Friday, March 16, 2012

GREEN--In The Garden and St. Patrick's Day Decorations

Things are really poppin' in the gardens.....already! I even missed taking pictures of a couple of things, because I just wasn't fast enough!
The crocuses are poking through the leaves that I haven't raked yet because it's too early to rake the leaves! The leaves are there to protect the plants from snow and frost that I feel is still just around the corner, even though we've been in the 70s all week. Our normal temps should be in the mid 40s!
A white Lenten Rose, or Hellebore. I love these, because they bloom for months.
Another Lenten Rose.
And more crocuses.

I absolutely love when gardening season begins. It seems there's something new in bloom every day! And I would LOVE to find a garden cart like the one above. I'd gladly give up one small piece of junk, just to make room for it!
Anybody doing anything fun for St. Patrick's Day? Our town had their parade and festivities last weekend, so we'll be celebrating with some corned beef and cabbage.
Here are my decorations. There were more, but I forgot to take pictures of them. And now it's all packed away, and I've started decorating for Easter. Do you realize that it'll be here in a couple of weeks? That's barely enough time to enjoy those decorations! Oh, and our flea market opens on Sunday. WOO HOO! Wish me luck!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


  1. My grandparents had that exact garden cart. Such memories! I remember raking leaves at their house and filling the cart and then putting our dolls in the cart and pulling them around the yard. Gorgeous blooms, Carol.

    Happy spring!

  2. Obviously, Grandma knew what she was doing - mine also had one of those green garden carts...what memories. You could tip it forward and rake right into the cart - it was stable in that position.
    Thanks for the momories.

  3. Happy St Patty's Day.

    You should of been with me at the antique mall the other day. There were two of the carts. One I really wanted for only about 35.00. But I have one that I picked up for 5.00 at an estate sale! It ia green. I would like to find a red one, too. But why would I need two?

  4. Coming home yesterday from the store I could not believe the things blooming in my yard...I just had not seen them. I'm going out with my camera today. Happy St Pat's day. I'm ready to get my Easter out for sure! hugs, Linda

  5. Should of known you would have little Irish lasses! Happy St Patrick's Day. Off to a flea/antique market to find all those things you love too!

  6. I didn't realize they were called Lenten roses as well. I have only known them as Helebore. Gorgeous in the garden. Happy St. Paddy's day to you...smiles...Renee

  7. Looks like I missed some good posts about your recent finds! Enjoyed catching up! I'm LOVING the weather also. I should see if anything is "peaking" in my yard!

  8. enjoying seeing things pop up in our yard, but wish we had some of your 70 weather!
    happy st. patty's!

  9. Leave it to you to have a fun fun post! What beautiful different flowers! And guess what, that ad you have? My folks had one of these exact models! It brought back a ton of memories....Happy St.Pat's Day to you to Carol! :) Hugs, Sandy
    My husband is Irish and guess what I get to make in the crock pot??? YUK! lol

  10. We still have cold and rainy but our Lenton roses are them, too.

  11. Your flowers are beautiful! Things are popping up here in Philly too! Happy St. Patty's Day:@)

  12. Fabulous weather here, too - I think we're going to have daffodils in March, which has never happened here. Do you really think that garden cart would take all the work out of gardening? If so - count me in!

  13. Tis almost time for the junk parade to begin. I do believe those little green men arrived in time to give you all the luck you will ever need.

    I have a friend that one of the things we do is trade our junk. It makes life magical. Somewhat like a big bowl of Lucky Charms. We are silly about it, a pair of vintage Barbie shoes for a baby Kewpie dress...all in the name of fun, we celebrate luck monthly. I highly recommend the fun!

  14. Hi Carol, oh I love that cart also! I too am a gardening addict. I spent the entire day outside doing Spring clean up on Fri. Things are popping up all over no blooms yet. Other than the Heather has a few pink buds that have opened. Woke up to 2" of snow this moring. It's a given in Utah. No worries, will be gone by morning. Just a good drink for the plants and lawns. Hubby got fertilizer on just in time.

  15. I am in Utah too. I just watched another batch of snow fall. The birds in the feeders seem to like it...but I would really love some sunshine before the weekday starts. =D

  16. I love this time of year but I'm kind of disoriented because of the no-snow winter. My crocuses are out too.


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