Sunday, April 8, 2012


Thanks for tuning in to another episode of My Weekend Finds, the continuing saga of one girl's quest for more junk!
Thanks to everyone for the birthday wishes! I had a great day, and received some very nice presents that I'd like to share.
I'm cuckoo for this picnic basket! So pretty and Springy and that yellow is just yummy, isn't it?
I've got it sitting on top of another basket, next to the couch. They both hold lots of magazines.
My wonderful sister gave me these gorgeous pieces of pottery that she found at an estate sale while she was in Texas.
Another picnic basket. It's not in the best shape, so I gave it a couple of coats of clear spraypaint to seal it, and it's now sitting on the front porch under that old bread box. Sparrows have been going in and out of that birdhouse all week, and all I can think is: They better not poop on my basket!!!
I found this little vintage birdcage at an antique store. It's the smallest cage I've ever seen.
I set it next to a regular sized cage, just so you can see how small it is. What was it used for? I hate to think of a bird living out it's life in that teeny cage. Maybe it was used to bring the bird to the vet? Does anyone know how it was used?
Thanks to Leslie over at Brookhollow Lane, I've decided that I need to start collecting Rand McNally Elf books that I remember from my childhood!
Well, that's it for my finds. Remember, there's still time to enter my giveaway, if you're interested. Just click HERE. So, did you find any goodies over the weekend?


  1. Your daisy picnic basket is divine and I'm completely smitten with your pottery. Have a wonderful week!

  2. Stunning picnic baskets...I for one hope they multiply like rabbits..Ha! Haven't seen one in those luscious colors yet. So nice to see you had such a wonderful birthday..smiles...Renee

  3. I'm cuckoo for picnic baskets, myself. You found some really neat stuff--makes me want to go thrifting, right this very minute.

    Have a great day!

  4. You found some great things!
    That is a great picnic basket!
    That was nice of your sister to bring you back the pottery! WooHoo!

    Have a great week!

  5. That gorgeous pottery caught my eye! What a great gift. Of course I love all you picnic do have the best collection! Glad you had a wonderful birthday! Have a great Monday. Hugs, Linda

  6. That aqua pottery is just GORGEOUS! How lucky you are to have a sister who would give those to you--I don't have any sisters, but I'm not sure I'd have been able to part with them! LOL Love that cute picnic basket, too!

  7. The picnic tin is great! I also love the pottery set- what a nice present to get. Happy belated birthday!

  8. HI Carol,
    Well of course I'm pretty sure I need all of the things you got for your Birthday. The people around you really made great picks for you. What a nice Birthday you had. We should live closer together, that way when we went junking we could see who could get to the good stuff the fastest. Or we could be nice and share, probably not.HA.
    Nancy Jo

  9. You are one lucky girl! I love the little birdcage. And the picnic basket-well you know how I feel about those. I'm glad you decided to collect Little Elf Books-they are charming and uh oh-habit forming!
    Glad you had a nice Bday!

  10. I have a thing for aqua pottery all of a sudden, and seeing yours made me want pieces just like them. Somewhere last week I missed your birthday, I think - so happy birthday!

  11. Clever idea to store your magazines in the picnic baskets!! My magazines are scattered all around the house :(

  12. I have a birdcage that same size, but in chippy green. No clue as to why it is so small tho...just know it is dang cute!

  13. Wonderful Gifts and finds! I love the vases from your sister!
    Looks like you had a very Happy Birthday!

  14. I remembered the Elf books after I started pinning on Pinterest, I found one that I used to have - Four Little Puppies, it's so cute!

  15. Nice birthday gifts. The pottery caught my eye and the sweet little bird cage.
    I did find a treasure this weekend.
    I'll post about it tonight.

  16. Happy belated birthday wishes. What a load of lovely goodies. Love the picnic basket that is pretty. I hope you have some baby birds if the swallows are going in and out ;-) dee x

  17. Love the picnic basket...I have never seen it before...I better be looking!

  18. What adorable picnic baskets! Love that you use and display them so they make your heart happy every day.

  19. Loved seeing your picnic baskets. I am on the lookout for some cute metal ones like yours. I believe your little metal cage is a small animal cage. When I was a child, we had a little cage like yours. It was the cage of my pet (rescued from the cat) wild house mouse named Hercules. He lived for three years in his little cage. Besides his regular rodent food, he loved cookies and all things sweet, turned his nose up at cheese. He became quite chubby and very tame and had a permanently crooked tail from where the cat was holding him when I rescued him. Thanks for the memory jog. I hadn't thought about Hercules the housemouse in years.

  20. I just wanted to add that Hercules didn't spend every minute of his three years in the little cage. He had a play area in a big galvanized tub. He had a wheel to run in and TP tubes to hide in and chew on. He had to spend time in the cage for his own protection because our cat was an inside-outside cat. Hercules got a lot of attention. That was back in the 1960s, pre electronic era.

  21. You always have such interesting finds. And, I get such great ideas from you as well.

    I saw a table made out of a suitcase on another blog but I think I would prefer to make it with your medal hampers. I could clear-coat them to prevent rust and use them on my back patio to hold small gardening supplies.

    thanks for stopping by my cornfield post this week.

  22. Good grief Glory Girl! 'Haven't heard from you for a while. Just checking in to see if you have come out of the pretty garden yet!


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