Sunday, February 26, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Well I must say that it's been very hard finding junk recently, because I haven't really been looking! Normally, I would stop at every single thrift store when I'd pass them, but I guess I got burned out doing that at Christmastime. However, that break was very short-lived, and now I'm ready to track down junk with gusto!
I've been looking at this little Crown bird cage for a few months now, and finally decided to bring it home and trap some pottery deer in there!
Vintage seed packets, some with seeds still in them. They're like little works of art, aren't they?
I couldn't pass up that tray. It's just goes too perfectly with the green and yellow pottery!
Nor could I pass up this cute record to go with my old record player. SING & BE HAPPY!
I finally found this issue of Coronet magazine, after years of searching. I LOVE anything Halloween-y!
I also had to have these cute little school books.
The illustrations are just adorable!
I'm always looking for additions to my holiday collections, so I was quite pleased to find that old valentine planter. And on my front porch, I found a package with that elf inside. Geez, he's cute! Maureen, of Nest 'n Feathers, sent him to me. She said that when she found him, she thought of me. Isn't that one of the nicest things a person can ever hear? Thank you Maureen, for thinking of me!
Well, there seems to be some red in every single picture, so I'll be linking up to REDNESDAY over at It's A Very Cherry World too!


  1. You found more Valentines? Must just not have any in my neck of the woods. Love the seed packets. I have the same tray in red. Goes great with your green and yellow mccoy.

  2. Love what you trapped. Found my crown years ago at the thrift when they carried the real junk. Sweet finds as ever...smiles...Renee

  3. Oh, I would love to have that magazine. October/Halloween is my favorite time of year.

  4. Loving your pottery and your elf!! I collect both. The elves I collect do not have ears (except one does) that are like yours, but it is from about the same era.
    I did some antiqueing this past weekend. You inspire me to post my finds.
    Have a great week!
    Ladybug Creek

  5. Ohhhh, those vintage seed packs. I saw the other day, on some smart blogger's blog... Stringing a string at her kitchen window, and hanging seed packs on the string.

    But perhaps you'd not want to do that, with vintage ones.

    But all of is could do it, with new packs of seeds.

    I should be giving credit to the lady who posted this, but I don't remember. -sigh-

    "May night had fallen soft and warm, enwrapping with its grape-bloom colour and its scents
    the billion caprices, intrigues, passions, longings, and regrets of men and women."

    ~The Forsyte Saga Quotes

  6. Love your finds! The little deer are so sweet, as is their bird cage home!

  7. Record players were so much fun ... I'm not familiar with that particular record but I bet I know just what it sounds like.

  8. Those seed packages are great!!
    You found some neat goodies!!!

  9. I have food, and you always have wonderful thrifted treasures. :) They sure don't make seed packets like that anymore. Hope you are having a great day. Best wishes for the rest of the week. Tammy

  10. Carol,
    Funny I was thinking about you yesterday, well not funny, but you know. Anyway there you were on my site this morning. Oh for heaven sakes.
    I got a couple of those flea market magazines, and one of them had a lot of those picnic tins in that we like. I didn't think she should have that many. You know?
    I have been looking for a small bird cage myself, sure I will find one at some point. You found lots of cute things for your comeback spree.
    Nancy Jo

  11. Great trappings! I always enjoy your latest weekend finds. Wonderful goodies. Those seed packets are the perfect inspiration for spring/summer and who can pass up a good record!! Love the Halloween magazine too.

  12. Cute record, Carol!

    Yes, to be thought of by another blogger is the sweetest thing!

    My junking has slowed down because my house is not only dirty but cluttered, too! I must *DO* something with my finds- not just let them pile up! ♥

  13. I love that your back on the junkin trail! The deer look so cute in that bird cage! Love the old books also. Always fun to visit here! Hugs, Linda

  14. Carol I love all of your finds! Keep on junkin'! ;) Sandie

  15. Hi Carol,
    Sweet bird cage. So useful for vignettes!
    Glad you found some treasures!

  16. Oh I just love that Coronet magazine! I have never seen it in person but as a traditional Halloween lover, I am so excited for you! Maggie

  17. How do you manage to always find such wonderful treasures??? Love it all, especially the seed packets. Is snow headed your way today?

  18. Just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed my visit to your blog :) I love flea markets, garage sales and collecting!!!

    You really found some wonderful treasures over the weekend :)


  19. Coronets are so fun. Love them and the images in those school book are awesome. But that little elf in the red outfit... um, his face may haunt me dreams tonight.

  20. Fun finds Carol! I can see why you couldn't pass up the tray. I never have ran across one of those, weird huh? Hubby and I went on a get away last weekend. I found a few treasures of my own. I haven't blogged about them yet.

  21. The school books have to be my fav. Wish they still made books like that! Thank you for sharing!


  22. That's beautiful trap and the deer are awesome.

    Mary, MI

  23. Love your thrifty finds! The colors are all so bright and cheery. I am especially drawn to the bright yellows and greens. So pretty!

  24. love the school books. great finds.

    are you looking for Coronet books? I have like 10 I have been wanting to sell. very reasonable.
    let me know.

    thanks for visiting
    barbara jean

  25. I love your pictures, I love your finds, and I love how you ended one of your sentences: "... junk with gusto."

  26. Hi Carol!

    Thanks for stopping by!

    Fantasic finds here - as always!

    Wishing you a lovely weekend too!

  27. You always amaze me with your wonderful finds ! I love them all, but those vintage seed packets are striking my fancy. I think we all ready for Spring to come!

  28. Well, did you? . . . "Sing and be happy", I mean! I would love to find vintage seed paks in my area - maybe this is the year!

  29. Yes, I agree, knowing someone over the hills and dales has been thinking of you, gets out their coin purse and lays down their precious thrift dimes for you is an amazing honor like honey to a bee!

    Happy SPRING...I am still trying to find it, but I know it's coming. Rain, rain, please go away!

    Have a merry March and watch out for little cute green men!

    xx oo Jacqueline

  30. I love that the "junking" season is fast approaching. What adorable finds. I am a new follower.
    Laura from ImSoVintage

  31. What fun finds! Bring on the garage sales! I especially love the green pottery in all your photos.


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