Friday, January 13, 2012


Once Christmas is over and but a distant memory, I find myself yearning for Spring and my gardens!And it doesn't help when these start arriving in the mail! Unfortunately here in Illinois, there won't be any flowers to look at outside until April.
So instead, I surround myself with flowers inside the house. I try to have some fresh flowers in that vase at all times. Do you have an Aldi store near you? Their bouquets are only $3.99! You've probably noticed by now that I didn't iron that beautiful vintage tablecloth before I put it on the table.
Why bother, when I know that a certain kitty will be all over it! I've tried to keep Cupcake off the table, but......she's a cat and cats do whatever they please, don't they?

The floral curtains and rugs and pillows are all back out, after a short winter's nap.
I made the pillow in the middle this week, with scraps from those other two pillows that I made a while back. That couch is old. My Mom remembers it from when she was little, and she's going to be 87 next month! It's extremely uncomfortable, but I'll never part with it!

Well I thought I had made a cute little pillow.......
but it's really a big, soft CAT TOY. Check out that action shot!
OK, so it's positively Spring-y inside the house......
but it's definitely Winter outside! We finally got some long overdue snow, and Smokey the Bear thinks we're in store for many more weeks of Winter.
Mr. Squirrel agrees!

So while it's Winter in the gardens, I'll just sit back and enjoy my little Spring-y house, and wait for Mother Nature to catch up!


  1. I love, love your sofa!!!! Your house looks very warm and springy inside!

  2. I buy flowers too every week, it really makes a difference in the middle of winter.

  3. Let me say I love your tablecloth...and I have the very same problem with my cats! they eat and knock over my bouquets so they are usually put up somewhere, but I love them on the dining table. We got snow here is SW IL and are suppose to get more today. I think you got that couch out of my Grandmothers house! I wish I had some of those old big chairs and couchs, they were comfy and sturdy!

  4. Cuuuute pillow, Carol! Well done! ♥

  5. Yes, even here in the South we yearn for Spring. Great tablecloth :-)

    Jocelyn @

  6. My Grandma Zetta had that couch in green! Lucky you, to still have a "grandma couch." I spent many a night on Grandma's couch. I was sleeping on it the night before Easter when she told me about the Big Rabbit that brings Easter eggs. I was terrified...waiting in the night for a freakishly large rabbit to creep in. And I thought I had repressed that memory...=D

  7. Love your springy home!! We have had unseasonably good weather which is supposed to turn to winter this weekend. UGH.....the yearning begins.

  8. Carol, we only got a dusting from that system that came through. But boy was it windy and cold. I am still frozen.
    I would of never notice that the tablecloth wasn't ironed. LOL!
    I received only one seed catalog so far. I need to decide wheather I am going to plant beans this year. I have had to buy store bought green beans for the first time in several years and you know what? They are horrible! They squeek when you chew them!
    Spring will be here in no time and then we will be melting in the Summer. Don't you think we deserve a mild Summer this year?

  9. PS, I love the sofa! My friend who has the cute shop had a matching chair!! It is gone now. I wish you had it for your sofa!

  10. Sounds like a good plan to me! Doing the same thing here.

  11. Love your pillow (aka at toy). Beautiful flowers. Stay warm and toasty.

  12. My Grama has one of those couches in the basement; ah, the glorious discomfort of sitting on mohair in shorts! She used crocheted doilies on the back and arms; those I have, the couch is only a memory...

  13. I can't keep fresh flowers to save my life...because I have a cat that thinks they are just delicious. Enjoy all your Spring like additions. Smiles...Renee

  14. I love your pink phone! ,! have one too .We are in the middle of summer hee ,I am loving picking flowers everyday.

  15. You find and make the cutest things...I'm trying to keep some flowers on my dining table from now until Spring because it is the only way I'm going to survive! Looking at Seed catalogues helps me get through too!
    By the way, your blog link is a permanent link in my blog list!

  16. Hi Carol, love your naughty kitty, Cupcake. I once had a cat who would drink out of ANY open container that had water and we have many pictures of Ernie drinking out of flower vases. Needless to say, bouquests had to be put in very heavy vases or they would be knocked over. We put up with a lot for our fur babies, don't we?

  17. So there's finally some snow in your neck of the woods. My aunt is in Michigan -- wonder if they got some, too. Our Jingles is always on the dining table and has a tendency to eat all the new flowers and plants brought into the house. :/ Your kitty sure loves that pillow you made. Hope your day is great. Tammy

  18. Oh flowers in the house make me happy also. Well and cute cat to play with. Stay warm! Hugs, Linda

  19. Hi Carol, Still no snow here. In fact, it's been so warm that the Winter decor just looked weird. Started pulling out the Valentines. Well of course the kitty thinks she belongs on the table. After all, her name is Cupcake. Love the cloth and your whole house looks so warm and inviting!


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