Sunday, January 22, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
I found that piece of pottery on the right a week or two ago, but I can't remember where I got it! I used to be able to remember where I got every single thing! Some might say that it's a sign of getting old. I say, I've got way too much junk!
I've been trying to go antiquing once a week, and it's so nice when you see new things in the booths, like these Lefton S&P shakers. I only wish that they changed their merchandise at the same time that we bloggers start decorating for each holiday. There should not still be Christmas stuff on the shelves! Am I right?
After going to three antique malls in one day, these are the only valentine-y things I came home with. Love them, but where is all the valentine stuff???
I saw these bunnies while I was Christmas shopping, and it just didn't feel right to be buying something for myself at the time. What a relief to see that they were still there when I returned for them!
So what's the situation at your antique stores? Did you find anything exciting over the weekend?!


  1. Great finds! I love the little birdies! And I agree where is the valentine stuff? Blessings from Alabama.

  2. Fun finds. I used to remember how much I paid for every item without writing it down. Not so much now and I was explaining to my son the other day tha I think it's because of the sheer volume of junk I now buy. Surely my brain still works!!! Enjoy.

  3. Hello, Carol! What sweet blue birds! And don't you just have your blog decorated so cute for valentines day, too.

    I haven't been to our antique mall since right after Christmas but i'm due to go again soon. ♥

  4. Those little flower faces are darling. I love your finds of course. I can think of nothing better than an hour or two strolling through the local antique store.
    I didn't see any Valentine stuff now that you mention it?

  5. Wow! You got a lot of great things, expecially those adorable bunnies and those face flower vases!



  6. Love your little Valentine girls! I was at two antique malls on the weekend - Valentine items were practically non-existent there too!

  7. I never see any Valentines stuff. And there was hardly in Christmas stuff out this year.
    The vase is wonderful!

  8. Those birds are so cute! I am glad you got your bunnies!

    I don't have a problem with things being sold out of season. I have a hard time wanting to buy new Christmas things when I have so many gifts to buy, so buying out of season is great. I just bought a silver tree 2 weeks ago!

    Yesterday was our big flea market and it drove me nuts not to go. But I told myself that if I am going to spend money, it will be on the house. I have so much junque that I have things boxed away. I should shop in my garage!

  9. I went to one thrift last week and found a few items but nothing Valentine's! I haven't been to my antique mall lately but might just have to make a trip this week. I'm trying to cut back on purchases...really I am! hugs, Linda

  10. Oh I really wanted to antique mall shop this weekend but the time just didn't work out. I've got a few things on my list. I have my eye out for a children's record player made in the 1950's, I had one as a child and REALLY want one. I have some records to play on it. I adore the little blue birds they are very sweet.
    Happy Week! Ann

  11. Definately has to be that we have too much junk to keep track any more :>) I switched my space over to Valentine things a couple weeks ago. Just don't have as much V stuff as Christmas suff.

  12. OOOOOOO what great finds. I hope you can come over to a new party I'm co-hosting at Etsy Cottage Style Blogspot
    Welcome to the Cottage Craft Room
    You can come by my blog and enter thru my bloglist. You mihjy have fun!

  13. Oh, you Know I love that piece of pottery! I found a nice mother motto print yesterday and a sewing machine drawer. Two of my favorite things to collect. Have a great week! Twyla

  14. Carol,
    How cute!!! I just love those little flower faced sweeties! Those Lefton birds are a find for sure!!!! I have got to get out now that the weather is so nice and hit some garage sales....

  15. Hi Carol,
    Nice blue bird S&P!!! LOVE the pottery pieces. Valentine decor is so limited. Hard to find for sure. I'm hanging on to my few pieces.

  16. Ahh, great finds! You have the best stuff on your blog! xx

  17. New follower! You rock and I am totally intrigued by your Junk :)



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