They were only 99 cents each at Goodwill, and thank goodness the person standing directly in front of them didn't seem to be at all interested in them. Because I might have resembled one of those lizards with the really long tongue that darts out and grabs it's prey in a split second! So I tried, I really really tried to resist the urge to decorate. Hopefully by this time next year, Cupcake will be slower and fatter and a bit more mature, so I can spend weeks decorating and more weeks packing it all away again. It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year!!!


  1. Carol,
    Your decorations are wonderful! We have had 7 kittens over the past 6 years, so we've resigned ourselves to Christmas tree antics...but you're right. Next year will be a little calmer...

  2. Oh you're brave! But so am I. :) We keep a good eye on our kitty and never leave her unattended.

    I ♥ your silver tree with a ll those cool ornaments! That's a real nice Flickr friend ya got there. :)

    Have you been by to see my Christmas hutch?

  3. Dear Carol-

    If it's not kids, grandkids, it's kitties! It's so much work to keep all the Santa's and the ornaments, the elves and angels, all safe from a kitten's paws. Up high works dandy! I love your Christmas cuties!

    All is well in my little corner of the world. I've been working my fanny off at the thrift store building displays. It's been really fun to see all the vintage Christmas stuff come in and it has sold well. That gives me hope...we are buying up the past!

    We will spend the holidays with my family in Seattle. We just found out yesterday the grandbaby on the way is a little boy. Due mid May and Kara getting married June 2nd...

    All is happy!
    Stay merry and bright!
    Much love,

  4. You have such lovely Christmas decorations, Carol! That tree topper is gorgeous!!

  5. I'm so glad you decorated. When Charlie was a baby he was very interested in all the ornaments and decorations, now he is much calmer. Love your new tree topper. I am looking for something special like that! What a great friend to send that to you! Did she make it? hugs, Linda

  6. The tree topper is amazing. Is it hand made. Gorgeous. Dear kitty is sure to leave it all alone. Mine spends more time darting in and out of our trees. It all looks so beautiful. Merry Christmas....Renee

  7. Oh how I love all your vintage decor. That angel is adorable. Is your whole house decorated in vintage goodies?

  8. The decor is very lovely. Love the silver tree and its topper. I wish you luck with keeping Cupcake away from things. They are little rascals!!

  9. Love ALL the vintage decor!!!! Adorable!! Thanks for sharing - soon Cupcakes will be content to not search and destroy!!

    Blessed Christmas to you and all your family!!!

  10. I'm having some tree topper + blow mold envy! :-) Maybe you're kitty won't climb an aluminum tree...? Our cats always climbed our live trees and a couple of artifical ones but only because we specifically told them not to. Meow.

    Happy Holidays!

  11. Carol,
    The decorations are just so sweet!! I have never a Christmas tree blow mold like yours!! I am so happy that I found your blog this past summer!! IT lead me to the wonderful world of blogs and to lots of sweet new friends this year. My home is decorated with wonderful gifts that they have sent me this year. Please email me your address so I can you a sweet Thank you and a little something to keep Cupcake busy and awake from your Christmas decor,my email is
    Merry Christmas!

  12. It looks so wonderful I see you collect blow molds too, and you have a wonderful collection! You have so many wonderful places to display them.... I wish I could find mine at a Goodwill, but no luck this year! I have gotten some on Etsy and Ebay pretty cheap...I just love how you decorate Carol! And yes, Kitty can get to all of those places if she wants to! LOL Be careful! :):) Sandy

  13. I love seeing all your vintage Christmas decorations....blessings to you and yours this Christmas season.

  14. I am lucky I do not have to decorate around kids or pets - I can go all out and not worry too much. I only keep a watchful eye when my nieces and nephews pop over....

  15. love that tree topper and of course all the vintage christmas!! oooohhhh!

  16. I hope kitty stays on the floor and is a good kitty so she will get a present!
    LOVE the tree topper! Very cool! All your Christmas decor speaks to me!
    Warmest Christmas Blessings!

  17. SQUEAL! Your blow molds are just amazing!!! I'm so glad you decorated for Christmas. I always enjoy seeing glimpses of your home. We've been keeping a close eye on our kitten (she is wild thing) but I just had to decorate our house too.

    Christmas hugs!

  18. Don't let that kitty boss you around! I'm so glad you decided to decorate in spite of her "naughtiness." I love your silver tree. As I dug through all my Christmas decor I found 3 vintage aluminum trees! I only need one so the other two are on craigslist! Have a Blessed Christmas, Carol!

  19. Love all your blow molds - I found a large Santa this week - I couldn't believe it was sitting there and that the price was ony $4.

  20. Hi Carol,
    Nice to see your comment on my site. Yes you do need a tree like mine, I'm sure if antoneone can find one its you.
    Lots of cute decorations you have, I love the older ones, they seem to have more charm.
    Nancy Jo

  21. Even if you had to cut back a little on your decorating, it looks great! I really love the top of your cabinet.

  22. We have a very energetic puppy who is chew happy, I was very nervous about our tree and packages, but she has been so good. Love your blow molds, I have a small collection myself. They make me verrry happy. Merry Christmas!

  23. Hi Carol, Oh how I can see that cute kitty frolicing between the branches. just kidding, please don't worry. Love your blow molds! I did not know that's what they were called. My mom had two candles on each side of our door growing up. I have a large Santa outside. I guess he would be called a blow mold too. I spied that darling turquoise radio. It made my heart skip a beat. Always love what you do!


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